The following tables list notification events and activity events currently available from the VMware Cloud on AWS Activity Log and VMware Aria Operations for Logs.

For information about setting your notification preferences to include or exclude notifications available in the email channel, see Set Notification Preferences. Certain notifications are unavailable in the email channel by default but can be made available in that channel by contacting VMware support and asking to opt-in.

For more information on identifying the notification and activity events in VMware Aria Operations for Logs see Using the VMware Aria Operations for Logs Service.

Maintenance Related Notifications

Display Name Template ID Description Email Channel
Maintenance Change Window Complete MaintenanceChangeWindowComplete vCenter Server upgrade is complete. (Used only in version 1.8 and earlier.) Yes
Maintenance Change Canceled MaintenanceChangeCanceled A scheduled upgrade of an SDDC has been canceled. Yes
Host Patching Complete HostPatchingComplete SDDC Upgrade has completed. (Used only in version 1.8 and earlier.) Yes
DFC Deduplication Scheduled DFC-DedupeScheduled A DFC change to an SDDC has been scheduled. Yes
DFC Deduplication Start DFC-DedupeStart A DFC change to an SDDC has begun. Yes
DFC Deduplication Complete DFC-DedupeComplete A DFC change to an SDDC has completed. Yes
DFC Deduplication Canceled DFC-DedupeCanceled A DFC change to an SDDC has been canceled. Yes
Initial Rollout Scheduled NSX-T-InitialRolloutScheduling An upgrade of an SDDC has been scheduled. (Used only in version 1.8 and earlier when using NSX.) Yes
Control Plane Window Started NSX-T-ControlPlaneWindowStarted vCenter Server upgrade has begun. (Used only in version 1.8 and earlier.) Yes
Host Networking Started NSX-T-HostNetworkingStarted NSX upgrade has begun. (Used only in version 1.8 and earlier.) Yes
Host Networking Complete NSX-T-HostNetworkingComplete NSX upgrade has completed. (Used only in version 1.8 and earlier.) Yes
Reschedule Notification NSX-T-RescheduleNotification A scheduled upgrade of an SDDC has been rescheduled. (Used only in version 1.8 and prior when using NSX.) Yes
V2-RolloutScheduled V2-RolloutScheduled An upgrade of an SDDC has been scheduled. (Used in version 1.9 and later.) Yes
V2-RolloutRescheduled V2-RolloutRescheduled An upgrade of an SDDC has been rescheduled (Used in version 1.9 and later.) Yes
V2-RolloutCancelled V2-RolloutCancelled An upgrade of an SDDC has been canceled (Used in version 1.9 and later.) Yes
V2-Phase1Started V2-Phase1Started Upgrade of the SDDC Control Plane has begun. (Used in version 1.9 and later.) Yes
V2-Phase1Completed V2-Phase1Completed Upgrade of the SDDC Control Plane has completed. (Used in version 1.9 and later.) Yes
V2-Phase2Started V2-Phase2Started Upgrade of the ESXi hosts in an SDDC has begun. (Used in version 1.9 and later.) Yes
V2-Phase2Completed V2-Phase2Completed Upgrade of the ESXi hosts in an SDDC has completed. (Used in version 1.9 and later.) Yes
V2-Phase3Started V2-Phase3Started Upgrade of NSX Manager has begun. (Used in version 1.9 and later.) Yes
V2-Phase3Completed V2-Phase3Completed Upgrade of NSX Manager has completed. (Used in version 1.9 and later). Yes
V2-MaintenanceDelayed V2-MaintenanceDelayed Upgrade of an SDDC has been delayed. (Used in version 1.9 and later.) Yes
AZ failure simulation has started AZfailuresimulationtestinghasstarted Simulation of an AZ failure has started for a stretched cluster. Yes
AZ failure simulation has completed successfully AZfailuresimulationtestingcomplete Simulation of an AZ failure has completed successfully for a stretched cluster. Yes
AZ failure simulation completed with exceptions AZfailuresimulationtestingcompletedwithexceptions Simulation of an AZ failure has completed for a stretched cluster. During the simulation, some VMs could not be recovered. Verify that these VMs have correct storage policies applied and sufficient resources available for recovery. Yes

