This topic documents the cache.xml sub-elements used for VMware Tanzu GemFire server configuration. All elements are sub-elements of the <cache> element.

For Tanzu GemFire client configuration, see <client-cache> Element Reference.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory

cache Attributes

cache Attributes

Attribute Description Default

Boolean indicating whether entry value retrieval methods return direct references to the entry value objects in the cache false or copies of the objects true.


Boolean indicating whether this member is a cache server.


The timeout, in seconds, for implicit object lock requests. This setting affects automatic locking only, and does not apply to manual locking. If a lock request does not return before the specified timeout period, it is cancelled and returns with a failure.


The timeout, in seconds, for implicit and explicit object lock leases. This affects both automatic locking and manual locking. Once a lock is obtained, it can remain in force for the lock lease time period before being automatically cleared by the system.


Used for client subscription queue synchronization when this member acts as a server to clients and server redundancy is used. Sets the frequency, in seconds, at which the primary server sends messages to its secondary servers to remove acknowledged, queued events that have already been processed by the clients. Setting a lower frequency can result in an increase in duplicated events sent to the clients after failover. Does not affect the failover timing or queue consistency.


Time, in seconds, that a netSearch operation can wait for data before timing out. Adjust this value based on your knowledge of the network load or other factors.



  <cache-server port="40404"/>
  <region name="root">
    <region-attributes refid="REPLICATE"/>
    <region name="cs_region" refid="REPLICATE">



Specifies a transaction listener.

API: CacheTransactionManager


<cache search-timeout="60">
      <parameter name="URL">
    <transaction-listener> ... </transaction-listener>
      <parameter name="URL">



When a transaction ends, its thread calls the TransactionListener to perform the appropriate follow-up for successful commits, failed commits, or voluntary rollbacks.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.



When you commit a transaction, a TransactionWriter can perform additional tasks, including cancelling the transaction.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.



Deprecated. The <dynamic-region-factory> element configures a dynamic region factory for this cache. You can use this element to dynamically create regions in your application code. Use the createDynamicRegion() method of the org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory class in your Java code to dynamically create regions.

You cannot use this element to dynamically create partitioned regions.


Use of the DynamicRegionFactory class and the <dynamic-region-factory> element are deprecated in favor of the org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService class and the <function-service> element.

The optional <disk-dir> sub-element specifies the directory to store the persistent files that are used for dynamic region bookkeeping. It defaults to the current directory.

Set the pool-name attribute to set the name of the connection pool used by client applications in a client/server cache configuration. Do not specify the pool-name attribute in servers or peers.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory

<dynamic-region-factory> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
disable-persist-backup When set to false, the factory is persisted on disk. false
disable-register-interest When set to false, client regions created by the factory register interest in all keys in a corresponding server cache region. false
pool-name The name of a connection pool used by the client factory to communicate with the server-side factory. none





Specifies a region or disk store’s disk directory.

<disk-dir> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
dir-size Maximum amount of space to use for the disk store, in megabytes. 214748364 (2 petabytes)


<disk-dir dir-size="20480">/host3/users/gf/memberA_DStore</disk-dir>



Configures a gateway sender to distribute region events to another Tanzu GemFire site. See Configuring a Multi-site (WAN) System.

API: GatewaySender

<gateway-sender> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
parallel Value of true or false that specifies the type of gateway sender that Tanzu GemFire creates. false
dispatcher-threads Number of dispatcher threads that are used to process region events from a gateway sender queue or asynchronous event queue. 5
order-policy When the dispatcher-threads attribute is greater than 1, order-policy configures the way in which multiple dispatcher threads process region events from a serial gateway queue or serial asynchronous event queue. This attribute can have one of the following values:
  • key. When distributing region events from the local queue, multiple dispatcher threads preserve the order of key updates.
  • thread. When distributing region events from the local queue, multiple dispatcher threads preserve the order in which a given thread added region events to the queue.
  • partition. This option is valid for parallel event queues. When distributing region events from the local queue, multiple dispatcher threads preserve the order in which region events were added to the local queue. For a partitioned region, this means that all region events delivered to a specific partition are delivered in the same order to the remote Tanzu GemFire site. For a distributed region, this means that all key updates delivered to the local queue are distributed to the remote site in the same order.

You cannot configure the order-policy for a parallel event queue, because parallel queues cannot preserve event ordering for regions. Only the ordering of events for a given partition (or in a given queue of a distributed region) can be preserved.

id Unique identifier for the gateway sender, usually an identifier associated with a physical location. This attribute is required. null
remote-distributed-system-id Integer that uniquely identifies the remote Tanzu GemFire cluster to which this gateway sender will send region events. This value corresponds to the distributed-system-id property specified in locators for the remote cluster. This attribute is required. null
manual-start Deprecated. Boolean value that specifies whether you need to manually start the gateway sender. If you supply a null value, the default value of false is used, and the gateway sender attempts to start automatically. A manual start is likely to cause data loss, so manual start should never be used in a production system. false
socket-buffer-size Size of the socket buffer that sends messages to remote sites. This size should match the size of the socket-buffer-size attribute of remote gateway receivers that process region events. 32768
socket-read-timeout Amount of time in milliseconds that the gateway sender will wait to receive an acknowledgment from a remote site. By default this is set to 0, which means there is no timeout. If you set this timeout, you must set it to a minimum of 30000 (milliseconds). Setting it to a number lower than 30000 will generate an error message and reset the value to the default 0. 0
enable-batch-conflation Boolean value that determines whether Tanzu GemFire should conflate messages. false
batch-size Maximum number of messages that a batch can contain. 100
batch-time-interval Maximum amount of time, in ms, that can elapse before a batch is delivered, when no events are found in the queue to reach the batch-size. 1000
enable-persistence Boolean value that determines whether Tanzu GemFire persists the gateway queue. false
disk-store-name Named disk store to use for storing the queue overflow, or for persisting the queue. If you specify a value, the named disk store must exist. If you specify a null value, Tanzu GemFire uses the default disk store for overflow and queue persistence.
disk-synchronous For regions that write to disk, boolean that specifies whether disk writes are done synchronously for the region. true
maximum-queue-memory Maximum amount of memory in megabytes that the queue can consume before overflowing to disk. 100 MB
alert-threshold Maximum number of milliseconds that a region event can remain in the gateway sender queue before Tanzu GemFire logs an alert. 0
group-transaction-events Boolean value to ensure that all the events of a transaction are sent in the same batch, i.e., they are never spread across different batches.

Only allowed to be set on gateway senders with the parallel attribute set to false and dispatcher-threads attribute equal to 1, or on gateway senders with the parallel attribute set to true. Also, the enable-batch-conflation attribute of the gateway sender must be set to false.

Note: To work for a transaction, the regions to which the transaction events belong must be replicated by the same set of senders with this flag enabled.

Note: If the above condition is not fulfilled or under very high load traffic conditions, it may not be guaranteed that all the events for a transaction will be sent in the same batch, even if group-transaction-events is enabled. The number of batches sent with incomplete transactions can be retrieved from the GatewaySenderMXBean bean.






A GatewayEventFilter implementation determines whether a region event is placed in a gateway sender queue and/or whether an event in a gateway queue is distributed to a remote site. You can optionally add one or more GatewayEventFilter implementations to a gateway sender, either in the cache.xml configuration file or using the Java API.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.


  <parameter name="param1">



A GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter provides a way to specify a substitute value to be stored in the GatewayQueueEvent and enqueued in the RegionQueue. You can optionally add one GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter implementation to a gateway sender.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.


