You might have a variety of .vmtx templates, OVF and OVA templates, ISO images, scripts, and other content that you want to use in your SDDC.

Content Type How to transfer it to your SDDC
.vmtx template
  • Clone the templates to OVF template in an on-premises Content Library and subscribe to the Content Library from your SDDC.
OVF template
  • Add the template to an on-premises Content Library and subscribe to the content library from your SDDC.
  • Create a local Content Library in your SDDC, and upload the OVF template to it.
  • Deploy the OVF template directly from a client machine to your SDDC in the vSphere Client. Right-click the Compute-ResourcePool resource pool and select Deploy OVF template.
OVA template Deploy the OVA template directly from a client machine to your SDDC using the vSphere Client. Right-click the Compute-ResourcePool resource pool and select Deploy OVF template
ISO image
  • Upload the ISO image to the workloadDatastore.
  • Import the ISO image into an on-premises Content Library and subscribe to the Content Library from your SDDC.
  • Create a local Content Library in your SDDC, and upload the ISO image to it.
  • Use the Content Onboarding Assistant to transfer the ISO image to your SDDC.
scripts or text files
  • Import the file into an on-premises Content Library and subscribe to the Content Library from your SDDC.
  • Create a local Content Library in your SDDC and upload the file to it.
  • Use the Content Onboarding Assistant to transfer the file to your SDDC.