
VMware Harbor Registry Tile for TKGI v2.11.0 is a GA release with new features, enhancements, and known issues.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry Tile.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Registry Tile for TKGI v2.11.0
Release Download Release download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, v2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.20.x, v1.19.x, v1.18.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.x, v2.9.x

New Features

The VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.11.0 release includes the following new features:

  • SBOM generation and management
  • Supporting OCI distribution spec v1.1.0
  • Integration with VolcEngine registry


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.11.0 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Skip transaction for POST /service/token
  • Enable configuration of skip_java_db_update
  • Cache image list with digest key
  • Fix panic due to mark retention task error
  • Update internationalization : fr-fr
  • Fix typo for About UI
  • Fix project metadata validate bug
  • Bump PostgreSQL from 14 to 15
  • Add verification that robot account duration is not 0

Known Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.11.0 release includes the following known issues:

  • Harbor supports only one signature for each artifact replicated to the destination Harbor instance that is signed by legacy cosign. If you want to replicate multiple signatures for a subject image, use oci-1.1 mode (cosign v2.2.1+) for signing.
  • There is an issue with SBOM generation in Harbor v2.11.0 when using external Reverse Proxy (HTTP 404).
  • LDAP handshake failure with LDAP server has old TLS_RSA_* cipher suites. Workaround: Add environment variable GODEBUG=“tlsrsakex=1” to common/config/core/env file and restart Harbor.


VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.3 is a maintenance release with fixes and known issues.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry Tile.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Registry Tile for TKGI v2.10.3
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, v2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.18.x, v1.17.x, v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.3 release includes the following fixes:

  • Update doublestar dep
  • Adjust the query by UUID sql so that it can use the idx_task_extra_at…
  • Upgrade golang to 1.22.4 and bump up dep

Known Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.3 release includes the following known issues:

  • LDAP handshake failure with LDAP server has old TLS_RSA_* cipher suites. Workaround: Add environment variable GODEBUG=“tlsrsakex=1” to common/config/core/env file and restart Harbor.


VMware Harbor Registry Tile for TKGI v2.10.2 is a maintenance release with enhancements.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry Tile.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Registry Tile for TKGI v2.10.2
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, v2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.18.x, v1.17.x, v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.2 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Fix panic due to mark retention task error
  • Bump golang to 1.21.8 on release-2.10.0
  • Update TRIVYVERSION=v0.50.1 and TRIVYADAPTERVERSION=v0.30.23
  • Fix close file error
  • Allow empty path in redirect_url
  • Test robot account permission


VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.0 is a GA release with new features, enhancements, and resolved issues.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of the VMware Harbor Registry Tile.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry Tile v2.10.0
Release Download Download
Compatible Tanzu Operations Manager versions v3.0, 2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.18.x, v1.17.x, v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.x, v2.8.x

New Features

The VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.0 release includes the following new features:

  • Robot Account Full Access: Delivers a user-friendly tutorial that walks you through the creation of a new robot. With a simple click, you can seamlessly customize permission sets at both system and project levels.
  • Enable support for OCI Distribution Spec v1.1.0-rc3
  • Enable storage sorting in the quota management page
  • Allow customization of the OIDC provider name
  • Enable support for large-size blobs
  • Ensure audit logs comply with GDPR regulations for data privacy


The VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.0 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Enhance the replication webhook payload by @chlins in #19433
  • Accessibility - change color for WCAG AA by @SphinxKnight in #19472
  • Optimize the trigger retention API by @chlins in #19533
  • Add a placeholder to the cards for the security-hub by @AllForNothing in #19536
  • Optimize the performance of accessory query by @chlins in #19557

Resolved Issues

The VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.10.0 release resolves the following known issues:

