This guide provides all the information you'll need to create your first VMware Cloud™ on AWS software-defined data center (SDDC).

We've structured it as a workflow of recommended steps that should get you up and running quickly. You can use this checklist to track your progress:
Table 1. VMware Cloud on AWS Onboarding Checklist
[ ] Learn Start with this collection of references that introduce you to the features of VMware Cloud on AWS.
[ ] Plan Gather information about the workloads you want to run in VMware Cloud on AWS and the network connections they require. You'll need that information when you deploy and configure your first SDDC.
[ ] Prepare Before you can use VMware Cloud on AWS, you'll need to verify your credentials in the Broadcom Support Portal and think about the roles that you and your colleagues will have in configuring and operating the new SDDC.
[ ] Operate Use your Broadcom credentials to log in to the VMware Cloud Console and get started.

After you have deployed and configured your SDDC, see the VMware Cloud on AWS Networking and Security Guide and Operations Guide for information about advanced features that enable you to create a secure hybrid cloud with extended networking, single sign-on, and integration with other VMware and Amazon tools.

Intended Audience

This information is intended for anyone who wants to purchase VMware Cloud on AWS and use it to create an SDDC that has the basic features required to run workloads in the cloud and can serve as a starting point for your exploration of additional features and capabilities. It was written for readers who have used vSphere in an on-premises environment and are familiar with virtualization concepts and IPv4 networks. In-depth knowledge of vSphere or Amazon Web Services is not required.