  <parameter name="param1">



Use a GatewayTransportFilter implementation to process the TCP stream that sends a batch of events that is distributed from one Tanzu GemFire cluster to another over a WAN. A GatewayTransportFilter is typically used to perform encryption or compression on the data that distributed. You install the same GatewayTransportFilter implementation on both a gateway sender and gateway receiver.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.





Configures a gateway receiver to receive and apply region events that were distributed from another Tanzu GemFire site. You can only specify one gateway receiver on a member. See Configuring a Multi-site (WAN) System.

API: GatewayReceiverFactory, GatewayTransportFilter

<gateway-receiver> Attributes

Attribute Description Default

Starting port number to use when specifying the range of possible port numbers this gateway receiver will use to connects to gateway senders in other sites. Tanzu GemFire chooses an unused port number in the specified port number range to start the receiver. If no port numbers in the range are available, an exception is thrown.

The STARTPORT value is inclusive while the ENDPORT value is exclusive. For example, if you specify STARTPORT="50510" and ENDPOINT="50520", Tanzu GemFire chooses a port value from 50510 to 50519.


Defines the upper bound port number to use when specifying the range of possible port numbers this gateway receiver will use to for connections from gateway senders in other sites. Tanzu GemFire chooses an unused port number in the specified port number range to start the receiver. If no port numbers in the range are available, an exception is thrown.

The ENDPORT value is exclusive while the STARTPORT value is inclusive. For example, if you specify STARTPORT="50510" and ENDPOINT="50520", Tanzu GemFire chooses a port value from 50510 to 50519.

bind-address Network address for connections from gateway senders in other sites. Specify the address as a literal string value.
hostname-for-senders Attribute where you can specify an IP address or hostname for gateway sender connections. If you configure hostname-for-senders, locators will use the provided hostname or IP address when instructing gateway senders on how to connect to gateway receivers. If you provide "" or null as the value, by default the gateway receiver's bind-address will be sent to clients.
manual-start When set to false, the gateway receiver will automatically start when the receiver is created. If set to true, you must manually start the receiver. true
maximum-time-between-pings Integer value that specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) to use between pings to connected WAN sites. This value determines the maximum amount of time that can elapse before a remote WAN site is considered offline. 60000
socket-buffer-size An integer value that sets the buffer size (in bytes) of the socket connection for this gateway receiver. This value should match the socket-buffer-size setting of gateway senders that connect to this receiver. 32768


  <gateway-receiver start-port="1530" end-port="1551">



Use a GatewayTransportFilter implementation to process the TCP stream that sends a batch of events that is distributed from one Tanzu GemFire cluster to another over a WAN. A GatewayTransportFilter is typically used to perform encryption or compression on the data that distributed. You install the same GatewayTransportFilter implementation on both a gateway sender and gateway receiver.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.





An event-handler plug-in that is called in order to determine whether a potentially conflicting WAN update should be applied to the local cache. A GatewayConflictResolver is invoked if the current value in a cache entry was established by a different cluster (with a different distributed-system-id) than an event that is attempting to modify the entry. It is not invoked if the event has the same distributed system ID as the event that last changed the entry. See Resolving Conflicting Events

Specify the Java class for the gateway conflict resolver plug-in and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayConflictResolver





Configures a queue for sending region events to an AsyncEventListener implementation (for example, for write-behind event handling).

API: org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue

<async-event-queue> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
id Unique identifier for the queue. This attribute is required. null
parallel Boolean value that specifies the type of queue that Tanzu GemFire creates. false
batch-size Maximum number of messages that a batch can contain. 100
batch-time-interval Maximum amount of time, in ms, that can elapse before a batch is delivered, when no events are found in the queue to reach the batch-size. 5
enable-batch-conflation Boolean value that determines whether Tanzu GemFire should conflate messages. false
disk-store-name Named disk store to use for storing queue overflow, or for persisting the queue. If you specify a value, the named disk store must exist. If you specify a null value, Tanzu GemFire uses the default disk store for overflow and queue persistence. null specifies the default disk store
disk-synchronous For regions that write to disk, boolean that specifies whether disk writes are done synchronously for the region. true
dispatcher-threads Number of dispatcher threads that are used to process region events from the queue. 5
forward-expiration-destroy When true, forwards expiration destroy operations to AsyncEventListener. false
maximum-queue-memory Maximum amount of memory in megabytes that the queue can consume before overflowing to disk. 100 MB
order-policy When the dispatcher-threads attribute is greater than 1, order-policy configures the way in which multiple dispatcher threads process region events from the queue. This attribute can have one of the following values:
  • key. When distributing region events from the local queue, multiple dispatcher threads preserve the order of key updates.
  • thread. When distributing region events from the local queue, multiple dispatcher threads preserve the order in which a given thread added region events to the queue.
  • partition. This option is valid for parallel event queues. When distributing region events from the local queue, multiple dispatcher threads preserve the order in which region events were added to the local queue. For a partitioned region, this means that all region events delivered to a specific partition are delivered in the same order to the remote Tanzu GemFire site. For a distributed region, this means that all key updates delivered to the local queue are distributed to the remote site in the same order.

You cannot configure the order-policy for a parallel event queue, because parallel queues cannot preserve event ordering for regions. Only the ordering of events for a given partition (or in a given queue of a distributed region) can be preserved.

pause-event-processing When true, event dispatching from the queue to the listeners are paused when the AsyncEventQueue is started. false
persistent Boolean value that determines whether Tanzu GemFire persists this queue. false


      <parameter name="url">
      <parameter name="username">
      <parameter name="password">



An AsyncEventListener receives callbacks for events that change region data. You can use an AsyncEventListener implementation as a write-behind cache event handler to synchronize region updates with a database.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener


  <parameter name="url">
  <parameter name="username">
  <parameter name="password">



Configures the cache to serve region data to clients in a client/server caching system. This element indicates the port the server listens on for client communication.

The cacheserver process uses only cache.xml configuration. For application servers, you can set the same configuration properties using the org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer and org.apache.geode.cache.Cache interfaces. For detailed information, see the online Java API documentation.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer

<cache-server> Attributes

Attribute Description Default Value
bind-address Hostname or IP address that the server is to listen on for client connections. If null, the server listens on the machine's default address. null
hostname-for-clients Hostname or IP address to pass to the client as the location where the server is listening. When the server connects to the locator it tells the locator the host and port where it is listening for client connections. If the host the server uses by default is one that the client cannot translate into an IP address, the client will have no route to the server's host and will not be able to find the server. For this situation, you must supply the server's alternate hostname for the locator to pass to the client. If null, the server's bind-address setting is used. null
load-poll-interval Frequency, in milliseconds, to poll the load probe for load information on the server. 5000

(5 seconds)

max-connections Maximum number of client connections for the server. When the maximum is reached, the server refuses additional client connections.

Note: Set this at least as high as max-threads.

max-threads Maximum number of threads allowed in this server to service client connections. When the limit is reached, server threads begin servicing multiple connections. A 0 (zero) setting causes the server to use a thread for every client connection.

Note: Set this to a value less than or equal to the value of max-connections.

maximum-message-count Maximum number of messages allowed in a subscription queue. When the queue reaches this limit, messages block.

Note: Used only if client-subscription is not configured.

maximum-time-between-pings Maximum time, in milliseconds, the server allows to pass between messages or pings indicating a client is healthy.

Note: A setting of 0 or a negative number deactivates client health monitoring. VMware recommends that you do not accidentally deactivate health monitoring.


(1 minute)

message-time-to-live Setting used for highly available subscription queues. The expiration time, in seconds, for non-durable messages in the secondary server's client subscription queue. The system removes non-durable messages that have been in the queue beyond this time. If set to 0 (zero), the messages are never removed.

Note: Set this high enough to avoid removing messages that are still valid, to avoid losing messages during server failover.


