You can use a VMware-provided activation script to activate or reactivate a Windows Server VM that is licensed for your VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC with VMware-supplied licenses.

Operations that change the BIOS UUID or Disk ID of the Windows Server VM will result in the VM requiring activation. These operations include:
  • Cloning a VM
  • Converting a VM to a template


  1. Subscribe to the VMware-curated Microsoft software repository by creating a subscribed Content Library using the following URL:
  2. Copy the activation script to the VM.
    An ISO image containing the activation script is located in the subscribed Content Library.
    1. In the vSphere Client, navigate to the subscribed Content Library and click Other Types.
    2. Attach the VM's CD/DVD drive to the Windows_Activation_Script ISO in the Content Library.
    3. Copy the Activation.ps1 script file to the VM's local disk.
  3. Configure the compute gateway firewall using the VMware Cloud Console to allow outbound HTTP and HTTPS access to the internet.
    This is required for initial activation of the Windows server image. For more information about firewall configuration, see
  4. Run the activation script.
    1. In the guest operating system, open a command window and change to the directory where you copied the Activation.ps1 script.
    2. Type powershell Activation.ps1 and press Enter.

What to do next

  • Update your VM with the latest patches and security updates. Although VMware supplies current versions of Microsoft products, it is your responsibility to apply the latest maintenance updates and security patches to ensure that the products run in a secure environment. Follow your enterprise recommendations on updating any binaries that you import into your SDDC.
  • Update firewall rules. The activation and patch update process requires that the VM have internet access. Follow your enterprise guidelines on whether these firewall rules should be modified after activation.