  • Add label’s description as tooltip
  • Privileges member successfully
  • Add storage_limit check
  • Cron string validation
  • Ignore spaces for vulnerability filters
  • Update zh-tw (Traditional Chinese) locale
  • Fixed incorrect otel timeout in harbor yaml template
  • Update the max length for the filters
  • Filter artifact without CVE from top 5 dangerous artifacts
  • Change log level to reduce the noise logs
  • Wrong artifact scanned count
  • Support customize cache db for business
  • Fix gc dry run issue
  • Add new uri path to ShouldNotReuseRoute array
  • Refine total artifact and scanned artifact
  • Fix typo for CONFIRM_SECRET
  • Add a tooltip for the page title of security hub
  • Change JOB_ID to Task_ID
  • Fix typo in ROADMAP.md
  • Delete unused code
  • Add field alias for count(*) func
  • Switch to a new chart library
  • Remove job status track information from redis after stop
  • Remove chart-museum related to logic
  • Fix storage.redirect.disable migrate template error
  • Upgrade UI packages
  • Remove duplicated sort fields from order by clause
  • Fix user resource
  • Update default processor for unknwon type config
  • Hide version property if the value is undefined
  • Update french translations
  • Bump golang to 1.20.10
  • Change fixed_version to package_version in query dangerous CVE sql
  • Fix issue 19392
  • Bump up TRIVYVERSION=v0.46.0 && TRIVYADAPTERVERSION=v0.30.17
  • Update the style for operation-component
  • Bump golang.org/x/net to v0.17.0 && go.opentelemetry.io/contrib
  • Use batch to list the job id in the job queue to avoid crash redis
  • Delete tag retention rule and tag immutable rule when deleting project
  • Bump go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/github.com/gorilla/m…
  • Not allow comma for the user name
  • Bump golang to 1.21.3
  • Add a tooltip for the replication rule
  • Replace comma in username to avoid casbin issue
  • Update the style for severity
  • Remove vendor folder from harbor code base
  • bump up TRIVYVERSION=v0.46.1 && TRIVYADAPTERVERSION=v0.30.18
  • Skip to validate username when update user profile
  • Update UI package to clear security alerts
  • Delete project member when delete project
  • Add permission api
  • Allow POST method to request service/token in readonly mode
  • 19559 cannot see full label easily
  • Sorting quota
  • Avoid menu closure when filtering labels
  • Correct loop condition for replication tasks
  • Return empty result when no scanner configured
  • Bump golang to 1.21.4
  • Add permission validation for robot creating and updating
  • Add prepare migration script for 2.10
  • Update the permission scope
  • Fix system label resource
  • Bump golang.org/x/time from 0.0.0-20220210224613-90d013bbcef8 to 0.4.0 in /src
  • Fix robot account access issue
  • Bump github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 from 3.0.0 to 3.7.0 in /src
  • Update the name checking for the robot account
  • Prepare migration version
  • Upgrade google.golang.org/grpc
  • Update the style for the robot account ui


VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.5 is a maintenance release with fixes and known issues.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.9.5
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, 2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.18.x, v1.17.x, v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.9.0, v2.8.x, v2.7.x


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.5 release includes the following fixes:

  • Update doublestar dep
  • Adjust the query by UUID sql so that it can use the idx_task_extra_at…
  • Upgrade golang to 1.22.4 and bump up dep

Known Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.5 release includes the following known issues:

  • LDAP handshake failure with LDAP server has old TLS_RSA_* cipher suites. Workaround: Add environment variable GODEBUG=“tlsrsakex=1” to common/config/core/env file and restart Harbor.


VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.4 is a GA release with fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.9.4
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, 2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.18.x, v1.17.x, v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.9.0, v2.8.x, v2.7.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.4 release includes the following fixes:

  • Assign metas to key and value
  • Fix panic due to mark retention task error
  • Bump golang to 1.21.8 on release-2.9.0
  • Bump up TRIVYVERSION=v0.50.1 and TRIVYADAPTERVERSION=v0.30.23
  • Fix close file error
  • Allow empty path in redirect_url
  • Add 400 response code for /scan/{report_id}/log
  • Bump golang to 1.21.9 on release-2.9.0
  • Update version of some dependencies


VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.0 is a GA release with new features, enhancements, fixes, deprecations and breaking changes with upgrade requirements.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.9.0
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, 2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.17.x, v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.8.x, v2.7.x

Upgrade Warning: Breaking Changes

As of Harbor v2.9.0, only PostgreSQL versions 12 and later are supported for external databases. Before upgrading, you should make sure that your external databases are using a supported version of PostgreSQL.

