Encrypt and restrict your virtual machine to control the use of the virtual machine and access to its contents.

When you encrypt a virtual machine, you set a password that is required to open the virtual machine. You can remove the encryption or change the password at any time.
Note: Large virtual machines, such as those that exceed 50GB, might generate a low disk space warning.

If you have Fusion Pro, you can also turn on restrictions, so that users are prevented from modifying the virtual machine. When you enable restrictions, users are prevented from removing virtual devices, changing the memory allocation, modifying removable devices, and changing the virtual hardware compatibility.

You can optionally force users to change the encryption password if they move or copy the virtual machine. For example, a teacher might provide a copy of the virtual machine to all students in the class and set this restriction so that all students must create their own encryption password.

You can also cause the virtual machine to expire at a pre-set date and time. When the virtual machine expires, the user is denied access to the virtual machine. You can extend an expired virtual machine by removing the restriction or setting another date and time.

When you turn on restrictions, you set a restrictions password. After restrictions are turned on, you cannot make changes to the virtual machine configuration settings or restrictions policies unless you first turn restrictions off. To turn off restrictions, you must enter the restrictions password.

The restrictions feature is available only if you have Fusion Pro.