After running the data-plane diagnostics, HCX prepares a report covering the connections from each site Service Mesh.

The Diagnostics page displays information about the Service Mesh that was tested and the probes that were run on each site in the Service Meshas part of the test. When viewing the report, you see the latest diagnostic results.

Select a site to see the probe results for each site.

Viewing Test Results

For each site in the Service Mesh, the test results are grouped by the appliances running at the site and by the networks associated with those services. For example, if a Service Mesh has five Network Extension appliances, the test will check the connectivity for the group of those appliances using the management network and the group of those appliances using the external connectivity (Uplink) network.

To view list of probes run on each appliance, expand the appliance entry. For each set of probes, HCX displays the following information:

Probe Result Description
Status Displays the probe status
Source Displays name or ID of source site appliances included in the probe.
Destination Displays name or ID of destination site appliances included in the probe.
Protocol Describes the part of the connection tested by the probe and the ports and protocols associated with the test.
Probe Type Describes the type of probe used for the connection test.
You can expand the probe results to see additional details depending on the probe type. For any failed probes, expand the appliance entry for more information.