New Features

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.0 release includes the following new features:

  • Security Hub: Admin users can now access valuable security insights, which include the number of scanned and unscanned artifacts, identification of dangerous artifacts and CVEs, and advanced search capabilities for vulnerabilities using multiple combined conditions.
  • GC Enhancements: Improved visibility with detailed GC execution history and enable parallel deletion for faster GC triggers.
  • Supporting OCI Distribution Spec v1.1.0-rc2
  • Customized banner message: Admins can now set a customized banner message displayed on top of Harbor web pages.
  • Quota Update Provider: Introduced a new mechanism utilizing Redis for optimistic locking during quota updates when pushing images


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.0 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Fix message prompt under the header
  • Improve the performance of list artifacts
  • Improve repo_read_only header on the UI
  • Add a text to explain the time window for GC
  • Add a tooltip for slack notification
  • Add Details column for gc history
  • Add Podman push command to the UI
  • Add new client Podman to the pull command

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.9.0 release includes the following fixes:

  • Fix setup-gcloud fails when building package
  • Add Retain image last pull time API test case
  • Add Retain image last pull time UI test case
  • Update e2e engine image
  • Bump up version to v2.8.2
  • Add Referrers API testcase


  • Starting with version v2.9.0, Harbor no longer includes Notary in either the user interface or the backend. Refer to this page for details.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.6 is a maintenance release with fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.6
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, 2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.8.6 release includes the following fixes:

  • Assign metas to key and value
  • Fix panic due to mark retention task error
  • Bump up TRIVYVERSION=v0.50.1 and TRIVYADAPTERVERSION=v0.30.23
  • Fix close file error
  • Allow empty path in redirect_url
  • Add 400 response code for /scan/{report_id}/log
  • Bump golang to 1.21.9 on release-2.8.0
  • Update version of some dependencies


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.4 is a maintenance release with fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.4
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, 2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.17.x, v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.8.4 release includes the following fixes:

  • Fix accessory import issue
  • Bump up TRIVYVERSION=v0.44.0 and TRIVYADAPTERVERSION=v0.30.15
  • Convert the string “0” to number 0
  • Fix replication list projects with pure numberic name
  • Bump go 1.20.7 && install git for p4 base golang image
  • Fix incorrect otel timeout in harbor yaml template
  • Migrate the redis command keys to scan
  • Support customize cache db for business


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.2 is a maintenance release with enhancements and fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.2
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, 2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.17.x, v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.8.2 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Use subtle.ConstantTimeCompare instead of compare directly
  • Set tag pull time for proxy cache
  • Return error when proxy cache returns a too many requests (429) error

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.8.2 release includes the following fixes:

  • Fix setup-gcloud fails when building package
  • Add Retain Image Last Pull Time API testcase
  • Add Retain Image Last Pull Time UI testcase
  • Add Referrers API testcase
  • Update e2e engine image
  • Refresh base images on release-2.8.0
  • Bump Harbor Tile version to v2.8.2


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.1 is a maintenance release with enhancements and fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.1
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, 2.10
Compatible TKGI versions v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.8.0, v2.7.x, v2.6.x


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.8.1 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Bump golang.org/x/net and helm.sh/helm/v3 on release-2.8.0
  • Add missing i18n key-value for helm chart
  • Allow redis password safe special characters on release-2.8.0
  • Improve the performance of list artifacts
  • Bump golang 1.20.4 on release-2.8.0

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.8.1 release includes the following fixes:

  • Add Job Service Dashboard Schedules testcase
  • Fix setup docker error
  • Add Job Service Dashboard Workers testcase
  • Refresh base images on release-2.8.0
  • Bump Harbor Tile version to v2.8.1


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.0 is a GA release with new features, enhancements, fixes, deprecations and breaking changes with upgrade requirements.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.8.0
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0
Compatible TKGI versions v1.16.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Ubuntu Jammy 1.44 or higher
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.7.x, v2.6.x

Upgrade Warning: Breaking Changes

Chartmuseum is no longer supported. Before upgrading to Harbor Tile 2.8.0, you need to check the /data/chart_storage folder. If there is any helm chart tgz file in this folder, you must migrate each file to Harbor with OCI format.

