The VMware Data Services Manager password for a local user can be reset in two ways:
Ensure that the password you set for the user meets the password policy rules of VMware Data Services Manager. The password must contain:
Perform the following procedure to set a new password for a local user:
SSH into the provider VM.
Run the following command to access the database:
psql vmware postgres
Run the following on the psql command prompt.
Replace <DESIRED_PASSWORD> and <DESIRED_LOCAL_USER_EMAIL> with actual values.
update vmware.user set failed_login_count=null, last_failed_login_time=null, locked_state_start_time=null, force_password_change = false, password = pgp_sym_encrypt('<DESIRED_PASSWORD>', ((select ek.key from vmware.encryption_key ek where ek.type='PGCRYPTO_PASSWORD')), ((select ek.key from vmware.encryption_key ek where ek.type='PGCRYPTO_ALGORITHM'))) where email='<DESIRED_LOCAL_USER_EMAIL>';
Confirm the new password by using the following.
select pgp_sym_decrypt(password, ((select ek.key from vmware.encryption_key ek where ek.type='PGCRYPTO_PASSWORD')), ((select ek.key from vmware.encryption_key ek where ek.type='PGCRYPTO_ALGORITHM'))) from vmware.user where email ='<DESIRED_LOCAL_USER_EMAIL>';
Communicate the new password to the user.