gpbackup and gprestore are VMware Greenplum utilities that create and restore backup sets for Greenplum Database. By default, gpbackup stores only the object metadata files and DDL files for a backup in the Greenplum Database master data directory. Greenplum Database segments use the COPY ... ON SEGMENT command to store their data for backed-up tables in compressed CSV data files, located in each segment's backups directory.

The backup metadata files contain all of the information that gprestore needs to restore a full backup set in parallel. Backup metadata also provides the framework for restoring only individual objects in the data set, along with any dependent objects, in future versions of gprestore. (See Understanding Backup Files for more information.) Storing the table data in CSV files also provides opportunities for using other restore utilities, such as gpload, to load the data either in the same cluster or another cluster. By default, one file is created for each table on the segment. You can specify the --leaf-partition-data option with gpbackup to create one data file per leaf partition of a partitioned table, instead of a single file. This option also enables you to filter backup sets by leaf partitions.

Each gpbackup task uses a single transaction in Greenplum Database. During this transaction, metadata is backed up on the master host, and data for each table on each segment host is written to CSV backup files using COPY ... ON SEGMENT commands in parallel. The backup process acquires an ACCESS SHARE lock on each table that is backed up.

For information about the gpbackup and gprestore utility options, see gpbackup and gprestore.

Parent topic:Backing Up and Restoring Databases

Requirements and Limitations

The gpbackup and gprestore utilities are compatible with these Greenplum Database versions:

  • VMware Greenplum 4.3.22 and later
  • VMware Greenplum 5.5.0 and later
  • VMware Greenplum 6.0.0 and later

gpbackup and gprestore have the following limitations:

  • If you create an index on a parent partitioned table, gpbackup does not back up that same index on child partitioned tables of the parent, as creating the same index on a child would cause an error. However, if you exchange a partition, gpbackup does not detect that the index on the exchanged partition is inherited from the new parent table. In this case, gpbackup backs up conflicting CREATE INDEX statements, which causes an error when you restore the backup set.

  • You can execute multiple instances of gpbackup, but each execution requires a distinct timestamp.

  • Database object filtering is currently limited to schemas and tables.

  • When backing up a partitioned table where some or all leaf partitions are in different schemas from the root partition, the leaf partition table definitions, including the schemas, are backed up as metadata. This occurs even if the backup operation specifies that schemas that contain the leaf partitions should be excluded. To control data being backed up for this type of partitioned table in this situation, use the --leaf-partition-data option.

    • If the --leaf-partition-data option is not specified, the leaf partition data is also backed up even if the backup operation specifies that the leaf partition schemas should be excluded.
    • If the --leaf-partition-data option is specified, the leaf partition data will not be backed up if the backup operation specifies that the leaf partition schemas should be excluded. Only the metadata for leaf partition tables are backed up.
  • If you specify a leaf partition name with --exclude-table or in a file used with --exclude-table-table, gpbackup ignores the partition name. The leaf partition is not excluded from the backup.

  • If you use the gpbackup --single-data-file option to combine table backups into a single file per segment, you cannot perform a parallel restore operation with gprestore (cannot set --jobs to a value higher than 1).

  • Backing up a database with gpbackup while simultaneously running DDL commands might cause gpbackup to fail, in order to ensure consistency within the backup set. For example, if a table is dropped after the start of the backup operation, gpbackup exits and displays the error message ERROR: relation <schema.table> does not exist.

    gpbackup might fail when a table is dropped during a backup operation due to table locking issues. gpbackup generates a list of tables to back up and acquires an ACCESS SHARED lock on the tables. If an EXCLUSIVE LOCK is held on a table, gpbackup acquires the ACCESS SHARED lock after the existing lock is released. If the table no longer exists when gpbackup attempts to acquire a lock on the table, gpbackup exits with the error message.

    For tables that might be dropped during a backup, you can exclude the tables from a backup with a gpbackup table filtering option such as --exclude-table or --exclude-schema.

  • To restore to a cluster that has a different number of segments than the source cluster you must invoke the resize-cluster option when you call gprestore. See the gprestore reference page.