To do this:

  1. ssh to the Harbor tile VM.
  2. Setup docker alias: alias docker=‘/var/vcap/packages/docker/bin/docker -H unix:///var/vcap/sys/run/docker/dockerd.sock’
  3. Refer the step 5 in this guide to migrate helm charts to Harbor with OCI format: https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/wiki/Migrate-helm-chart-to-oci-registry-in-Harbor. Note that the <path_to_chart_storage_directory> should be /data/chart_storage, and the <path_to_the_source_harbor_registry_root.ca> should be /var/vcap/jobs/harbor/config/ca.crt.

New Features

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.8.0 release includes the following new features:

  • Support OCI distribution specification v1.1.0-rc1
  • Support for sending webhook payloads with CloudEvents format
  • Jobservice dashboard improvement
  • Add option to skip update pull time for scanner


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.8.0 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Update datePicker component
  • Add i18n support for Clarity components
  • aws auth use default creds when none are supplied
  • Translate English to Chinese for primary auth mode tooltip
  • Display error message by defaul for event panel
  • Add next scheduled time for tag retention
  • Sort user and usergroup by most match order
  • Support vpc and internal network (goharbor#17488)
  • Improve Portal french translation
  • Support accessory recursion for artifact list
  • Make label filter editable for replication rule
  • Add copy digest button for accessories
  • Add new app level warning message
  • Update styles for UI according to the designer’s suggestions

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.8.0 release includes the following fixes:

  • Upgrade TRIVYADAPTERVERSION to v0.30.5
  • Bumps golang.org/x/net to v0.2.0
  • Controller/robot: use global regexp vars
  • Fix dragonfly response when p2p preheat
  • Fix the setting of data slice length for tablewriter
  • Remove artifact_blob with aritfact deletion
  • Update the log information in proxy cache
  • Avoid internal error in the UI when reset a schedule
  • Fix some UI issues
  • Remove the redundant data from table artifact_blob
  • Upgrade trivy version to v0.35.0 and trivy-adapter version to v0.30.3
  • Don’t supress redis error messages to make debugging easier
  • Fix password+secret limit tooltips
  • Switch listUsers to searchUsers for adding project member
  • Bump helm/v3/pkg to v3.10.3 on main
  • Upgrade Angular and Clarity to the latest version
  • Fix a typo in make/photo/Makefile
  • Remove the scan exports volume
  • Fix retention/immutable API issue
  • Bump google-github-actions/auth from 0 to 1
  • Correct total count for schedule list datagrid
  • Support searching artifacts by specified tag name
  • Reset user password
  • Update the replication API handler
  • Bump trivyVersion to v0.37.2, trivyAdapterVersion to v0.30.7
  • Add “next_scheduled_time”
  • Resolve the oidc or ldap group user cannot export cve
  • Change queue name for purge audit log and filter the old one
  • Improve swagger descriptions (without changing security settings)
  • Add retry times for calling CVE data export execution list API
  • Update UI for the deprecation of Artifact Hub
  • Modified to check the expiration time of the allowlist when determining the vulnerability of an artifact
  • Update robot account to skip NotFoundErr
  • Feplace subject id with digest
  • Fix robot account list project
  • Skip robot account for oidc_cli middleware
  • Check tag name for OCI spec
  • Upgrade mockery version
  • Remove go routine to reloadSetting
  • Improve webhook UI
  • Add sql to migrate the old webhook job to new way
  • Update UI packages


  • Starting with version v2.8.0, Harbor no longer includes ChartMuseum in either the user interface or the backend.
  • Starting with version v2.6.0, Notary (Signer and Server) is deprecated and will be removed in Harbor v2.9.0. Users should switch to Sigstore Cosign for container signing and verification.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.4 is a maintenance release with a known issue and bug fixes.

