This option provides a rough estimate using minimal information. Quick sizing is appropriate for initial sizing and quick estimates but cannot be used for final estimates. While the calculations are entirely accurate, the data input method can miss important details that can throw off a sizing recommendation by up to 20%+.

To create a SDDC, you have to enter minimum information and other related information in the sizer tool. The tool provides appropriate results for a quick estimate only.


  1. Open on a new browser.
  2. Select the required Workload Type from the drop-down menu.
    Workload Type Description
    General The general workload type can contain a set of generic VMs.
    Databases (Oracle) A workload type based on Oracle and Microsoft database.
    Databases (Microsoft)
    VDI Full Clone A full clone is an independent copy of a virtual machine (VM). Although, it shares nothing with its master VM, but it operates entirely separately from the master VM used to create it.
    VDI Instant Clone A VDI Instant clone is similar to a linked clone that uses significantly less storage space than a full clone because it accesses software on shared virtual disks. Because of this sharing mechanism, a linked clone must always have access to the disk used for cloning. To make a linked clone, you take a snapshot of the master VM and then the cloning process creates a replica VM to use for cloning. The linked clone shares virtual disks with the replica VM. The differential— the bits of software that are unique to the linked clone—is stored in a different disk or redo disk. This arrangement allows the linked clone to occupy a smaller amount of physical disk space than the master VM but still access the software installed on the shared virtual disks. You can create hundreds of linked different disks from one replica, reducing the total storage space required.
  3. Enter the Total Number of VMs.
    For VDI workload types, you can consider one VM per desktop instance.
  4. Enter the number of vCPU/pCore.
    vCPU/pCore represents the share of virtual CPU per physical CPU. The vCPU/pCore option is not provided when you select the workload type as VDI – Full Clone and VDI Instant Clone.
  5. Under Input Averages, select the required vCPUs/VM, vRAM/VM, and Utilized Storage/VM.
    1. vCPUs/VM - Represents the share of a virtual CPU per VM.
    2. vRAM/VM - Represents the amount of virtual RAM allocated per VM.
    3. Utilized Storage/VM - Represents the value for total storage needs per VM. The total storage includes storage taken up by the operating system and the storage required for all the applications running on the VM.
  6. You can select the Enable Stretched Clusters check box for creating a cluster.
    1. Under the Recommendation section, you can view the calculation displayed for the entered resources. You can also select the Host type (AWS) from the drop-down to reflect the requirement for the selected host type. The current options provided for host type is i3 instance type and i3en instance type. For more information on host types, see VMware Cloud on AWS Host Type.
    2. The Additional Info section provides information related to a detailed breakdown of how the values were calculated for the resources, SDDC and Cluster, Headroom and vSAN policy, and other Sizing Assumptions that were considered. Each of the break up given in this section is based on the inputs that you have provided while calculating the resource estimation for your deployment.
  8. To download the report, click Download report (PDF).
    Note: Your downloaded report is valid up to 30 days only.
  9. To request a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for an estimated VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC, click GET TCO, and select Request TCO over email.
    1. Enter your Name, Company name and Contact details.
    2. Enter the required sizing details and click Save. Once you save, a request is created with your sizing requirements and VMware professionals will get back to you. To generate the report, the VMware Cloud sizer sends an email to the TCO team with the required details.
  10. You can also build your own TCO, click Build your own TCO.
    Note: The sizer tool also allows you to save your entries as a project. For more information on project workflow, see Create and Save Your Sizer Project in VMware Cloud sizer.