The Manage Customers feature allows the Partner users to create, edit, and delete Customers in VMware Edge Network Intelligence. The VMware SD-WAN Customers must activate analytics in the VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator to automatically provision their VMware Edge Network Intelligence accounts.

  1. On the Customer Dashboard screen, from the left menu, click Manage Customers. The following screen is displayed:
  2. You can perform the following actions on this screen:
    Option Description
    New Customer Adds a new Customer.
    Edit Modifies the details of an existing Customer.
    Delete Deletes the selected Customers. A warning message is displayed asking for confirmation. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
  3. Click + New Customer to create a new ENI Customer. Configure Customer information, administrative account details, and licenses for the new Customer.
    Note: After entering the details in each section, click the Next Step button. This button is activated only when you enter details in all the required fields in each section.
    See the below sections for more details:
    1. Customer Information
      Option Description
      Customer Name Enter the name of the user.
      Subdomain This field is autopopulated and displays the Customer Name by default. However, you can enter a different subdomain.
      Note: The subdomain must be unique.
    2. Administrative Account
      Option Description
      Email Enter a valid email address. This field is mandatory.
      First Name Enter the user's first name.
      Last Name Enter the user's last name.
    3. Customize License
      Option Description
      Expiration Select an expiration date for the Customer's license.
      The following license features are available. Select one or more features to be activated for the Customer.
      IoT Security Allows identification, classification, and behavior analysis of IoT devices. If selected, you must enter the Number of Device Licenses. The default value is 0, which indicates that the Customer does not have any licenses and hence cannot activate this feature for any of the Customer's IoT devices.
      Citrix Allows the Citrix VDI integration.
      Line of Business Provides a limited dashboard for Critical IoT devices.
      Syslog Allows sending syslog to a system outside VMware Edge Network Intelligence.
    4. To add another Customer, select the Add another customer check box, and then enter all the required details.
  4. Click Save Customer. The new Customer details are displayed on the Manage Customers screen.