Hybridity Services includes all services that you can offer your customers to connect the on-prem data centers to their cloud data centers.

A few examples of the Hybridity services are listed below.
  • Migration of vSphere VM workloads between an on-prem and a cloud data center.
  • Temporary or permanent stretching of Layer-2 networks between an on-prem and a cloud data center.
  • Disaster Recovery (DR) to protect on-prem vSphere workloads to fail over to a cloud data center and conversely, if there was a disaster or a planned maintenance.
  • Provide a single view between cloud and on-prem vSphere resources to provide seamless management of on-prem and cloud data center resources.
Note: The above Hybridity services are just a few examples and do not provide the complete listing of services which might be offered with the VCPS solution.