Google Cloud VMware Engine (GCVE) is available to purchase through VMware for VMware Cloud Universal customers only.

When you purchase GCVE through VMware, you can use VMware purchase funds, and take advantage of subscriptions.

The first step in purchasing GCVE through VMware is to connect your Google Cloud Platform account to your VMware Cloud account. Currently, you can only have one Google Cloud Platform account connected to your VMware Cloud account at any given time. To add a new account, you must first delete the existing one.


  1. If you have not already done so, create a Google Cloud Platform account. Note the Billing Account ID and the Project Number that you want to use to deploy GCVE.
    You will need to supply this information when you link your Google Cloud Platform account in the VMware Cloud Console. To locate this information in your Google Cloud Platform account, see Locate Your Billing ID, Project Number, and Domain in Google Cloud Platform.
  2. Log in to the VMware Cloud Console at
  3. Click Service Settings ().
  4. Click Connected Accounts.
  5. Select Google Cloud from the dropdown menu, and click Add New Connection
  6. Enter the following information about your Google Cloud account.
    Parameter Description
    Enter Billing Account ID Enter your Google Cloud Billing Account ID.
    Enter Project Number Enter the Project Number from your Google Cloud Platform account that you want to use for your GCVE resources.
    Enter Your Business's Domain Name Enter your domain name.
    You cannot edit this connection info after submitting it, so ensure that it is correct before proceeding.
  7. Click Add


After you add your Google Cloud Platform account information, it can take up to three business days for the connection to be processed. You will receive a notification email when the connection has been processed.

What to do next

You can now consume GCVE resources on an on-demand basis or create a subscription. See the Google Cloud VMware Engine documentation to create resources.

Locate Your Billing ID, Project Number, and Domain in Google Cloud Platform

You can find the Billing ID, Project ID, and Domain required to link your Google Cloud Platform account in the Google Cloud Console.


  1. Log into the Google Cloud Console at
  2. From the navigation menu, select IAM > Identity & Organization.
    The domain name appears near the top of the screen, as highlighted in the screenshot below. A screenshot of the Identity & Organization screen, showing the domain name highlighted near the top of the page.
  3. Locate the Billing Account ID and the Project ID by following the instructions in View the Projects Linked to a Billing Account.