Perform a bring-up without NFS using this API call.
Example: Body of the request
{ "bringupSpec": { "dataCenter": { "name": "MGMT_DC", "managementFolder": "MGMT_VMs", "clusters": { "management": { "name": "MGMT_CLU", "vsanClusterSpec": { "deduplication": true, "compression": true }, "evcMode": "disabled", "hosts": [ { "username": "root", "password": "Skoda1!", "type": "PRIMARY", "vmknicSpecs": { "esxiMgmt": { "ipSpec": { "ip": "", "subnet": "", "fqdn": "", "gw": "" }, "type": "ESXi_MGMT", "name": "vmk0", "vlanId": 0 }, "vsan": { "ipSpec": { "ip": "", "subnet": "", "gw": "" }, "type": "VSAN", "name": "vmk1", "vlanId": 0 }, "vmotion": { "ipSpec": { "ip": "", "subnet": "", "gw": "" }, "type": "VMOTION_PG", "name": "vmk2", "vlanId": 0 } }, "pnicSpec": { "uplink1": { "name": "vmnic0" }, "uplink2": { "name": "vmnic1" } }, "vsanDiskSpec": { "autoDiskGroups": true, "diskGroups": [] } }, { "username": "root", "password": "Skoda1!", "type": "SECONDARY", "vmknicSpecs": { "esxiMgmt": { "ipSpec": { "ip": "", "subnet": "", "fqdn": "", "gw": "" }, "type": "ESXi_MGMT", "name": 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