(3 minutes)

port Port that the server listens on for client communication. 40404
socket-buffer-size Size for socket buffers used for server-to-client communication. 32768
tcp-no-delay When set to true, enables TCP_NODELAY for Tanzu GemFire server connections to clients. false





Overflow specification for client subscription queues. Sets a capacity limit on the in-memory queue and specifies where to overflow when capacity is reached. By default no overflow is used. Specified in three parts:

Default: no overflow

API: org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig

<client-subscription> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
eviction-policy How the capacity is calculated. The options are mem for memory use, entry for message count, and null for no overflow. null
capacity Used if eviction-policy is not null. Specified in megabytes for mem and as a positive integer for entry. 1
disk-store-name Used if eviction-policy is not null. Default: default disk store. If specified, the disk-store-name must specify a disk store that is already defined in the cache. default disk store


  <cache-server port=4444>
    <client-subscription eviction-policy="entry | mem" capacity=35 overflow-directory="OverflowDir">



Application plug-in used to provide current and predicted server load information to the server locators.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.

Default: If this is not defined, the default Tanzu GemFire load probe is used.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.server.setLoadProbe





Use for client caches. Defines a client’s server pool used to communicate with servers running in a different cluster.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory

<pool> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
free-connection-timeout Amount of time, in milliseconds, a thread will wait to get a pool connection before timing out with an exception. This timeout keeps threads from waiting indefinitely when a pool's max-connections has been reached and all connections in the pool are in use by other threads.

Takes effect only when pr-single-hop-enabled is false. When pr-single-hop-enabled is true, use server-connection-timeout.


(10 seconds)

idle-timeout Maximum time, in milliseconds, a pool connection can stay open without being used when there are more than min-connections in the pool. Pings over the connection do not count as connection use. If set to -1, there is no idle timeout.

If load-conditioning-interval is set to a nonzero value, then idle-timeout cannot exceed that value. In this case, if idle-timeout is set to -1 or to a value greater than the load-conditioning-interval, it is reset to the same value as load-conditioning-interval.


(2 minutes)

load-conditioning-interval Amount of time, in milliseconds, a pool connection can remain open before being eligible for silent replacement to a less-loaded server.

VMware recommends that you set load-polling-interval higher than the server's load-poll-interval and the client's ping-interval.


(5 minutes)

max-connections Maximum number of pool connections the pool can create. If the maximum connections are in use, an operation requiring a client-to-server connection blocks until a connection becomes available or the free-connection-timeout is reached. If set to -1, there is no maximum. The setting must indicate a cap greater than min-connections.

Takes effect only when pr-single-hop-enabled is false. When pr-single-hop-enabled is true, use max-connections-per-server.

max-connections-per-server Maximum number of connections pooled to a single server. If the maximum connections are in use, an operation requiring a client-to-server connection to that server blocks until a connection becomes available or server-connection-timeout is reached. If set to -1, there is no maximum. The setting must indicate a cap greater than min-connections-per-server.

Takes effect only when pr-single-hop-enabled is true. When pr-single-hop-enabled is false, use max-connections.

min-connections Minimum number of pool connections to keep available at all times. Used to establish the initial connection pool. If set to 0 (zero), no connection is created until an operation requires it. This number is the starting point, with more connections added later as needed, up to the max-connection setting. The setting must be an integer greater than or equal to 0.

Takes effect only when pr-single-hop-enabled is false. When pr-single-hop-enabled is true, use min-connections-per-server.

min-connections-per-server Minimum number of connections for each cache server in the cluster. The system tries to to keep available at least this many connections to each server at all times. When a new pool is created, it immediately begins creating connections to each server, up to this minimum. If set to 0 (zero), no connection is created until an operation requires it. This number is the starting point, with more connections added later as needed, up to the max-connections-per-server setting. The setting must be an integer greater than or equal to 0.

Takes effect only when pr-single-hop-enabled is true. When pr-single-hop-enabled is false, use min-connections.

multiuser-authentication Used for installations with security where you want to accommodate multiple users within a single client. If set to true, the pool provides authorization for multiple user instances in the same client application, and each user accesses the cache through its own RegionService instance. If false, the client either uses no authorization or just provides credentials for the single client process. false
name Name of this pool. Used in the client region pool-name to assign this pool to a region in the client cache.

Note: This is a required property with no default setting.

ping-interval How often to communicate with the server to show the client is alive, set in milliseconds. Pings are only sent when the ping-interval elapses between normal client messages.

Note: Set this to a value lower than the server's maximum-time-between-pings.

pr-single-hop-enabled Optimizes access to partitioned region data in the servers.

When true, the pool configuration is also affected by the attributes max-connections-per-server, min-connections-per-server, and server-connection-timeout.

When false, the pool configuration is also affected by the attributes max-connections, min-connections, and free-connection-timeout.

For details about the way these settings interact, see Configuring a Client/Server System.

read-timeout Maximum time, in milliseconds, for the client to wait for a response from a server. 10000

(10 seconds)

retry-attempts Number of times to retry a client request before giving up. If one server fails, the pool moves to the next, and so on until it is successful or it hits this limit. If the available servers are fewer than this setting, the pool will retry servers that have already failed until it reaches the limit. If this is set to -1, the pool tries every available server once. -1
server-connection-timeout Amount of time, in milliseconds, a thread will wait to get a pool connection to a specific server, before timing out with an exception. This timeout keeps threads from waiting indefinitely when the pool's max-connections-per-server has been reached and all connections in a pool are in use by other threads.

Takes effect only when pr-single-hop-enabled is true. When pr-single-hop-enabled is false, use free-connection-timeout.

server-group Logical named server group to use from the pool. A null value uses the global server group to which all servers belong.

Note: This is only used when the locator list is defined.

socket-buffer-size Size for socket buffers from the client to the server. Default: 32768. 32768
statistic-interval Interval, in milliseconds, at which to send client statistics to the server. If set to -1, statistics are not sent. -1
subscription-ack-interval Time, in milliseconds, between messages to the primary server to acknowledge event receipt.

Note: Used only when subscription-redundancy is not 0 (zero).

subscription-enabled Boolean indicating whether the server should connect back to the client and automatically sends server-side cache update information. Any bind address information for the client is automatically passed to the server for use in the callbacks. false


Time-to-live, in milliseconds, for entries in the client's message tracking list. 900000

(15 minutes)

subscription-redundancy Number of servers to use as backup to the primary for highly available subscription queue management. If set to 0, no servers are used. If set to -1, all available servers are used. 0





Addresses and ports of the locators to connect to. You can define multiple locators for the pool.


Provide a locator list or server list, but not both.

<locator> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
host Hostname of the locator
port Port number of the locator


<pool ...>



Addresses and ports of the servers to connect to.


Provide a server list or locator list, but not both.


<server> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
host Hostname of the server
port Port number of the server


<pool ...>



Defines a pool of one or more disk stores, which can be used by regions, and client subscription queues.

Default: The cache default disk store, named “DEFAULT”, is used when disk is used but no disk store is named.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore

<disk-store> Attributes

Table 10. <disk-store> Attributes
Attribute Description Default
name The name of the Disk Store.
auto-compact Set to true to automatically compact the disk files.
compaction-threshold The threshold at which an operation log (oplog) will become able to be compacted. Until the oplog reaches this threshold, the oplog will not be compacted.

