You can purchase VMware Cloud on AWS directly from VMware or from a managed service provider.

The vendor you choose determines the Seller of Record for your purchase. The seller of record is responsible for billing the resources purchased from them. The seller of record also determines attributes such as payment types, terms of service, catalogue, region, and currency.

Purchase Through VMware

When you purchase VMware Cloud on AWS through VMware:
  • VMware is the seller of record.
  • Billing is done by VMware.

    VMware terms of service, payment methods, currencies, regions, discounts, and pricing apply.

  • You deploy and manage your VMware Cloud on AWS infrastructure through the VMware Cloud Console.

For more information on purchasing VMware Cloud on AWS through VMware, go to

Purchase Through a Managed Service Provider

When you purchase through a managed service provider (MSP), the MSP handles billing, support, deployment, and management of your VMware Cloud on AWS infrastructure. Consult your MSP for more information.