You can configure the way your virtual machine uses the Mac system hardware and attached devices. You can manage your virtual hard disks. Fusion General System SettingsYou can find basic information about your virtual machine in the General system settings. Set a Virtual Machine to Start When Fusion StartsYou can set any virtual machine to start when you start Fusion. Setting Virtual Processors and MemoryYou can configure processor settings for a virtual machine, including the number of processors, the amount of virtual memory available, and whether to enable hypervisor applications, code profiling applications, and IOMMU. Enable Default ApplicationsYou can set up Fusion so that certain applications open files regardless of whether the files reside on your Mac or in the virtual machine. Configuring Keyboard and Mouse ProfilesThese profiles specify how Mac key combinations and mouse shortcuts are mapped to shortcuts on a virtual machine, including key combinations for Windows 8 shortcuts. Enable a CD/DVD Drive on a Remote Virtual MachineYou can enable a CD/DVD drive and select a disk image on a virtual machine hosted on a remote server. You can access or install software from a physical CD/DVD drive on to your remote virtual machine. Enable a Floppy Drive on a Remote Virtual MachineYou can enable a floppy drive and select a disk image on a virtual machine hosted on a remote server. You can access or install software from a physical floppy drive on to your remote virtual machine. View the Status of a Server or Remote Virtual MachineYou can view the power state, CPU use, and disk space use of a server or the configuration information of a remote virtual machine. Configuring Display Resolution SettingsYou can configure display resolution settings for your virtual machine to enable 3D accelerated graphics, retina display support, and single window and full screen settings. Enable Hot Keys for Virtual MachinesIf you have Fusion Pro, you can create a keyboard shortcut to define a hot key combination to launch a virtual machine. Configure Discrete Graphics ManagementWith discrete graphics management, you can manage battery use and performance of applications that use 3D graphics in a virtual machine. Install VMware Virtual PrinterStarting with Fusion 11, the VMware Tools build bundled with Fusion no longer delivers VMware Virtual Printer functionality. You must install the VMware Virtual Printer application separately to make the printers on the Mac host visible in the virtual machine. Uninstall VMware Virtual PrinterWhen you upgrade VMware Fusion, to confirm that the latest version of VMware Virtual Printer is installed on a guest operating system, you can uninstall and reinstall VMware Virtual Printer. Set the Default Printer for a Virtual MachineYour virtual machine uses the default printer on the Mac as its default printer, unless you change it on the Printer panel in Settings. Add a DeviceYou can add removable devices to use with your virtual machine. Select a Startup DeviceYou can select the device to use to start up your virtual machine. Encrypting a Virtual MachineEncrypt your virtual machine to control the use of the virtual machine and access to its contents. Virtual Machine CompatibilityThe compatibility of a virtual machine with different versions of Fusion and other VMware products is based on its hardware version. The hardware version of a virtual machine is established by the version of Fusion that was used to create the virtual machine. Configuring Guest Isolation Options for a Virtual MachineWith the isolation option, you can restrict file operations between the virtual machine and the host system, and between the virtual machine and other virtual machines. Managing Advanced SettingsYou can monitor the power supply status, enable VNC access, enable Microsoft virtualization-based security, or configure other advanced functions for your virtual machine.