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You view and manage VMware Data Services Manager users from the Users view in the console.

The Users view includes information about each configured user:

  • The First Name column identifies the first name of the user.

  • The Last Name column identifies the last name of the user.

  • The Email Id column identifies the email address for the user, which is the user's login name in the VMware Data Services Manager console.

  • The Roles column identifies the role of the user: Provider, Org Admin, or Org User.

  • The Organization column identifies the organization in which the user is a member.

  • The Type column identifies the type of user.

    • Local (VMware Data Services Manager user account stored locally in the Provider database)
    • LDAP (imported user from an existing LDAP identity provider)
  • The Action column has three vertical dots that enables you to update or delete the user and change password of the user.

Note: For a Provider user, the default value of First Name is Provider, the default value of Last Name (Optional) is null (blank), and the default value of Organization is Provider_Default.

More About LDAP Users

The Users view displays an LDAP user after the user logs in to VMware Data Services Manager for the first time. An LDAP user listed in this view can represent:

  • A registered user in the LDAP server that is currently associated with a VMware Data Services Manager organization via group membership.
  • An LDAP user that successfully connected to VMware Data Services Manager to create and manage services, but is no longer listed in the LDAP directory.

Clicking on an LDAP user row in the Users view displays the VMware Data Services Manager organizations to which the LDAP user belongs.

Supported Actions

The Action column displays three vertical dots when there are VMware Data Services Manager operations that you can perform on the user.

Note: For the users acting in the PROVIDER role, you can update only the first name and last name of the user.

You can perform the following Local user actions:

Action Description
Create user Add a Local user.
Delete user Delete a user.
Update user details Change certain details of a Local user.
Reset user password Generate a new temporary password for a Local user.

A Local user can also change its password using the instruction in Changing Your Password.

Note: You cannot create or delete a Provider user or reset its password and role.
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