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Updated 31.10.2019

This document is dedicated to design, migration and configuration of Microsoft SQL Server (further referenced as SQL Server) workloads on VMware Cloud™ on AWS. The Architectural Guidelines and Operational Considerations section covers the necessary technical prerequisites, along with the architectural guidelines and operational considerations, to plan migration of SQL Server workloads to VMware Cloud on AWS. The Standalone SQL Server Migration section demonstrates the way in which to migrate a virtual machine (VM), hosting a standalone SQL Server instance, from an on-premises data center to VMware Cloud on AWS. Always On Availability Group Migration and  Failover Cluster Instance with shared disk Migration sections are detailing steps to move both predominant types of clustered SQL Server workloads to VMware Cloud on AWS. The Post-Migration Configuration sections provides necessary steps to optimize the migrated SQL Server workloads. The examples and considerations in this document provide guidance only, as varying application requirements can result in many valid configuration possibilities

Users should consider reviewing Architecting Microsoft SQL Server on VMware vSphere® — Best Practices Guide before continuing with migration planning to ensure that all best practices for hosting SQL Server workloads on VMware vSphere® are met.


Target Audience

This document assumes a knowledge and understanding of VMware vSphere and SQL Server. Architectural staff can use this document to gain an understanding of how the system will work as a whole as they design and implement various components. Engineers and administrators can use this document as a catalog of technical capabilities. Database administrator (DBA) staff can use this document to gain an understanding of how SQL Server might fit into a virtual infrastructure. Management staff and process owners can use this document to help model business processes to take advantage of the savings and operational efficiencies achieved with virtualization and hybrid cloud.

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