You can license VMware Aria Automation individually or as part of VMware Aria Suite. If you have not added the VMware Aria Suite license to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle as part of another solution, you can add the license to the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle locker before deploying VMware Aria Automation. Alternatively, during the deployment, you can add the license.

UI Procedure

  1. Log in to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle at https://<aria_suite_lifecycle_fqdn> as vcfadmin@local.
  2. On the My services page, click Locker.
  3. In the navigation pane, click Licenses.

  4. To add the license manually, click Add license manually, enter the VMware Aria Suite or VMware Aria Automation license alias and key according to your VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook.

  5. Click Validate.

  6. After successful validation, click Add.

PowerShell Procedure

  1. Start PowerShell.

  2. Replace the values in the sample code with values from your VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook and run the commands in the PowerShell console.

    $sddcManagerFqdn = ""
    $sddcManagerUser = "[email protected]"
    $sddcManagerPass = "VMw@re1!"
    $licenseAlias = "VMware Aria Automation"
  3. Perform the configuration by running the command in the PowerShell console.

    New-vRSLCMLockerLicense -server $sddcManagerFqdn -user $sddcManagerUser -pass $sddcManagerPass -alias $licenseAlias -license $licenseKey