SDDC Upgrade Notifications

Display Name Template ID Description Email Channel
Add temporary ESX hosts VRTAddHostCompleted Successfully added temporary host to each cluster. No
Backup of management VMs VRTBackupCompleted Successfully completed backup of management VMs. No
Control plane upgrade VRTControlPlaneUpgradeCompleted Control plane upgrade completed successfully. No
Data plane health check VRTDataPlaneHealthCompleted Data plane health check completed successfully. No
Data plane upgrade VRTDataPlaneUpgradeCompleted Data plane upgrade completed successfully. No
SDDC upgrade health check VRTHealthCheckCompleted SDDC upgrade health check completed successfully. No
Host network upgrade VRTNetworkingUpgradeCompleted Network upgrade of hosts in all clusters completed successfully. No
NSX controller upgrade VRTNSXControllersUpgradeCompleted Upgrade of NSX Controllers completed successfully. No
NSX edge upgrade VRTNSXEdgesUpgradeCompleted Upgrade of NSX Edges completed successfully. No
NSX manager upgrade VRTNSXManagerUpgradeCompleted Upgrade of NSX Manager completed successfully. No
POP upgrade VRTPopUpgradeCompleted POP upgrade completed successfully. No
Remove temporary ESX hosts VRTRemoveHostCompleted Successfully removed the temporary host from clusters. No
Stage upgrade bundles VRTStagingCompleted Successfully staged the upgrade bundles. No
UC Upgrade VRTUCUpgradeCompleted Successfully upgraded the NSX Upgrade Co-ordinator. No
Upgrade Issue VRTUpgradeFailed Issue encountered during upgrade. VMware is working to resolve the issue No
SDDC upgrade maintenance VRTUpgradeMaintenanceCompleted SDDC is out of maintenance. No
vCenter upgrade VRTvCenterUpgradeCompleted vCenter upgrade completed successfully. No
vCenter upgrade started VRTvCenterUpgradeStarted vCenter upgrade started. No
NSX Edge downtime VRTNSXEdgeUpgradeDowntime Change of active Edge due to upgrade at {timestamp}. No
NSX Edge upgrade downtime VRTNSXEdgeDowntime Active Edge was migrated to a different host at {timestamp}. No
NSX Edge upgrade VRTNSXEdgesUpgradeCompleted Upgrade of NSX Edges completed successfully. No
Upgrade of all hosts in a cluster VRTClusterUpgradeCompleted Upgrade of all hosts in {cluster_name} completed successfully. No
Upgrade of hosts VRTClusterUpgradeProgress Upgrade of hosts in {completed}/{total} clusters completed successfully. No
Network upgrade of host VRTClusterNetworkingUpgradeProgress Network upgrade of all hosts in {cluster_name} completed successfully. No
Network upgrade of cluster VRTClusterNetworkingUpgradeCompleted Network upgrade of hosts in {completed}/{total} clusters completed successfully. No

Autoscaler/EDRS Notifications

Display Name Template ID Description Email Channel
SDDC Cost Optimization Notification ScaleInRecommendation Scale-in recommendation from cross-cluster eDRS. Yes
High Storage Consumption Warning HighStorageConsumptionInternal A vSAN cluster has exceeded 70% storage capacity but has not yet reached the scale out threshold. Yes
eDRS: Host Add (Storage) StorageScaleOut eDRS successfully added a host after storage capacity reached 80%. Yes
eDRS: Host Add (Storage) StorageScaleOutWithReductionThreshold eDRS successfully added a host after storage capacity reached 80%. Includes storage-reduction guidance for host removal. Yes
One Node Planned Maintenance OneNodePlannedMaintenance One node SDDC planned maintenance will result in the SDDC being deleted. Add hosts to avoid losing the SDDC. Yes
eDRS: Host Add (CPU) CpuScaleOut eDRS successfully added a host after CPU utilization reached 90%. Yes
eDRS: Host Add (Memory) MemoryScaleOut eDRS successfully added a host after memory utilization reached 80%. Yes
eDRS: Host Maximum Reached EdrsReachedMaximumHostLimit eDRS reached maximum host limit. Yes
eDRS: Host Maximum Exceeded EdrsExceededMaximumHostLimit eDRS exceeded maximum host limit. Yes
Host Issue Detected HostIssueDetected Autoscaler has detected an issue with an ESXi host. Contact support to opt-in.
Host Successfully Replaced ReplaceHostSuccessful An ESXi host that was experiencing an issue was replaced. Contact support to opt-in.
Host Successfully Remediated RemediateHostSuccessful An ESXi host that was experiencing an issue was remediated. Contact support to opt-in.
Planned Maintenance: Started PlannedMaintenanceStarted Planned maintenance activity has started. Contact support to opt-in.