Warning: Because of certain deprecations (specifically, PostgreSQL v9.6), you can only to upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x from Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2. To upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x from Harbor Tile v2.4.x or earlier, you must first upgrade to Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2, then you can upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x..

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.4
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.16.x, v1.15.x, v1.14.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x

Known Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.7.4 release includes the following known issues:

  • Due to a code change to improve the listing of tasks from a vulnerability scan, a scan report that’s done in v2.7.4 cannot be retrieved in v2.8.0. To avoid this issue, do not upgrade from v2.7.4 to v2.8.0, instead, upgrade to v2.8.1 or v2.9.0 where the scan report is available.

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.7.4 release includes the following fixes:

  • Bump golang-runtime from 1.19.3 to 1.21.4
  • Upgrade golangci-lint
  • Fix mock issue
  • Upgrade dependency library version and run \go mod vendor\
  • Upgrade github.com/gorilla/mux/otelmux to v0.44.0


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.3 is a maintenance release with bug fixes.

Warning: Because of certain deprecations (specifically, PostgreSQL v9.6), you can only to upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x from Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2. To upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x from Harbor Tile v2.4.x or earlier, you must first upgrade to Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2, then you can upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x..

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.3
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.16.x, v1.15.x, v1.14.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.7.3 release includes the following fixes:

  • Improve the performance of list artifacts
  • Bump golang 1.19.9 on release-2.7.0
  • Use subtle.ConstantTimeCompare instead of compare directly
  • Set tag pull time for proxy cache
  • Return error when proxy cache get too many request error(429)
  • Changed logic search projects in gitlab adapter for 2.7.0
  • Add retry on the caller of v2DeleteManifest instead within v2DeleteManifest
  • Fix accessory import issue
  • Convert the string �\ to number 0
  • Fix replication list projects with pure numberic name
  • Bump go1.19.12 on release-2.7.0 base on ph4
  • Migrate the redis command keys to scan
  • Fix incorrect otel timeout in harbor yaml template
  • Support customize cache db for business
  • Remove job status track information from redis after stop the job in the queue
  • Bump goharbor/golang 1.19.13 on release-2.7.0


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.2 is a maintenance release with bug fixes.

Warning: Because of certain deprecations (specifically, PostgreSQL v9.6), you can only to upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x from Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2. To upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x from Harbor Tile v2.4.x or earlier, you must first upgrade to Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2, then you can upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x..

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.2
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.16.x, v1.15.x, v1.14.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.7.2 release includes the following fixes:

  • Fixes the invalid jobid for scan data export
  • Escapes the event data for slack webhook payload
  • Fixes copy artifact issue
  • Corrects the retention webhook payload
  • Bumps golang 1.19.8 on release-2.7.0
  • Fixes error bitsize of jobservice reaper scan locks
  • Bumps golang.org/x/net v0.9.0 on release-2.7.0
  • Bumps helm.sh/helm/v3 v3.11.3 on release-2.7.0
  • Allows redis password safe special characters on release-2.7.0


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.1 is a maintenance release with enhancements and bug fixes.

Warning: Because of certain deprecations (specifically, PostgreSQL v9.6), you can only to upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x from Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2. To upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x from Harbor Tile v2.4.x or earlier, you must first upgrade to Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2, then you can upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.x..

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.1
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.16.x, v1.15.x, v1.14.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.6.x, v2.5.x


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.7.1 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Display error message by default for event panel.

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.7.1 release includes the following fixes:

  • Bumps helm/v3/pkg to v3.10.3 on release-2.7.0.
  • Bumps TRIVYADAPTERVERSION to v0.30.6.
  • Removes the scan exports volume.
  • Updates CI for UI UT.
  • Fixes retention/immutable API issue.
  • Corrects total count for schedule list data grid.
  • Supports searching artifacts by specified tag name.
  • Fixes reset user password.
  • Fixes update the replication API handler.
  • Bumps trivyVersion to v0.37.2, trivyAdapterVersion to v0.30.7.
  • Fixes resolve the OIDC or LDAP group user cannot export cve.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.0 is a GA release with new features, enhancements, fixes and deprecations.