The threshold is a percentage in the range 0 to 100.

allow-force-compaction Set to true to allow disk compaction to be forced on this disk store.
max-oplog-size The maximum size, in megabytes, of an operation log (oplog) file.
time-interval The number of milliseconds that can elapse before unwritten data is written to disk.
write-buffer-size The size of the write buffer that this disk store uses when writing data to disk. Larger values may increase performance but use more memory. The disk store allocates one direct memory buffer of this size.
queue-size Maximum number of operations that can be asynchronously queued to be written to disk.
disk-usage-warning-percentage Disk usage above this threshold generates a warning message. For example, if the threshold is set to 90%, then on a 1 TB drive falling under 100 GB of free disk space generates the warning.

Set to 0 (zero) to deactivate.

disk-usage-critical-percentage Disk usage above this threshold generates an error message and shuts down the member's cache. For example, if the threshold is set to 99%, then falling under 10 GB of free disk space on a 1 TB drive generates the error and shuts down the cache.

Set to 0 (zero) to deactivate.






An element of a disk store that defines a set of <disk-dir> elements.



Specifies a region or disk store’s disk directory.

<disk-dir> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
dir-size Maximum amount of space to use for the disk store, in megabytes. 214748364

(2 petabytes)





Specifies the configuration for the Portable Data eXchange (PDX) method of serialization.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory.setPdxReadSerialized, setPdxDiskStore, setPdxPersistent, setPdxIgnoreUnreadFields and org.apache.geode.cache.ClientCacheFactory.setPdxReadSerialized, setPdxDiskStore, setPdxPersistent, setPdxIgnoreUnreadFields

<pdx> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
read-serialized Set to true to have PDX deserialization produce a PdxInstance instead of an instance of the domain class.
ignore-unread-fields Set to true if you do not want unread PDX fields to be preserved during deserialization. You can use this option to save memory. Set to true only in members that are only reading data from the cache.
persistent Set to true if you are using persistent regions. This causes the PDX type information to be written to disk.
disk-store-name If using persistence, this attribute allows you to configure the disk store that the PDX type data will be stored in. By default, the default disk store is used.


  <pdx persistent="true" disk-store-name="myDiskStore">
      <parameter name="classes">



Allows you to configure the PdxSerializer for this Tanzu GemFire member.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.


API: org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory.setPdxSerializer





Specifies a region attributes template that can be named (by id) and referenced (by refid) later in the cache.xml and through the API.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory or org.apache.geode.cache.ClientRegionFactory

<region-attributes> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
concurrency-level Gives an estimate of the maximum number of application threads that will concurrently access a region entry at one time. This attribute does not apply to partitioned regions. This attribute helps Tanzu GemFire optimize the use of system resources and reduce thread contention. This sets an initial parameter on the underlying java.util.ConcurrentHashMap used for storing region entries.

Note: Before you modify this, read the concurrency level description, then see the Java API documentation for java.util.ConcurrentHashMap.

API: setConcurrencyLevel


16 (threads)

Specifies how the local cache handles data for a region. This setting controls behavior such as local data storage and region initialization.

Note: Configure the most common options using the region shortcuts, RegionShortcut and ClientRegionShortcut. The default data-policy of normal specifies local cache storage. The empty policy specifies no local storage. In the region shortcuts, empty corresponds to the settings with the string PROXY. You can use an empty region for event delivery to and from the local cache without the memory overhead of data storage.

You can specify the following data policies:

empty No data storage in the local cache. The region always appears empty. Use this for event delivery to and from the local cache without the memory overhead of data storage - zero-footprint producers that only distribute data to others and zero-footprint consumers that only see events. To receive events with this, set the region's subscription-attributes interest-policy to all.
normal Data used locally (accessed with get, stored with put, etc.) is stored in the local cache. This policy allows the contents in the cache to differ from other caches.
partition Data is partitioned across local and remote caches using the automatic data distribution behavior of partitioned regions. Additional configuration is done in the partition-attributes.
replicate The region is initialized with the data from other caches. After initialization, all events for the distributed region are automatically copied into the local region, maintaining a replica of the entire distributed region in the local cache. Operations that would cause the contents to differ with other caches are not allowed. This is compatible with local scope, behaving the same as for normal.
persistent-partition Behaves the same as partition and also persists data to disk.
persistent-replicate Behaves the same as replicate and also persists data to disk.
preloaded Initializes like a replicated region, then, once initialized, behaves like a normal region.
API: setDataPolicy



This is similar to using a region shortcut withrefid, however when you use the REPLICATE region shortcut, it automatically sets the region's scope to distributed-ack.


If you use data-policy, you must set the scope explicitly.


For TCP/IP distributions between peers, specifies whether to allow aggregation of asynchronous messages sent by the producer member for the region. This is a special-purpose boolean attribute that applies only when asynchronous queues are used for slow consumers. A false value deactivate conflation so that all asynchronous messages are sent individually. This special-purpose attribute gives you extra control over peer-to-peer communication between distributed regions using TCP/IP. This attribute does not apply to client/server communication.

Note: To use this attribute, asynchronous queues must be enabled for slow consumers, specified with the async* gemfire properties.

API: setEnableAsyncConflation



Boolean for server regions that specifies whether the server can conflate its messages to the client. A true value enables conflation.


The client can override this setting with the conflate-events property in its

API: setEnableSubscriptionConflation



Specifies one or more gateway sender IDs to use for distributing region events to remote Tanzu GemFire sites. Specify multiple IDs as a comma-separated list.

API: addGatewaySenderId


not set
async-event-queue-ids Specifies one or more asynchronous event queues to use for distributing region events an AsyncEventListener implementation (for example, for write-behind cache event handling). Specify multiple IDs as a comma-separated list.

API: addAsyncEventQueueId

not set

If the enable-gateway attribute is set to true, a comma-separated list of gateway hub IDs that receive events from the region.

Used only with GemFire version 6.x gateway configurations. For GemFire 7.0 configuration, see the gateway-sender-id attribute of the <region-attributes> element.


Stores the region attribute settings in the cache with this identifier. Once stored, the attributes can be retrieved using the region attribute refid.

API: setId


not set

Boolean that determines whether operations on this region participate in active JTA transactions or ignore them and operate outside of the transactions. This is primarily used in cache loaders, writers, and listeners that need to perform non-transactional operations on a region, such as caching a result set.

API: setIgnoreJTA



Specifies whether region indexes are maintained synchronously with region modifications, or asynchronously in a background thread. In the cache.xml file, this is set as a value, asynchronous or synchronous, assigned to the index-update-type region attribute. Set this through the API by passing a boolean to the setIndexMaintenanceSynchronous method.

API: setIndexMaintenanceSynchronous


synchronous updates

Together with the load-factor region attribute, sets the initial parameters on the underlying java.util.ConcurrentHashMap used for storing region entries.

API: setInitialCapacity



Determines whether this member defines itself as the lock grantor for the region at region creation time. This only specifies whether the member becomes lock grantor at creation and does not reflect the current state of the member's lock grantor status. The member's lock grantor status may change if another member subsequently defines the region with is-lock-grantor set to true. This attribute is only relevant for regions with global scope, as only they allow locking. It affects implicit and explicit locking.

API: setLockGrantor



Together with the initial-capacity region attribute, sets the initial parameters on the underlying java.util.ConcurrentHashMap used for storing region entries. This must be a floating point number between 0 and 1, inclusive.


Before you set this attribute, read the discussion of initial capacity and load factor, then see the Java API documentation for java.util.ConcurrentHashMap.

API: setLoadFactor


mirror-type Deprecated

Identifies the region as a client region and specifies the server pool the region is to use. The named pool must be defined in the client cache before the region is created. If this is not set, the region does not connect to the servers as a client region.

