You add the VMware Aria Operations analytics cluster and VMware Cloud Proxy appliances to the existing Photon OS Agent Group in VMware Aria Operations for Logs.


  1. Log in to VMware Aria Operations for Logs at https://<aria_operations_for_logs_fqdn> with a user assigned the Super admin role.
  2. On the main navigation bar, click Administration.
  3. In the left pane, click Management > Agents.

  4. From the All Agents drop-down menu, for the Linux - Systemd agent, click the Copy Template icon.

  5. In the Copy Agent Group dialog box, enter Photon OS (IOM) - Appliance Agent Group as name and click COPY.

  6. On the Agents page, configure the default filter for the new agent.

    1. From the first drop-down menu, select Hostname.

    2. From the second drop-down menu, select matches.

    3. In the text box, enter the FQDNs of the VMware Aria Operations cluster nodes and VMware Cloud Proxy appliances.

  7. Click Refresh Data icon and verify that the agent listed in the filter appear in the Agents list.

  8. At the bottom of the page, click SAVE NEW GROUP.