As an Organization Member user, you get access to VMware Cloud services available in your Organization either through invitation from an Organization Owner user, or by submitting a self-service request.

The self-service request replaces the need to wait for an invitation from an Organization Owner and lets you determine the services and roles that you want to access within the Organization as well as the time period for the requested access.
Note: Organization Owners can self-assign additional Organization and service roles to themselves. Refer to How do I manage roles and permissions for more information.

To submit a self-service request, browse the services catalog to locate the service for which you want to request additional roles. Simply click the Request Access link in the service card. A pop-up window opens where you use the drop-down menus to select a new service role.

All requests are submitted to the Organization Owners who can approve, deny or modify your requests before approving. When your request is processed, you receive an email notification.

How do I view the self-service requests I submitted?

You can view your pending and past service requests at any time in the My Request History section on the My Account > My Roles page.

Can I cancel a self-service request I created?

You can only cancel self-service requests with pending status. Open My Roles page and click the Cancel link for the request you want to delete.

Why don't I see a Request Access link in the service tile?

The option to request additional service roles may be deactivated in Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) activated Organizations with federated domains. In this case you need an invitation from an Organization Owner.