    Note: In order to enable the --resize-cluster feature for gprestore, you must take backups using gpbackup 1.26 or later.

  • If you run gpexpand to add segments to the cluster, backups you made before starting the expand cannot be restored after the expansion has completed unless you invoke the resize-cluster option when you call gprestore.

Parent topic:Parallel Backup with gpbackup and gprestore

Objects Included in a Backup or Restore

The following table lists the objects that are backed up and restored with gpbackup and gprestore.

Database objects are backed up for the database you specify with the --dbname option.

Global objects (Greenplum Database system objects) are backed up by default, but they are not restored by default. Use the gprestore --with-globals option to restore global objects. Or, use the gpbackup --without-globals option to prevent backing up global objects.

Table 1. Objects that are backed up and restored
Database Objects Global Objects
  • Session-level configuration parameter settings (GUCs)
  • Schemas, see Note
  • Procedural language extensions
  • Sequences
  • Comments
  • Tables
  • Indexes
  • Owners
  • Writable External Tables (DDL only)
  • Readable External Tables (DDL only)
  • Functions
  • Aggregates
  • Casts
  • Types
  • Views
  • Materialized Views (DDL only)
  • Protocols
  • Triggers. (While Greenplum Database does not support triggers, any trigger definitions that are present are backed up and restored.)
  • Rules
  • Domains
  • Operators, operator families, and operator classes
  • Conversions
  • Extensions
  • Text search parsers, dictionaries, templates, and configurations
  • Table statistics (when the --with-stats option is specified.)
  • Tablespaces
  • Database-wide configuration parameter settings (GUCs)
  • Resource group definitions
  • Resource queue definitions
  • Roles
  • GRANT assignments of roles to databases

Note: These schemas are not included in a backup.

  • gp_toolkit
  • information_schema
  • pg_aoseg
  • pg_bitmapindex
  • pg_catalog
  • pg_toast*
  • pg_temp*

When restoring to an existing database, gprestore assumes the public schema exists when restoring objects to the public schema. When restoring to a new database (with the --create-db option), gprestore creates the public schema automatically when creating a database with the CREATE DATABASE command. The command uses the template0 database that contains the public schema.

See also Understanding Backup Files.

Parent topic:Parallel Backup with gpbackup and gprestore

Performing Basic Backup and Restore Operations

To perform a complete backup of a database, as well as Greenplum Database system metadata, use the command:

$ gpbackup --dbname <database_name>

For example:

$ gpbackup --dbname demo
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Starting backup of database demo
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Backup Timestamp = 20180105112754
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Backup Database = demo
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Backup Type = Unfiltered Compressed Full Backup
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Gathering list of tables for backup
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Acquiring ACCESS SHARE locks on tables
Locks acquired:  6 / 6 [================================================================] 100.00% 0s
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Gathering additional table metadata
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Writing global database metadata
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Global database metadata backup complete
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Writing pre-data metadata
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Pre-data metadata backup complete
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Writing post-data metadata
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Post-data metadata backup complete
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Writing data to file
Tables backed up:  3 / 3 [==============================================================] 100.00% 0s
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Data backup complete
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Found neither /usr/local/greenplum-db/./bin/gp_email_contacts.yaml nor /home/gpadmin/gp_email_contacts.yaml
20180105:11:27:54 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Email containing gpbackup report /gpmaster/seg-1/backups/20180105/20180105112754/gpbackup_20180105112754_report will not be sent
20180105:11:27:55 gpbackup:gpadmin:centos6.localdomain:002182-[INFO]:-Backup completed successfully

The above command creates a file that contains global and database-specific metadata on the Greenplum Database master host in the default directory, $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/backups/<YYYYMMDD>/<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>/. For example:

$ ls /gpmaster/gpsne-1/backups/20180105/20180105112754
gpbackup_20180105112754_config.yaml   gpbackup_20180105112754_report
gpbackup_20180105112754_metadata.sql  gpbackup_20180105112754_toc.yaml

By default, each segment stores each table's data for the backup in a separate compressed CSV file in <seg_dir>/backups/<YYYYMMDD>/<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>/:

$ ls /gpdata1/gpsne0/backups/20180105/20180105112754/
gpbackup_0_20180105112754_17166.gz  gpbackup_0_20180105112754_26303.gz

To consolidate all backup files into a single directory, include the --backup-dir option. Note that you must specify an absolute path with this option:

$ gpbackup --dbname demo --backup-dir /home/gpadmin/backups
20171103:15:31:56 gpbackup:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017586-[INFO]:-Starting backup of database demo
20171103:15:31:58 gpbackup:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017586-[INFO]:-Backup completed successfully
$ find /home/gpadmin/backups/ -type f

When performing a backup operation, you can use the --single-data-file in situations where the additional overhead of multiple files might be prohibitive. For example, if you use a third party storage solution such as Data Domain with back ups.

Note: Backing up a materialized view does not back up the materialized view data. Only the materialized view definition is backed up.

Restoring from Backup

To use gprestore to restore from a backup set, you must use the --timestamp option to specify the exact timestamp value (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) to restore. Include the --create-db option if the database does not exist in the cluster. For example:

$ dropdb demo
$ gprestore --timestamp 20171103152558 --create-db
20171103:15:45:30 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017714-[INFO]:-Restore Key = 20171103152558
20171103:15:45:31 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017714-[INFO]:-Creating database
20171103:15:45:44 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017714-[INFO]:-Database creation complete
20171103:15:45:44 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017714-[INFO]:-Restoring pre-data metadata from /gpmaster/gpsne-1/backups/20171103/20171103152558/gpbackup_20171103152558_predata.sql
20171103:15:45:45 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017714-[INFO]:-Pre-data metadata restore complete
20171103:15:45:45 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017714-[INFO]:-Restoring data
20171103:15:45:45 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017714-[INFO]:-Data restore complete
20171103:15:45:45 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017714-[INFO]:-Restoring post-data metadata from /gpmaster/gpsne-1/backups/20171103/20171103152558/gpbackup_20171103152558_postdata.sql
20171103:15:45:45 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017714-[INFO]:-Post-data metadata restore complete

If you specified a custom --backup-dir to consolidate the backup files, include the same --backup-dir option when using gprestore to locate the backup files:

$ dropdb demo
$ gprestore --backup-dir /home/gpadmin/backups/ --timestamp 20171103153156 --create-db
20171103:15:51:02 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017819-[INFO]:-Restore Key = 20171103153156
20171103:15:51:17 gprestore:gpadmin:0ee2f5fb02c9:017819-[INFO]:-Post-data metadata restore complete

gprestore does not attempt to restore global metadata for the Greenplum System by default. If this is required, include the --with-globals argument.

By default, gprestore uses 1 connection to restore table data and metadata. If you have a large backup set, you can improve performance of the restore by increasing the number of parallel connections with the --jobs option. For example:

$ gprestore --backup-dir /home/gpadmin/backups/ --timestamp 20171103153156 --create-db --jobs 8

Test the number of parallel connections with your backup set to determine the ideal number for fast data recovery.

Note: You cannot perform a parallel restore operation with gprestore if the backup combined table backups into a single file per segment with the gpbackup option --single-data-file.

Restoring a materialized view does not restore materialized view data. Only the materialized view definition is restored. To populate the materialized view with data, use REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW. The tables that are referenced by the materialized view definition must be available when you refresh the materialized view. The gprestore log file lists the materialized views that were restored and the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW commands that are used to populate the materialized views with data.

Report Files

When performing a backup or restore operation, gpbackup and gprestore generate a report file. When email notification is configured, the email sent contains the contents of the report file. For information about email notification, see Configuring Email Notifications.

The report file is placed in the Greenplum Database master backup directory. The report file name contains the timestamp of the operation. These are the formats of the gpbackup and gprestore report file names.


For these example report file names, 20180213114446 is the timestamp of the backup and 20180213115426 is the timestamp of the restore operation.


This backup directory on a Greenplum Database master host contains both a gpbackup and gprestore report file.

