The Manage Users feature allows Partners to create, edit, or delete Partner users in VMware Edge Network Intelligence.

  1. On the Customer Dashboard screen, from the left menu, click Manage Users. The following screen is displayed:
  2. You can perform the following actions on this screen:
    Option Description
    Create User Adds a new User.
    Edit Modifies the details of an existing user.
    Delete Deletes the selected users. A warning message is displayed asking for confirmation. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
  3. Click + Create User to create a new user. The following screen is displayed:
  4. Configure the following options:
    Option Description
    Email Enter a valid email address. This field is mandatory.
    First Name Enter the user's first name.
    Last Name Enter the user's last name.
    User Role Select a role from the drop-down menu:
    • Read-Only: This is selected by default, and it indicates that you cannot perform any action.
    • Superuser: Allows you to create, update, or delete customers and/or users.
  5. Clicking Cancel takes you to the Manage Users screen.
  6. Click OK to save the entered details. The new user details are displayed on the Manage Users screen.