As a non-Organization user with a federated domain, your first login to VMware Cloud services with your corporate account opens an onboarding workflow.

During the onboarding process, you request access by self-selecting Organizations, services, Organization and service roles. Your requests must be approved by the Organization Owners and this may take some time.

The Organizations available for selection in the onboarding workflow are Organizations in your enterprise federated domain which have been activated for Identity Governance and Administration (IGA). If you have to obtain access to an Organization that is not IGA-activated, you need to be sent an invitation link from an Organization Owner to onboard.


  1. Go to and click Log In.
  2. In the VMware Cloud services welcome screen, type your corporate account credentials.
    The first step of the onboarding workflow displays the list of IGA-activated Organizations associated with your enterprise.
  3. Select the Organization which you want to access and click Continue.
  4. Select your role in the selected Organization.
    Your Organization role determines the level of access and permissions you have in the Organization. When you onboard with a federated account, you can only request the default Organization Member role. After onboarding, you can request additional roles. For more information, see How do I request roles in governance activated Organizations.
  5. Click Continue.
    The Select service roles step of the workflow displays the services available in the selected Organization.
  6. For each service you want to access as an Organization Member, use the drop-down lists to select service roles.
    Note: Service roles are service-specific. If not sure what service roles you need, check the documentation for the service you want to access.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. In the Finalize request step of the onboarding workflow, define the time period for the service access request.
  9. In the Business Justification text box, type a message to the Organization Owner, then click Continue.
    Your request displays in the Pending requests list, awaiting approval from an Organization Owner.
  10. To request access to another IGA-activated Organization in your federated domain, click Submit a New Request.
  11. Repeat steps 3 to 9.

What to do next

Receiving approval for the Organization and service roles you requested can take some time. Until then, you can access the Cloud Services Console to check the status of the requests you submitted, cancel a request you created or create a new one.