$ ls -l /gpmaster/seg-1/backups/20180213/20180213114446
total 36
-r--r--r--. 1 gpadmin gpadmin  295 Feb 13 11:44 gpbackup_20180213114446_config.yaml
-r--r--r--. 1 gpadmin gpadmin 1855 Feb 13 11:44 gpbackup_20180213114446_metadata.sql
-r--r--r--. 1 gpadmin gpadmin 1402 Feb 13 11:44 gpbackup_20180213114446_report
-r--r--r--. 1 gpadmin gpadmin 2199 Feb 13 11:44 gpbackup_20180213114446_toc.yaml
-r--r--r--. 1 gpadmin gpadmin  404 Feb 13 11:54 gprestore_20180213114446_20180213115426_report

The contents of the report files are similar. This is an example of the contents of a gprestore report file.

Greenplum Database Restore Report

Timestamp Key: 20180213114446
GPDB Version: 5.4.1+dev.8.g9f83645 build commit:9f836456b00f855959d52749d5790ed1c6efc042
gprestore Version: 1.0.0-alpha.3+dev.73.g0406681

Database Name: test
Command Line: gprestore --timestamp 20180213114446 --with-globals --createdb

Start Time: 2018-02-13 11:54:26
End Time: 2018-02-13 11:54:31
Duration: 0:00:05

Restore Status: Success

History File

When performing a backup operation, gpbackup appends backup information in the gpbackup history file, gpbackup_history.yaml, in the Greenplum Database master data directory. The file contains the backup timestamp, information about the backup options, and backup set information for incremental backups. From gpbackup v1.19.0, this file also records failed backup operations. This file is not backed up by gpbackup.

gpbackup uses the information in the file to find a matching backup for an incremental backup when you run gpbackup with the --incremental option and do not specify the --from-timesamp option to indicate the backup that you want to use as the latest backup in the incremental backup set. For information about incremental backups, see Creating and Using Incremental Backups with gpbackup and gprestore.

Return Codes

One of these codes is returned after gpbackup or gprestore completes.

  • 0 – Backup or restore completed with no problems
  • 1 – Backup or restore completed with non-fatal errors. See log file for more information.
  • 2 – Backup or restore failed with a fatal error. See log file for more information.

Parent topic:Parallel Backup with gpbackup and gprestore

Filtering the Contents of a Backup or Restore

gpbackup backs up all schemas and tables in the specified database, unless you exclude or include individual schema or table objects with schema level or table level filter options.

The schema level options are --include-schema, --include-schema-file, or --exclude-schema, --exclude-schema-file command-line options to gpbackup. For example, if the "demo" database includes only two schemas, "wikipedia" and "twitter," both of the following commands back up only the "wikipedia" schema:

$ gpbackup --dbname demo --include-schema wikipedia
$ gpbackup --dbname demo --exclude-schema twitter

You can include multiple --include-schema options in a gpbackup or multiple --exclude-schema options. For example:

$ gpbackup --dbname demo --include-schema wikipedia --include-schema twitter

If you have a large number of schemas, you can list the schemas in a text file and specify the file with the --include-schema-file or --exclude-schema-file options in a gpbackup command. Each line in the file must define a single schema, and the file cannot contain trailing lines. For example, this command uses a file in the gpadmin home directory to include a set of schemas.

gpbackup --dbname demo --include-schema-file /users/home/gpadmin/backup-schemas

To filter the individual tables that are included in a backup set, or excluded from a backup set, specify individual tables with the --include-table option or the --exclude-table option. The table must be schema qualified, <schema-name>.<table-name>. The individual table filtering options can be specified multiple times. However, --include-table and --exclude-table cannot both be used in the same command.

You can create a list of qualified table names in a text file. When listing tables in a file, each line in the text file must define a single table using the format <schema-name>.<table-name>. The file must not include trailing lines. For example:


If a table or schema name uses any character other than a lowercase letter, number, or an underscore character, then you must include that name in double quotes. For example:

"Wine"."sauvignon blanc"

After creating the file, you can use it either to include or exclude tables with the gpbackup options --include-table-file or --exclude-table-file. For example:

$ gpbackup --dbname demo --include-table-file /home/gpadmin/table-list.txt

You can combine -include schema with --exclude-table or --exclude-table-file for a backup. This example uses --include-schema with --exclude-table to back up a schema except for a single table.