API: setPoolName


This declaration creates the region as a client region with a server pool named DatabasePool. This pool-name specification is required, as there are multiple pools in the client cache:

  <pool name="DatabasePool"
  <region ... >

This declaration creates the region as a client region assigned the single pool that is defined for the client cache. Here the pool-name specification is implied to be the only pool that exists in the cache:

  <region ...>
not set

Assigns the region to the disk store with this name from the disk stores defined for the cache. Persist region data to disk by defining the region as persistent using the Shortcut Attribute Options or data-policy settings. Overflow data to disk by implementing LRU eviction-attributes with an action of overflow to disk. Each disk store defines the file system directories to use, how data is written to disk, and other disk storage maintenance properties. In addition, the disk-synchronous region attribute specifies whether writes are done synchronously or asynchronously.

API: setDiskStoreName


  disk-store-name="myStoreA" >

For regions that write to disk, boolean that specifies whether disk writes are done synchronously for the region.

API: setDiskSynchronous



Retrieves region shortcuts and user-defined named region attributes for attributes initialization

API: setRefId


  <!-- Override any stored
    attribute settings that you
    need to ... -->
not set

Determines how updates to region entries are distributed to the other caches in the cluster where the region and entry are defined. Scope also determines whether to allow remote invocation of some of the region's event handlers, and whether to use region entry versions to provide consistent updates across replicated regions.

You can configure the most common of these options with Tanzu GemFire region shortcuts in RegionShortcut and ClientRegionShortcut.

Server regions that are not partitioned must be replicated with distributed-ack or global scope. The region shortcuts that specify REPLICATE have distributed-ack scope.

Set one of the following scope values:

local No distribution. The region is visible only to threads running inside the member.
distributed-no-ack Events are distributed to remote caches with no acknowledgement required.
distributed-ack Events are distributed to remote caches with receipt acknowledgement required. Region entry versions are used to provide consistent updates across members of the cluster.
global Events are distributed to remote caches with global locking to ensure distributed cache consistency.
API: setScope


statistics-enabled Boolean specifying whether to gather statistics on the region. Must be true to use expiration on the region. Tanzu GemFire provides a standard set of statistics for cached regions and region entries, which give you information for fine-tuning your cluster. Unlike other Tanzu GemFire statistics, statistics for local and distributed regions are not archived and cannot be charted. They are kept in instances of org.apache.geode.cache.CacheStatistics and made available through the region and its entries through the Region.getStatistics and Region.Entry.getStatistics methods.

API: setStatisticsEnabled



Determines how fromDelta applies deltas to the local cache for delta propagation. When true, the updates are applied to a clone of the value and then the clone is saved to the cache. When false, the value is modified in place in the cache.

API: setCloningEnabled



Determines whether members perform checks to provide consistent handling for concurrent or out-of-order updates to distributed regions. For more information, see Consistency for Region Updates.

Note: Applications that use a client-cache may want to deactivate concurrency checking to see all events for a region. Tanzu GemFire server members can continue using concurrency checks for the region, but they will pass all events to the client cache. This configuration ensures that the client sees all events, but it does not prevent the client cache from becoming unsynchronized with the server cache.

API: setConcurrencyChecksEnabled



Specifies that the region uses off-heap memory to store entry values, including values for region entries and queue entries. The region will still use heap memory for everything else, such as entry keys and the ConcurrentHashMap.

API: setOffHeap





Defines the type of object to be allowed for the region entry keys. This must be a fully-qualified class name. The attribute ensures that the keys for the region entries are all of the same class. If key-constraint is not used, the region’s keys can be of any class. This attribute, along with value-constraint, is useful for querying and indexing because it provides object type information to the query engine.


Set the constraint in every cache where you create or update the region entries. For client/server installations, match constraints between client and server and between clusters. The constraint is only checked in the cache that does the entry put or create operation. To avoid deserializing the object, the constraint is not checked when the entry is distributed to other caches.

Default: not set

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setKeyConstraint





Defines the type of object to be allowed for the region entry values. This must be a fully-qualified class name. If value constraint is not used, the region’s value can be of any class. This attribute, along with key-constraint, is useful for querying and indexing because it provides object type information to the query engine.


Set the constraint in every cache where you create or update the region entries. For client/server installations, match constraints between client and server and between clusters. The constraint is only checked in the cache that does the entry put or create operation. To avoid deserializing the object, the constraint is not checked when the entry is distributed to other caches.

Default: not set

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setValueConstraint





Expiration setting that specifies how long the region can remain in the cache without anyone accessing or updating it.

Default: not set - no expiration of this type

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setRegionTimeToLive





Within the entry-time-to-live or entry-idle-time element, this element specifies the expiration rules for removing old region entries that you are not using. You can destroy or invalidate entries, either locally or across the cluster. Within the region-time-to-live or region-idle-time element, this element specifies the expiration rules for the entire region.

API: See APIs for entry-time-to-live, entry-idle-time, region-time-to-live, region-idle-time

<expiration-attributes> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
timeout Number of seconds before a region or an entry expires. If timeout is not specified, it defaults to 0 (zero), which means no expiration. 0
action Action that should take place when a region or an entry expires.
Select one of the following expiration actions:
local-destroy Removes the region or entry from the local cache, but does not distribute the removal operation to remote members. You cannot use this action on partitioned region entries.
destroy Removes the region or entry completely from the cache. Destroy actions are distributed according to the region's distribution settings. Use this option when the region or entry is no longer needed for any application in the cluster.
invalidate Default expiration action. Marks an entry or all entries in the region as invalid. Distributes the invalidation according to the region's scope. This is the proper choice when the region or the entry is no longer valid for any application in the cluster.
local-invalidate Marks an entry or all entries in the region as invalid but does not distribute the operation. You cannot use this action on partitioned region entries. Local region invalidation is only supported for regions that are not configured as replicated regions.





Specifies the custom class that implements org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry. You define this class in order to override the region-wide settings for specific entries. See Configure Data Expiration for an example.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setCustomEntryIdleTimeout, setCustomEntryTimeToLive



Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.



Expiration setting that specifies how long the region can remain in the cache without anyone accessing it.


To ensure reliable read behavior across the partitioned region, use region-time-to-live for region expiration instead of this setting.

Default: not set - no expiration of this type

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setRegionIdleTimeout


<region-attributes statistics-enabled="true">



Within the entry-time-to-live or entry-idle-time element, this element specifies the expiration rules for removing old region entries that you are not using. You can destroy or invalidate entries, either locally or across the cluster. Within the region-time-to-live or region-idle-time element, this element specifies the expiration rules for the entire region.

API: See APIs for entry-time-to-live, entry-idle-time, region-time-to-live, region-idle-time

<expiration-attributes> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
timeout Number of seconds before a region or an entry expires. If timeout is not specified, it defaults to 0 (zero), which means no expiration. 0
action Action that should take place when a region or an entry expires.
Select one of the following expiration actions:
local-destroy Removes the region or entry from the local cache, but does not distribute the removal operation to remote members. You cannot use this action on partitioned region entries.
destroy Removes the region or entry completely from the cache. Destroy actions are distributed according to the region's distribution settings. Use this option when the region or entry is no longer needed for any application in the cluster.
invalidate Default expiration action. Marks an entry or all entries in the region as invalid. Distributes the invalidation according to the region's scope. This is the proper choice when the region or the entry is no longer valid for any application in the cluster.
local-invalidate Marks an entry or all entries in the region as invalid but does not distribute the operation. You cannot use this action on partitioned region entries. Local region invalidation is only supported for regions that are not configured as replicated regions.





Specifies the custom class that implements org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry. You define this class in order to override the region-wide settings for specific entries. See Configure Data Expiration for an example.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setCustomEntryIdleTimeout, setCustomEntryTimeToLive



Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.



Expiration setting that specifies how long the region’s entries can remain in the cache without anyone accessing or updating them. See <expiration-attributes> for details.

