VMware Cloud sizer logs are useful when troubleshooting failures or to view any data modification.

There are two logs in VMware Cloud sizer. You can view logs at individual and high-level projects level.


Verify that you have signed in to the VMware Cloud sizer tool.


  1. Open https://vmc.vmware.com/sizer/home on a new browser.
  2. After you have signed in to view individual project details, click View Logs on the VMware Cloud sizer home page.
    All project levels logs are displayed on the VMware Cloud sizer home page.
  3. You can view all the projects and its associated entries as a single view on the VMware Cloud sizer home page.
    The All Projects table displays information related to a project that is created. The table consists of the Project Name, an associated tag that you have added while creating a project, workload types, recommendation related to the number of hosts and host type. You can track changes to a project at the organization level. You can verify when a project is created, modified, or deleted and by whom. The table is mostly helpful when you have to view the version number of the VMware Cloud sizer. As the new version of Sizer releases, existing recommendations are marked as outdated. To change the recommendation, click the project name on the table and you are prompted to click Get New Recommendation.
    Note: You can also click the Actions buttons on the right-hand side of the UI to Edit Project Details, Delete Project and view Project Logs.
  4. Click the vertical ellipsis to Edit, Delete, Duplicate, and view logs.
  5. To download a report, click the PDF download icon.