As seen previosuly in this document, there are a number of components which require an IP address which are automatically deployed on an Edge Compute Stack host in order to provide the services at an edge location. This option requires you to edit a file once the Edge Compute Stack host has been initially deployed to provide static IP addresses for the next reboot of the host.
Deployed Edge Compute Stack host with a DHCP assigned address
3 IP addresses for Infrastructure Components
1 IP address for worker node configuration
Subnet Mask Information
Default Gateway Information
DNS Server(s) Information
Create a file called static_ipam.json on your local machine to provide the Static IP address information, ensure the case used in the filename is all lower case.
Edit the file and paste the below content in the same format to this file:
Edit each of the addresses in the range section to provide a range of addresses which can be used for the core infrastructure components with the first address being used for the ECS Host Hypervisor Management Network and the following addresses being used for core infrastructure components.
Edit the netmask entry to provide the network mask for this network.
Edit the gateway entry to provide the default gateway for this network.
Edit the dns entry to provide one or multiple dns servers, multiple dns servers.
Save the static_ipam.json file.
Log into the Web UI of the Edge Compute Stack host with the default credentials or the credentials you have used during deployment using the https://<edgehostip>/ui/#/login URL
Navigate to Storage / datastore1 and select the Datastore Browser menu item
Browse to the ECS folder and upload the static_ipam.json file created
Click the Close button to close the Datastore Browser
Click Host under the Navigator and click the Reboot menu item
Click the Reboot button
Your host will reboot and will now boot using the static IP address information provided.