Default: not set - no expiration of this type.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setEntryTimeToLive





Within the entry-time-to-live or entry-idle-time element, this element specifies the expiration rules for removing old region entries that you are not using. You can destroy or invalidate entries, either locally or across the cluster. Within the region-time-to-live or region-idle-time element, this element specifies the expiration rules for the entire region.

API: See APIs for entry-time-to-live, entry-idle-time, region-time-to-live, region-idle-time

<expiration-attributes> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
timeout Number of seconds before a region or an entry expires. If timeout is not specified, it defaults to 0, (zero), which means no expiration. 0
action Action that should take place when a region or an entry expires.
Select one of the following expiration actions:
local-destroy Removes the region or entry from the local cache, but does not distribute the removal operation to remote members. You cannot use this action on partitioned region entries.
destroy Removes the region or entry completely from the cache. Destroy actions are distributed according to the region's distribution settings. Use this option when the region or entry is no longer needed for any application in the cluster.
invalidate Default expiration action. Marks an entry or all entries in the region as invalid. Distributes the invalidation according to the region's scope. This is the proper choice when the region or the entry is no longer valid for any application in the cluster.
local-invalidate Marks an entry or all entries in the region as invalid but does not distribute the operation. You cannot use this action on partitioned region entries. Local region invalidation is only supported for regions that are not configured as replicated regions.





Specifies the custom class that implements org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry. You define this class in order to override the region-wide settings for specific entries. See Configure Data Expiration for an example.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setCustomEntryIdleTimeout, setCustomEntryTimeToLive



Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.



Expiration setting that specifies how long the region’s entries can remain in the cache without anyone accessing them. See <expiration-attributes> for details.


To ensure reliable read behavior across the partitioned region, use entry-time-to-live for entry expiration instead of this setting.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setEntryIdleTimeout





Within the entry-time-to-live or entry-idle-time element, this element specifies the expiration rules for removing old region entries that you are not using. You can destroy or invalidate entries, either locally or across the cluster. Within the region-time-to-live or region-idle-time element, this element specifies the expiration rules for the entire region.

API: See APIs for entry-time-to-live, entry-idle-time, region-time-to-live, region-idle-time

<expiration-attributes> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
timeout Number of seconds before a region or an entry expires. If timeout is not specified, it defaults to 0 (zero), which means no expiration. 0
action Action that should take place when a region or an entry expires.
Select one of the following expiration actions:
local-destroy Removes the region or entry from the local cache, but does not distribute the removal operation to remote members. You cannot use this action on partitioned region entries.
destroy Removes the region or entry completely from the cache. Destroy actions are distributed according to the region's distribution settings. Use this option when the region or entry is no longer needed for any application in the cluster.
invalidate Default expiration action. Marks an entry or all entries in the region as invalid. Distributes the invalidation according to the region's scope. This is the proper choice when the region or the entry is no longer valid for any application in the cluster.
local-invalidate Marks an entry or all entries in the region as invalid but does not distribute the operation. You cannot use this action on partitioned region entries. Local region invalidation is only supported for regions that are not configured as replicated regions.





Specifies the custom class that implements org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry. You define this class in order to override the region-wide settings for specific entries. See Configure Data Expiration for an example.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setCustomEntryIdleTimeout, setCustomEntryTimeToLive



Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.



Defines the region as partitioned and controls partitioning behavior. This is set during the region creation in the first data store for the partitioned region.


With the exception of local-max-memory, all members defining a partitioned region must use the same partition attribute settings.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setPartitionAttributes

<partition-attributes> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
colocated-with The full name of a region to colocate with this region. The named region must exist before this region is created. null
local-max-memory Maximum megabytes of memory set aside for this region in the local member. This is all memory used for this partitioned region - for primary buckets and any redundant copies. This value must be smaller than the Java settings for the initial or maximum JVM heap. When the memory use goes above this value, Tanzu GemFire issues a warning, but operation continues. Besides setting the maximum memory to use for the member, this setting also tells Tanzu GemFire how to balance the load between members where the region is defined. For example, if one member sets this value to twice the value of another member’s setting, Tanzu GemFire works to keep the ratio between the first and the second at two-to-one, regardless of how little memory the region consumes. This is a local parameter that applies only to the local member. A value of 0 deactivates local data caching. 90% (of local heap)
recovery-delay Applies when redundant-copies is greater than 0. The number of milliseconds to wait after a member crashes before reestablishing redundancy for the region. A setting of -1 deactivates automatic recovery of redundancy after member failure. -1
redundant-copies Number of extra copies that the partitioned region must maintain for each entry. Range: 0 to 3. If you specify 1, this partitioned region maintains the original and one backup, for a total of two copies. A value of 0 deactivates redundancy. 0
startup-recovery-delay Applies when redundant-copies is greater than 0. The number of milliseconds a newly started member should wait before trying to satisfy redundancy of region data stored on other members. A setting of -1 deactivates automatic recovery of redundancy after new members join. 0
total-max-memory Maximum combined megabytes of memory to be used by all processes hosting this region for all copies, primary and redundant. Integer.MAX_VALUE
total-num-buckets Total number of buckets or data storage areas allotted for the entire partitioned region in the distributed cache. As data moves from one member to another, the entries in a bucket move as one unit. This value should be a prime number at least four times the number of data stores. More buckets increases overhead, however, especially when redundant-copies equals 2 or 3 . 113


    total-num-buckets= "613"/>



Describes a custom PartitionResolver for a region.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory.setPartitionResolver

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.

<partition-resolver> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
name The name of this custom PartitionResolver.


<region name="trades">
      <partition-resolver name="TradesPartitionResolver">



Defines a custom PartitionListener for a partitioned region.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory.PartitionListener


<partition-attributes redundant-copies="1">
    <parameter name="viewRegions">



Describes a partition in a Fixed Partitioned Region.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory.addFixedPartitionAttributes

<fixed-partition-attributes> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
partition-name The name of this fixed partition.
is-primary Set to true if this partition is the primary partition. false
num-buckets The number of buckets assigned to this partition.


  <region name="Trades">
      <partition-attributes redundant-copies="1">
        <partition-resolver name="QuarterFixedPartitionResolver">



Establishes reliability requirements and behavior for a region. Use this to configure the region to require one or more membership roles to be running in the system for reliable access to the region. You can set up your own roles, such as producer or backup, specifying each role as a string. Membership attributes have no effect unless one or more required roles are specified.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setMembershipAttributes

<membership-attributes> Attributes

Attribute Description Default

Set one of the following values to specify how access to the region is affected when one or more required roles are lost.

full-access Access to the region is unaffected when required roles are missing.
limited-access Only local access to the region is allowed when required roles are missing.
no-access The region is unavailable when required roles are missing.
reconnect Loss of required roles causes the entire cache to be closed.
Specifies how the region is affected by resumption of reliability when one or more missing required roles return to the distributed membership. Set one of the following values:
none No special action takes place when reliability resumes.
reinitialize Resumption of reliability causes the region to be cleared of all data and replicated regions will perform a new getInitialImage operation to repopulate the region.


<!-- If there is no "producer" member
  running, do not allow access to the region -->



Specifies a role that is required for reliable access to the region.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes

<required-role> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
name The name of the required role.


    <required-role name="producer"/>



Specifies subscriber requirements and behavior for the region. There is one subscription attribute, interest-policy, that defines which distributed entry events are delivered to the local region.


The interest policy determines which events are delivered, but the data-policy determines how the events are applied to the cache.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setSubscriptionAttributes

<subscription-attributes> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
interest-policy Set one of the following interest-policy options:
cache-content The default, registers interest in events only for entries that are already in the local region. For partitioned regions, the local member must hold the primary copy of the entry's data.
all Registers interest in events for all entries that are anywhere in the distributed or partitioned region, regardless of whether they are already present in the local cache.