$ gpbackup --dbname demo --include-schema mydata --exclude-table mydata.addresses

You cannot combine --include-schema with --include-table or --include-table-file, and you cannot combine --exclude-schema with any table filtering option such as --exclude-table or --include-table.

When you use --include-table or --include-table-file dependent objects are not automatically backed up or restored, you must explicitly specify the dependent objects that are required. For example, if you back up or restore a view or materialized view, you must also specify the tables that the view or the materialized view uses. If you backup or restore a table that uses a sequence, you must also specify the sequence.

Filtering by Leaf Partition

By default, gpbackup creates one file for each table on a segment. You can specify the --leaf-partition-data option to create one data file per leaf partition of a partitioned table, instead of a single file. You can also filter backups to specific leaf partitions by listing the leaf partition names in a text file to include. For example, consider a table that was created using the statement:

demo=# CREATE TABLE sales (id int, date date, amt decimal(10,2))
( PARTITION Jan17 START (date '2017-01-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Feb17 START (date '2017-02-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Mar17 START (date '2017-03-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Apr17 START (date '2017-04-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION May17 START (date '2017-05-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Jun17 START (date '2017-06-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Jul17 START (date '2017-07-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Aug17 START (date '2017-08-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Sep17 START (date '2017-09-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Oct17 START (date '2017-10-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Nov17 START (date '2017-11-01') INCLUSIVE ,
PARTITION Dec17 START (date '2017-12-01') INCLUSIVE
END (date '2018-01-01') EXCLUSIVE );
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_jan17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_feb17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_mar17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_apr17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_may17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_jun17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_jul17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_aug17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_sep17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_oct17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_nov17" for table "sales"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create partition "sales_1_prt_dec17" for table "sales"

To back up only data for the last quarter of the year, first create a text file that lists those leaf partition names instead of the full table name:


Then specify the file with the --include-table-file option to generate one data file per leaf partition:

$ gpbackup --dbname demo --include-table-file last-quarter.txt --leaf-partition-data

When you specify --leaf-partition-data, gpbackup generates one data file per leaf partition when backing up a partitioned table. For example, this command generates one data file for each leaf partition:

$ gpbackup --dbname demo --include-table public.sales --leaf-partition-data

When leaf partitions are backed up, the leaf partition data is backed up along with the metadata for the entire partitioned table.

Filtering with gprestore

After creating a backup set with gpbackup, you can filter the schemas and tables that you want to restore from the backup set using the gprestore --include-schema and --include-table-file options. These options work in the same way as their gpbackup counterparts, but have the following restrictions:

  • The tables that you attempt to restore must not already exist in the database.

  • If you attempt to restore a schema or table that does not exist in the backup set, the gprestore does not execute.

  • If you use the --include-schema option, gprestore cannot restore objects that have dependencies on multiple schemas.

  • If you use the --include-table-file option, gprestore does not create roles or set the owner of the tables. The utility restores table indexes and rules. Triggers are also restored but are not supported in Greenplum Database.

  • The file that you specify with --include-table-file cannot include a leaf partition name, as it can when you specify this option with gpbackup. If you specified leaf partitions in the backup set, specify the partitioned table to restore the leaf partition data.

    When restoring a backup set that contains data from some leaf partitions of a partitioned table, the partitioned table is restored along with the data for the leaf partitions. For example, you create a backup with the gpbackup option --include-table-file and the text file lists some leaf partitions of a partitioned table. Restoring the backup creates the partitioned table and restores the data only for the leaf partitions listed in the file.

gprestore performs a special filtered restore operation with a storage plugin that supports this functionality when all of the following conditions hold:

  • You specify the --plugin-config config.yml option when you invoke both the gpbackup and gprestore commands and the configuration file includes the restore_subset: "on" setting.
  • The backup is an uncompressed, single-data-file backup (you invoked the gpbackup command with the --no-compression and --single-data-file flags).
  • You specify filtering options (--include-table, --exclude-table, --include-table-file, or ‑‑exclude-table-file) on the gprestore command line.