General Org Notifications

Display Name Template ID Description Email Channel
Expiring subscription in 30 days expiringSubscription30Days Reminder to take action for the expiring subscription. Yes
Expiring subscription in 60 days expiringSubscription60Days Reminder to take action for the expiring subscription. Yes
Reminder for expiring subscription today expiringSubscriptionToday Reminder to take action for the expiring subscription. No
Expiring SPP Fund in 7 Days ExpiringSPPfund_7Days_with_other_funds Reminder that an SPP fund is expiring and you may lose the remaining credits in 7 days. Yes
Expiring SPP Fund in 7 Days ExpiringSPPfund_7Days_without_other_funds Reminder that an SPP fund is expiring and you may lose the remaining credits in 7 days. Yes
Expiring SPP Fund in 30 Days ExpiringSPPfund_30Days_with_other_funds Reminder that an SPP fund is expiring and you may lose the remaining credits in 30 days. Yes
Expiring SPP Fund in 30 Days ExpiringSPPfund_30Days_without_other_funds Reminder that an SPP fund is expiring and you may lose the remaining credits in 30 days. Yes
Expiring SPP Fund in 60 Days ExpiringSPPfund_60Days_with_other_funds Reminder that an SPP fund is expiring and you may lose the remaining credits in 60 days. Yes
Expiring SPP Fund in 60 Days ExpiringSPPfund_60Days_without_other_funds Reminder that an SPP fund is expiring and you may lose the remaining credits in 60 days. Yes

Site Recovery Notifications

Display Name Template ID Description Email Channel
Site Recovery - SSL certificates replacement started Draas-SSLCertificateRenew-started VMware Site Recovery has started replacement of SSL certificates of SRM and VR appliances in the SDDC. Yes
Site Recovery - SSL certificates replacement started Draas-SSLCertificateRenew-started-vmc-only VMware Site Recovery has started replacement of SSL certificates of SRM and VR appliances in the SDDC. Yes
Site Recovery - SSL certificates replacement completed Draas-SSLCertificateRenew-completed VMware Site Recovery has completed replacement of SSL certificates of SRM and VR appliances. Customer action is required on the remote (on-premises) DR site to recover the normal state of the VR pairing. Yes
Site Recovery - SSL certificates replacement completed Draas-SSLCertificateRenew-completed-vmc-only VMware Site Recovery has completed replacement of SSL certificates of SRM and VR appliances. Customer action is required on the remote (on-premises) DR site to recover the normal state of the VR pairing. Yes
Site Recovery - Scheduled SSL certificates replacement Draas-SSLCertificateRenew This is a heads up notification for VSR maintenance activity - replacement of SRM and VR appliances SSL certificates. It is sent at least 7 days before the start of the maintenance. Usually such maintenance takes less than 30min, and the visible impact is the SRM and VR processes are restarted (usually less than 2mins). After the maintenance, user action is required on the remote (on-premises) DR site to recover the normal state of the VR pairing. (Existing replications are not affected, so the customer workfloads remain protected.)

If for some reason the maintenance can't be executed at the scheduled time, Draas-SSLCertificateRenew-canceled notification is sent, which is normally followed up and new maintenance is scheduled.

SSL certificates of SRM and VR appliances are due to expire and VMware Site Recovery has scheduled replacement of these certificates.

Site Recovery - Scheduled SSL certificates replacement Draas-SSLCertificateRenew-vmc-only This is a heads up notification for VSR maintenance activity - replacement of SRM and VR appliances SSL certificates. It is sent at least 7 days before the start of the maintenance. Usually such maintenance takes less than 30min, and the visible impact is the SRM and VR processes are restarted (usually less than 2mins). After the maintenance, user action is required on the remote (on-premises) DR site to recover the normal state of the VR pairing. (Existing replications are not affected, so the customer workfloads remain protected.)

If for some reason the maintenance can't be executed at the scheduled time, Draas-SSLCertificateRenew-canceled notification is sent, which is normally followed up and new maintenance is scheduled.

SSL certificates of SRM and VR appliances are due to expire and VMware Site Recovery has scheduled replacement of these certificates.

Site Recovery - SSL certificates replacement canceled Draas-SSLCertificateRenew-canceled VMware Site Recovery has canceled the scheduled replacement of SSL certificates of SRM and VR appliances Yes
Site Recovery - Scheduled Upgrade Started Draas-upgrade-start VMware Site Recovery has started its scheduled upgrade Yes
Site Recovery - Scheduled Upgrade Draas-upgrade-planned

VMware Site Recovery has scheduled its upgrade in 7 days. Customer should ensure that SRM recovery plans are in a state which allows upgrade to avoid re-schedule or cancelation of the upgrade.