An event-handler plug-in that allows you to program for cache misses. At most, one cache loader can be defined in each member for the region. For distributed regions, a cache loader may be invoked remotely from other members that have the region defined. When an entry get results in a cache miss in a region with a cache loader defined, the loader’s load method is called. This method is usually programmed to retrieve data from an outside data source, but it can do anything required by your application.

For partitioned regions, if you want to have a cache loader, install an instance of the cache loader in every data store. Partitioned regions support partitioned loading, where each cache loader loads only the data entries in the local member. If data redundancy is configured, data is loaded only if the local member holds the primary copy.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setCacheLoader





An event-handler plug-in that allows you to receive before-event notification for changes to the region and its entries. It also has the ability to cancel events. At most, one cache writer can be defined in each member for the region. A cache writer may be invoked remotely from other members that have the region defined.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setCacheWriter





An event-handler plug-in that receives after-event notification of changes to the region and its entries. Any number of cache listeners can be defined for a region in any member. Tanzu GemFire offers several listener types with callbacks to handle data and process events. Depending on the data-policy and the interest-policy subscription attributes, a cache listener may receive only events that originate in the local cache, or it may receive those events along with events that originate remotely.

Specify the Java class for the cache listener and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.addCacheListener




<compressor> A compressor registers a custom class that extends Compressor to support compression on a region.





Specifies whether and how to control a region’s size. Size is controlled by removing least recently used (LRU) entries to make space for new ones. This may be done through destroy or overflow actions. You can configure your region for lru-heap-percentage with an eviction action of local-destroy using stored region attributes.

Default: Uses the lru-entry-count algorithm.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory.setEvictionAttributes





Using the maximum attribute, specifies maximum region capacity based on entry count.

<lru-entry-count> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
action Set one of the following eviction actions:
local-destroy Removes the entry from the local cache, but does not distribute the removal operation to remote members. This action can be applied to an entry in a partitioned region, but is not recommended if redundancy is enabled (redundant-copies greater than 0) because doing so introduces inconsistencies between the redundant buckets. When applied to an entry in a replicated region, Tanzu GemFire silently changes the region type to preloaded to accommodate the local modification.
overflow-to-disk The entry's value is overflowed to disk and set to null in memory. The entry's key is retained in the cache.
maximum The maximum number of entries allowed in a region.



Runs evictions when the Tanzu GemFire resource manager says to. The manager orders evictions when the total cache size is over the heap or off-heap percentage limit specified in the resource manager configuration. You can declare a Java class that implements the ObjectSizer interface to measure the size of objects in the Region.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.

<lru-heap-percentage> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
action Set one of the following eviction actions:
local-destroy Removes the entry from the local cache, but does not distribute the removal operation to remote members. This action can be applied to an entry in a partitioned region, but is not recommended if redundancy is enabled (redundant-copies greater than 0) because doing so introduces inconsistencies between the redundant buckets. When applied to an entry in a replicated region, Tanzu GemFire silently changes the region type to preloaded to accommodate the local modification.
overflow-to-disk The entry's value is overflowed to disk and set to null in memory. The entry's key is retained in the cache.



Using the maximum attribute, specifies maximum region capacity based on the amount of memory used, in megabytes. You can declare a Java class that implements the ObjectSizer interface to measure the size of objects in the Region.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.

<lru-memory-size> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
action Set one of the following eviction actions:
local-destroy Removes the entry from the local cache, but does not distribute the removal operation to remote members. This action can be applied to an entry in a partitioned region, but is not recommended if redundancy is enabled (redundant-copies greater than 0) because doing so introduces inconsistencies between the redundant buckets. When applied to an entry in a replicated region, Tanzu GemFire silently changes the region type to preloaded to accommodate the local modification.
overflow-to-disk The entry's value is overflowed to disk and set to null in memory. The entry's key is retained in the cache.
maximum The maximum amount of memory used in the region, in megabytes.



Specifies the binding for a data-source used in transaction management. See Configuring Database Connections Using JNDI.


  <jndi-binding type="XAPooledDataSource"



For every datasource that is bound to the JNDI tree, there should be one <jndi-binding> element. This element describes the property and the configuration of the datasource. Tanzu GemFire uses the attributes of the <jndi-binding> element for configuration. Use the <config-property> element to configure properties for the datasource.

We recommend that you set the username and password with the user-name and password jndi-binding attributes rather than using the <config-property> element.

<jndi-binding> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
blocking-timeout-seconds The number of seconds that a connection remains associated with a transaction. If this value is exceeded, the connection is disassociated from the transaction. 120
conn-pooled-datasource-class Java class used for the PooledDataSource type.
connection-url URL for connecting to the datasource.


If you are connecting to a JCA data source driver that implements XA transactions (where the jndi-binding type is XAPooledDataSource), do not use this attribute. Instead, define configuration properties for your database. See <config-property> for an example.

idle-timeout-seconds The maximum number of seconds that a connection can remain idle in a pool. When this threshold is reached, the connection is removed. 600
init-pool-size The initial pool size of a PooledConnection (an XAConnection or a non-XAConnection). 10
jdbc-driver-class Java class used for the SimpleDataSource type.
jndi-name The jndi-name attribute is the key binding parameter. If the value of jndi-name is a DataSource, it is bound as java:/myDatabase, where myDatabase is the name you assign to your data source. If the data source cannot be bound to JNDI at runtime, Tanzu GemFire logs a warning.

The maximum number of seconds for which a thread seeking a connection from a connection pool may be blocked. If the thread is unable to obtain connection in the stipulated time, a PoolException is thrown.

If a connection is available the thread returns immediately.

If an existing connection is not available and the maximum number of connections in the pool has not been reached, a new connection is created and the thread returns immediately with the connection.

If a connection is not available, the thread blocks for the specified time while waiting for an available connection.

managed-conn-factory-class If the Resource Adapter is of type ManagedDataSource, this class becomes the source of the PooledConnection. (This class interface complies with the J2CA Java 2 Connector Architecture.)
max-pool-size The maximum size of the PooledConnection. 30
password Password to access the datasource.
transaction-type When the type attribute is set to ManagedDataSource, specifies the type of transaction. Set one of the following transaction-types:
XATransaction Select this option when you want to use aManagedConnection interface with a Java Transaction Manager to define transaction boundaries. This option allows a ManagedDataSource to participate in a transaction with a Tanzu GemFire cache.
NoTransaction No transactional behavior is used.
LocalTransaction Select this option when using a ManagedDataSource that is not managed by the Java Transaction manager.
Set one of the following types:
XAPooledDataSource Pooled SQL connections. For this type, you must also set the xa-datasource-class attribute.
ManagedDataSource JNDI binding type for the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA). ManagedConnectionFactory. For information about the ManagedConnection interface, For more information, see the Oracle ManagedConnection documentation.
PooledDataSource Pooled SQL connections. For this type, you must also set the conn-pooled-datasource-class attribute.
SimpleDataSource Single SQL connection. No pooling of SQL connections is done. Connections are generated on the fly and cannot be reused. For this type, you must also set the jdbc-driver-class attribute.
user-name User name to access to the datasource.
xa-datasource-class Java class used for the XAPooledDataSource type.



A configuration property of the datasource. Use the sub-elements to identify the name, datatype, and value of the property.




Configuration properties vary depending on the database vendor. See Configuring Database Connections Using JNDI for examples of different configuration property configurations.



The name of this datasource property.



The data type of this datasource property.



The value of this datasource property.