The storage plugin reads and restores only the relations that you specify from the backup file, improving restore performance.

Parent topic:Parallel Backup with gpbackup and gprestore

Configuring Email Notifications

gpbackup and gprestore can send email notifications after a back up or restore operation completes.

To have gpbackup or gprestore send out status email notifications, you must place a file named gp_email_contacts.yaml in the home directory of the user running gpbackup or gprestore in the same directory as the utilities ($GPHOME/bin). A utility issues a message if it cannot locate a gp_email_contacts.yaml file in either location. If both locations contain a .yaml file, the utility uses the file in user $HOME.

The email subject line includes the utility name, timestamp, job status (Success or Failure), and the name of the Greenplum Database host gpbackup or gprestore is called from. These are example subject lines for gpbackup emails.

gpbackup 20180202133601 on gp-master completed: Success


gpbackup 20200925140738 on mdw completed: Failure

The email contains summary information about the operation including options, duration, and number of objects backed up or restored. For information about the contents of a notification email, see Report Files.

Note: The UNIX mail utility must be running on the Greenplum Database host and must be configured to allow the Greenplum superuser (gpadmin) to send email. Also ensure that the mail program executable is locatable via the gpadmin user's $PATH.

Parent topic:Parallel Backup with gpbackup and gprestore

gpbackup and gprestore Email File Format

The gpbackup and gprestore email notification YAML file gp_email_contacts.yaml uses indentation (spaces) to determine the document hierarchy and the relationships of the sections to one another. The use of white space is significant. White space should not be used simply for formatting purposes, and tabs should not be used at all.

Note: If the status parameters are not specified correctly, the utility does not issue a warning. For example, if the success parameter is misspelled and is set to true, a warning is not issued and an email is not sent to the email address after a successful operation. To ensure email notification is configured correctly, run tests with email notifications configured.

This is the format of the gp_email_contacts.yaml YAML file for gpbackup email notifications:

  - address: <user>@<domain>
         success: [true | false]
         success_with_errors: [true | false]
         failure: [true | false]
  - address: <user>@<domain>
         success: [true | false]
         success_with_errors: [true | false]
         failure: [true | false]

Email YAML File Sections

Required. The section that contains the gpbackup and gprestore sections. The YAML file can contain a gpbackup section, a gprestore section, or one of each.
Optional. Begins the gpbackup email section.
Required. At least one email address must be specified. Multiple email address parameters can be specified. Each address requires a status section.

: user@domain is a single, valid email address.

Required. Specify when the utility sends an email to the specified email address. The default is to not send email notification.

: You specify sending email notifications based on the completion status of a backup or restore operation. At least one of these parameters must be specified and each parameter can appear at most once.

:   Optional. Specify if an email is sent if the operation completes without errors. If the value is `true`, an email is sent if the operation completes without errors. If the value is `false` (the default), an email is not sent.
:   Optional. Specify if an email is sent if the operation completes with errors. If the value is `true`, an email is sent if the operation completes with errors. If the value is `false` (the default), an email is not sent.
:   Optional. Specify if an email is sent if the operation fails. If the value is `true`, an email is sent if the operation fails. If the value is `false` (the default), an email is not sent.
Optional. Begins the gprestore email section. This section contains the address and status parameters that are used to send an email notification after a gprestore operation. The syntax is the same as the gpbackup section.


This example YAML file specifies sending email to email addresses depending on the success or failure of an operation. For a backup operation, an email is sent to a different address depending on the success or failure of the backup operation. For a restore operation, an email is sent to [email protected] only when the operation succeeds or completes with errors.

  - address: [email protected]
  - address: [email protected]
      success_with_errors: true
      failure: true
  - address: [email protected]
      success: true
      success_with_errors: true

Understanding Backup Files

Warning: All gpbackup metadata files are created with read-only permissions. Never delete or modify the metadata files for a gpbackup backup set. Doing so will render the backup files non-functional.