This heads up notification for VSR maintenance activity - upgrade of SRM and VR appliances. It is send at least 7 days before the actual start of the maintenance. Normally the upgrade completes for ~ 30min, but the maintenance windows is booked for 4h to allow time for troubleshooting / fixing if there are issues. The VSR upgrade should not overlap with the SDDC upgrade window, and it doesn't impact non VSR related functionality in the SDDC. Actual visible impact for the user is due to restart of SRM and VR which is in less than 2mins. Customer action is required prior maintenance - customer needs to ensure that their SRM recovery plans are in a state which allows upgrade. If this is not true at the time of the maintenance, the maintenance is re-scheduled or cancelled. Customer also needs to make sure that their on-prem SRM/VR version is upgraded to compatiable one with the cloud SRM/VR version to be deployed.
Site Recovery - Scheduled Upgrade - 8.2 port change Draas-upgrade-planned-82portchange VMware Site Recovery has scheduled its upgrade in 7 days. Customer should ensure that SRM recovery plans are in a state which allows upgrade to avoid re-schedule or cancelation of the upgrade. This is received only when you upgrading VMware Site Recovery from 8.1 to 8.3. Yes
Site Recovery - Re-Scheduled Upgrade Draas-upgrade-replanned VMware Site Recovery has re-scheduled its upgrade for another date. Yes
Site Recovery - Scheduled Upgrade Completed Draas-upgrade-finish VMware Site Recovery has completed its scheduled upgrade. Yes
Site Recovery - Scheduled Upgrade Canceled Draas-upgrade-cancel VMware Site Recovery has canceled its scheduled upgrade. Yes
Site Recovery - On-prem Upgrade Draas-upgrade-paired-on-prem Heads-up for upgrade of VMware Site Recovery to 8.3 for SDDCs paired to on-prem site with SRM 8.1 or later. Yes
Site Recovery - vmc(820) Upgrade Draas-upgrade-paired-vmc-820 Heads-up for upgrade of VMware Site Recovery to 8.3 for SDDCs paired to another VMC on AWS SDDC. Yes
Site Recovery - On-prem(820) Upgrade Draas-upgrade-paired-on-prem-820 Heads-up for upgrade of VMware Site Recovery to 8.3 for SDDCs paired to on-prem site with SRM 8.2. Yes
Site Recovery - vCenter certificate renew completed Draas-VC-cert-replaced-vr-pairing-needs-reconfigure Renew of PSC/vCenter Certificate in VMC on AWS SDDC was performed. Yes

VMC Operator Notifications

Display Name Template ID Description Email Channel
SDDC SSL Certification Replacement SddcSSLCertificationReplacement A vCenter and NSX SSL certificate update window has been scheduled for your SDDC. Yes
Added Host for Storage Consumption Level StorageScaleout_Component_Usage Host added after vSAN components count reached 90%. Yes

Activity Events

Display Name Template ID
Cluster addition CLUSTER-CREATE
Cluster deletion CLUSTER-DESTROY
Removal of ESX host ESX-DELETE
Provision of ESX host ESX-PROVISION
Multi-AZ Cluster addition MULTIAZ_CLUSTER-CREATE
Creation of subscription CREATE-OFFER-SUBSCRIPTION
Linking of AWS account ACCOUNT-LINK
Update of vCenter delegated user UPDATE_VCENTER_DELEGATED_USER_TASK
Updating Management VM MANAGEMENT-VM
Deletion of vCenter delegated user DELETE_VCENTER_DELEGATED_USER_TASK
Addition of POP ssh access ADD_POP_SSH_ACCESS_TASK_TYPE
Creation of delegated vCenter user CREATE_DELEGATED_VCENTER_USER_TASK
Addition of a Direct Connect Gateway to a group SDDC_GROUP_ON_PREM_CONNECTIVITY_PROPOSAL_TASK_TYPE
Deletion of a Direct Connect Gateway from a group SDDC_GROUP_ON_PREM_CONNECTIVITY_DELETE_TASK_TYPE
Addition of an external AWS account SDDC_SHARE_CONNECTOR_TASK_TYPE
Removal of an external AWS account SDDC_SHARE_CONNECTOR_DELETE_TASK_TYPE
Update to external attachments EXTERNAL_L3_CONNECTION_TASK_TYPE