Defines a region in the cache. For more details about configuring regions, see <region-attributes>. You can specify zero or more subregions within a region. For restrictions on creating subregions, see Create and Access Data Subregions. For example, you cannot create a partitioned subregion.


API: org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory or org.apache.geode.cache.ClientRegionFactory

<region> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
name Specify the name for the region. See Region Management for details.
refid Used to apply predefined attributes to the region being defined. If the nested region-attributes element has its own refid, the refid on the region is ignored. The refid region attribute can be set to the name of a RegionShortcut or a ClientRegionShortcut. For more information, see Region Shortcuts and Custom Named Region Attributes and Storing and Retrieving Region Shortcuts and Custom Named Region Attributes.


<!--Using region shortcut-->

<!-- Retrieving and storing attributes -->

<!-- Attributes are retrieved and applied in the first region -->
<region name="PartitionedRegion1" refid="myPartition"/>

For a complete listing of region attributes, see <region-attributes>.



Describes an index to be created on a region. The index node, if any, should all come immediately after the “region-attributes” node. The “name” attribute is a required field which identifies the name of the index. See Working with Indexes for more information about indexes.


API: org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService.createIndex, createKeyIndex, createHashIndex

<index> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
name Required. Name of the index.
from-clause Specifies the collections of objects that the index ranges over. The from-clause must only contain one and only one region path.
expression Specifies the lookup value of the index.
imports String containing the imports used to create the index. String should be specified in the query language syntax with each import statement separated by a semicolon. The imports statement provides packages and classes used in variable typing in the indexed and FROM expressions.
key-index Boolean that determines if the index should be a key index. If true, the region key specified in the indexed expression is used to evaluate queries.
type Possible values are hash or range. range


<region name=exampleRegion>
  <region-attributes ... >
    expression="id" key-index="true"/>
    from-clause="/exampleRegion p"
    expression="p.mktValue" type="hash"/>



Describes a Lucene index to be created on a region. The lucene namespace and the scoping operator (:) must be specified, as the Tanzu GemFire cache namespace also defines an index element (for OQL indexes).

API: org.apache.geode.cache.lucene package

<lucene:index> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
name Required. Name of the Lucene index.



  <region name="regionA" refid="PARTITION">
    <lucene:index name="myIndex">
      <lucene:field name="x" />
      <lucene:field name="y" />



Describes a field to be included in a Lucene index. Including the lucene namespace and the scoping operator (:) clarifies, but is not required.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.lucene package

<lucene:field> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
name Required. A string that defines the name of the field. If a single field is defined by the value "__REGION_VALUE_FIELD", then the entire value is used as a single field.
analyzer A string that provides the path to the analyzer to use for this field. A value of "null" uses the default analyzer. "null"


<region name="dataregion" refid="PARTITION_REDUNDANT">
  <lucene:index name="full_value_index">
    <lucene:field name="__REGION_VALUE_FIELD"/>



An “entry” element describes an entry to be added to a region. Note that if an entry with the given key already exists in the region, it will be replaced.


API: org.apache.geode.cache.Region.create, put, get, putAll, getAll


<region ...>
  <region-attributes ...>



Required. Describes the key in a region entry. A key can contain either a <string> or a <declarable> sub-element.


Specifies a String to be placed in a Region entry.


<region ...>
  <region-attributes ...>



Specifies a Declarable object to be placed in a Region entry.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.

API: Declarable


<parameter name="cacheserver">
    <parameter name="">



Required. Describes the value of a region entry. A <value> can contain either a <string> or a <declarable> sub-element.


Specifies a String to be placed in a Region entry.


<region ...>
  <region-attributes ...>



Specifies a Declarable object to be placed in a Region entry.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.

API: Declarable


<parameter name="cacheserver">
    <parameter name="">



When nested within a <region> element, defines a subregion. For restrictions on creating subregions, see Create and Access Data Subregions. For example, you cannot create a partitioned subregion.

See <region>



Configures the behavior of the function execution service.





Defines a function for registration in the function service.

Specify the Java class for the function and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.


API: org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService





A memory monitor that tracks cache size as a percentage of total heap or off-heap memory and controls size by restricting access to the cache and prompting eviction of old entries from the cache. For tenured heap, used in conjunction with settings for JVM memory and Java garbage collection. For off-heap memory, used with the off-heap memory manager.

API: org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager

<resource-manager> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
critical-heap-percentage Percentage of heap at or above which the cache is considered in danger of becoming inoperable due to garbage collection pauses or out of memory exceptions.

Only one change to this attribute or critical heap percentage will be allowed at any given time and its effect will be fully realized before the next change is allowed. This feature requires additional VM flags to perform properly. For details, see setCriticalHeapPercentage().


Set the percentage of heap at or above which the eviction should begin on regions configured for HeapLRU eviction.

Changing this value may cause eviction to begin immediately.

  • The default is 0, if no region is configured with heap eviction
  • If critical-heap-percentage is set to a non-zero value, 5% less than that value.
  • 80%, if critical-heap-percentage is not configured.
critical-off-heap-percentage Percentage of off-heap memory at or above which the cache is considered in danger of becoming inoperable due to garbage collection pauses or out of memory exceptions. 0
eviction-off-heap-percentage Set the percentage of off-heap memory at or above which the eviction should begin on Regions configured for HeapLRU eviction.
  • The default is 0, if no region is configured with heap eviction
  • If critical-off-heap-percentage is set to a non-zero value, 5% less than that value.
  • 80%, if critical-off-heap-percentage is not configured.





Set of serializer or instantiator tags to register customer DataSerializer extensions or DataSerializable implementations respectively.


  <instantiator id="30">



Allows you to configure the DataSerializer for this Tanzu GemFire member. It registers a custom class which extends DataSerializer to support custom serialization of non-modifiable object types inside Tanzu GemFire.

Specify the Java class for the DataSerializer and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> sub-element.

API: You can also register a DataSerializer by using the org.apache.geode.DataSerializer.register API. Use the org.apache.geode.Instantiator API to register a DataSerializable implementation.



An Instantiator registers a custom class which implements the DataSerializable interface to support custom object serialization inside Tanzu GemFire.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> sub-element.

API: DataSerializable

You can also directly specify <instantiator> as a sub-element of <cache>. Use the org.apache.geode.Instantiator API to register a DataSerializable implementation as the serialization framework for the cache. The following table lists the attribute that can be specified for an <instantiator>.

<instantiator> Attributes

Attribute Description Default
id Required. ID that the Instantiator should associate with the DataSerializable type.



Defines additional files or directories that should be backed up when the system wide backup command is invoked. Disk stores with persistent data are automatically backed up and do not need to be listed with this element.





Used to specify a callback class and, optionally, its parameters, that will be run after the cache is initialized. This element can be specified for both server and client caches.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements. See <class-name> and <parameter>.


API: Declarable


  <parameter name="members">



Specifies a Declarable object to be placed in a Region entry.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.

API: Declarable


<parameter name="cacheserver">
    <parameter name="">

class-name and parameter

<class-name> and <parameter>

Specify the name of a Java class with the <class-name> sub-element.

Specify initialization parameters for the class using the <parameter> sub-element. Use the name attribute to specify the name of the parameter and specify its value in the content of the <string> sub-element or by specifying a Java class with the <declarable> sub-element.


The following transaction writer configuration example specifies a Java class named The class is initialized with a parameter named URL whose value is jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:MyData.

  <parameter name="URL">



Specifies a Declarable object to be placed in a Region entry.

Specify the Java class and its initialization parameters with the <class-name> and <parameter> sub-elements.

API: Declarable


<parameter name="cacheserver">
    <parameter name="">



Specifies a String to be placed in a Region entry.


<region ...>
  <region-attributes ...>
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