You can use Single-Sign-On to log in with an Identity Provider using SAML. You can find out how to set up these Single-Sign-On solutions in the following guides.

Notes about Single Sign-On

The following are important caveats about Cloud Web Security Single Sign On.
  1. The Cloud Web Security backend re-authentication value is set to 30 days by default.
  2. Every time you change the policy, you need to log in again with your browser (otherwise the old authentication cookie will stay the same).
  3. You can trigger a re-authentication by clearing the cache on your browser, restarting your browser or opening a new incognito mode session.
  4. Please also note that it may take up to an hour for the group changes in your IdP to show up correctly in logs or for group based rules to work. This is because the group memberships are stored for an hour.