Warning: Because of certain deprecations (specifically, PostgreSQL v9.6), you can only to upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.0 from Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2. To upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.0 from Harbor Tile v2.4.x or earlier, you must first upgrade to Harbor Tile versions v2.5.0 to v2.6.2, then you can upgrade to Harbor Tile v2.7.0..

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.7.0
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.16.x, v1.15.x, v1.14.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.6.x, v2.5.x

New Features

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.7.0 release includes the following new features:

  • Adds the job service dashboard to monitor and control the job queues/schedules/workers.
  • Supports copy over chunk when copying image blobs for harbor replication.
  • Adds session timeout inputs.
  • Adds JFrog Artifactory as a Supported Proxy-Cache Registry Source.
  • Sorts group search results by most match order.


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.7.0 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Fixes UI issues found in testing-day-round-2.
  • Improves input validator for copy-component.
  • Refactors swagger UI.
  • Adds WASM filter for artifacts list.
  • Fixes CSS issue for resource type filter.
  • Changes ldap.Search to LDAP.SearchWithPaging.
  • Refactors artifact-list component.
  • Adds default project when pulling from dockerhub without project name.
  • Fixes ECR authorization token issue.
  • Fixes redirect URL redirect_url when OIDC auth mode is enabled.
  • Updates the way for generating new CLI secret.
  • Improves CSS for tags column.
  • Adds OIDC group filter.
  • Migrates policy API calls to generated service.
  • Updates CVE export UI.
  • Adds parameters for PostgreSQL.

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.7.0 release includes the following fixes:

  • Fixes CVE allowlist projectmeta validation.
  • Fixes null pointer issue for creating replication rule.
  • Fixes OIDC token is not respected in /service/token endpoint.
  • Uses RegisteredClaims instead of deprecated struct StandardClaims.
  • Upgrades Angular dev-tool package.
  • Returns time.Time{} when cron string is empty.
  • Updates image extra attributes author in labels.
  • Fixes copy artifact accessory quota issue.
  • Fixes reduce the high DB CPU usage for tag retention.
  • Fixes replication webhook lost when src namespace different with dest.
  • Corrects _version:2.6.0 in migration yml jinja.
  • Adds error log for create task.
  • Updates to the latest version of angular.
  • Updates portal-base and nginx-base Dockerfile.base.
  • Changes title for Swagger UI.
  • Removes preload for theme CSS files.
  • Corrects i18n key for zh-cn-lang.json.
  • Fixes handle the break change for parsing external sentinel redis URL.
  • Fixes cross account issue.
  • Adds check on the audit log forward and skip audit log database.
  • Drops build postgresql 9.6.
  • Refreshes config every time entering the configuration page.
  • Improves auth check guard service.
  • Fixes message processing issue.
  • Removes validator for username claim input.
  • Bumps TRIVYVERSION to v0.32.1 and TRIVYADAPTERVERSION to v0.30.2.
  • Bumps up helm.sh/helm/v3.
  • Bumps up golang.org/x/text to v0.4.0.
  • Bumps beego by @wy65701436.
  • Bumps up golang to 1.19.4.
  • Adds check when adding project member.
  • Logs completion message when database migrated.
  • Bumps github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.13.0.
  • Adds human-friendly message when export CVE job failure.
  • Bumps up golang.org/x/crypto to v0.1.0.
  • Adds triggers and filters check for a target changing under push mode.
  • Adds cli randomly for empty update.