A complete backup set for gpbackup includes multiple metadata files, supporting files, and CSV data files, each designated with the timestamp at which the backup was created.

By default, metadata and supporting files are stored on the Greenplum Database master host in the directory $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/backups/YYYYMMDD/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS/. If you specify a custom backup directory, this same file path is created as a subdirectory of the backup directory. The following table describes the names and contents of the metadata and supporting files.

Table 2. gpbackup Metadata Files (master)
File name Description
gpbackup_<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>_metadata.sql Contains global and database-specific metadata:
  • DDL for objects that are global to the Greenplum Database cluster, and not owned by a specific database within the cluster.
  • DDL for objects in the backed-up database (specified with --dbname) that must be created before to restoring the actual data, and DDL for objects that must be created after restoring the data.
Global objects include:
  • Tablespaces
  • Databases
  • Database-wide configuration parameter settings (GUCs)
  • Resource group definitions
  • Resource queue definitions
  • Roles
  • GRANT assignments of roles to databases

Note: Global metadata is not restored by default. You must include the --with-globals option to the gprestore command to restore global metadata.

Database-specific objects that must be created before to restoring the actual data include:
  • Session-level configuration parameter settings (GUCs)
  • Schemas
  • Procedural language extensions
  • Types
  • Sequences
  • Functions
  • Tables
  • Protocols
  • Operators and operator classes
  • Conversions
  • Aggregates
  • Casts
  • Views
  • Materialized Views Note: Materialized view data is not restored, only the definition.
  • Constraints
Database-specific objects that must be created after restoring the actual data include:
  • Indexes
  • Rules
  • Triggers. (While Greenplum Database does not support triggers, any trigger definitions that are present are backed up and restored.)
gpbackup_<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>_toc.yaml Contains metadata for locating object DDL in the _predata.sql and _postdata.sql files. This file also contains the table names and OIDs used for locating the corresponding table data in CSV data files that are created on each segment. See Segment Data Files.
gpbackup_<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>_report Contains information about the backup operation that is used to populate the email notice (if configured) that is sent after the backup completes. This file contains information such as:
  • Command-line options that were provided
  • Database that was backed up
  • Database version
  • Backup type
See Configuring Email Notifications.
gpbackup_<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>_config.yaml Contains metadata about the execution of the particular backup task, including:
  • gpbackup version
  • Database name
  • Greenplum Database version
  • Additional option settings such as --no-compression, --compression-level, --compression-type, --metadata-only, --data-only, and --with-stats.
gpbackup_<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>_statistics.sql Contains table statistics.

Created when the gpbackup option --with-stats is specified. Statistics are restored when the gprestore option --with-stats is specified.

gpbackup_history.yaml Contains information about options that were used when creating a backup with gpbackup, information about incremental backups, and information about failed backup operations.

Stored on the Greenplum Database master host in the Greenplum Database master data directory.

This file is not backed up by gpbackup.

For information about incremental backups, see Creating and Using Incremental Backups with gpbackup and gprestore.

Segment Data Files

By default, each segment creates one compressed CSV file for each table that is backed up on the segment. You can optionally specify the --single-data-file option to create a single data file on each segment. The files are stored in <seg_dir>/backups/YYYYMMDD/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS/.

If you specify a custom backup directory, segment data files are copied to this same file path as a subdirectory of the backup directory. If you include the --leaf-partition-data option, gpbackup creates one data file for each leaf partition of a partitioned table, instead of just one table for file.

Each data file uses the file name format gpbackup_<content_id> .gz where:

  • <content_id> is the content ID of the segment.
  • is the timestamp of the gpbackup operation.
  • is the object ID of the table. The metadata file gpbackup_ _toc.yaml references this to locate the data for a specific table in a schema.

You can optionally specify the compression level (from 1-9) using the --compression-level option, or deactivate compression entirely with --no-compression. If you do not specify a compression level, gpbackup uses compression level 1 by default.

Parent topic:Parallel Backup with gpbackup and gprestore

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