You can now download the Windows 11 ESD file and generate a Windows 11 ISO file via the command-line user interface using the vmw_esd2iso
tool bundled with Fusion.
You can use this feature for both x86-based Mac and Apple Silicon Mac. You can use the command with the following syntax to get a desired output:
vmw_esd2iso command options
For example, use the following command to get the URL for downloading the ESD file:
[~/Documents]$ vmw_esd2iso getesdurl
The following table lists the commands you can use with vmw_esd2iso tool:
Command | Description |
getesd | Download the Windows 11 ESD file from the Microsoft website |
getesdurl | Get the url to download the Windows 11 ESD file from the Microsoft website |
generateiso | Generate the Windows 11 ISO file from a Windows 11 ESD file |
Note: Fusion does not support creating a Windows 11 guest operating system on a remote virtual machine.