  • Starts the deprecation of Chartmuseum from v2.6.0 and begin to remove in v2.8.0.
  • Starts the deprecation of Notary(signer&server) from v2.6.0 and begin to remove in v2.9.0.
  • Removes email config page.
  • Removes email configuration.
  • Drops build postgresql 9.6.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.4 is a maintainance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.3
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.16.x, v1.15.x, v1.14.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.6.x, v2.5.x, v2.4.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.6.4 release includes the following fixes:

  • Removes the scan exports volume.
  • Fixes retention/immutable API issue.
  • Fixes reset user password.
  • Fixes update the replication API handler.
  • Bumps trivyVersion to v0.37.2.
  • Bumps trivyAdapterVersion to v0.30.7.
  • Upgrades golang-runtime to 1.19.4; NOT 1.19.5.
  • Resolves the oidc or ldap group user cannot export cve.
  • Upgrades golang.org/x/net v0.7.0; go mod tidy & go mod vendor.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.3 is a maintainance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.3
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v3.0, v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.15.x, v1.14.x, v1.13.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.6.x, v2.5.x, v2.4.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.6.3 release includes the following fixes:

  • Fixes issue related to RedHat registry proxy cache.
  • Bumps helm/v3/pkg to v3.10.3 on release-2.6.0.
  • Bumps TRIVYADAPTERVERSION to v0.30.6.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.2 is a maintainance release with new features, enhancements and bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.2
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.15.x, v1.14.x, v1.13.x, v1.12.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.6.x, v2.5.x, v2.4.x, v2.3.x

New Features

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.6.2 release includes the following new features:

  • Introduce the copy by chunk for replication.
  • Add copy_by-chunk checkbox for replication rule.


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.6.2 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Add cli-secret randomly for the empty update.
  • Update the way for refreshing cli-secret.

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.6.2 release includes the following fixes:

  • Bump TRIVYVERSION to v0.32.1 and bump TRIVYADAPTERVERSION to v0.30.2.
  • Bump helm.sh/helm/v3 to bump up github.com/docker/cli.
  • Bump up golang.org/x/text to v0.4.0.
  • Bump up golang to 1.18.7.
  • Bump up golang.org/x/crypto to v0.1.0.
  • Bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.13.0.
  • Add check when adding project member.
  • Add a human-friendly message when exporting CVE job failure.
  • Add triggers and filters check for a target changing under push mode.
  • Bump up golang to 1.18.8.
  • Support customize registry HTTP client timeout.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.1 is a maintainance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.1
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.15.x, v1.14.x, v1.13.x, v1.12.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.6.x, v2.5.x, v2.4.x, v2.3.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.6.1 release includes the following fixes:

  • Fixed the handle the break change for parse external sentinel redis url
  • Added the checked on the audit log forward and skip audit log database
  • Bumped Golang to v1.18.6 on release-2.6.0


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.0 is a GA release with new features, enhancements and fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.6.0
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.14.x, v1.13.x, v1.12.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions Release Notes
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.5.x, v2.4.x, v2.3.x

New Features

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.6.0 release includes the following new features:

  • Cache layer to improve the performance of pulling artifacts in the high concurrency scenario.
  • CVE Export which allows project owners and members to export CBR data generated by scanners for artifacts within projects.
  • Purge the audit log periodically or on demand.
  • Forward audit log to a remote syslog endpoint.
  • Backup and restore Harbor Helm Chart using Velero.
  • GDPR compliant deletion of Users.
  • Experimental suport for WebAssembly artifacts.


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.6.0 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Updated docker building for UI
  • Added dotted line between the artifacts and their accessories
  • Fixed typo in legacy_swagger.yaml file
  • Provide more useful error info
  • Fixed some css style issues
  • Added release.yml to automate release notes
  • Replaced install httpd by installing htpasswd binary only
  • Store default page size to local storage
  • Refactor portal language code
  • Fixed lint errors in portal
  • Improved replication policy datagrid
  • Improved GC log message
  • Improved css for tags column
  • Allow all roles to see ‘listed in CVE allowlist’ column
  • Improved css for accessories component
  • Added date/time format setting in portal
  • Remove message prompt clearing
  • Modify HarborDatetimePipe to pure pipe to improve performance
  • Added patch for registry layers larger than 10G with S3 backend
  • Enabled Github GHCR as proxy cache
  • Added NextScheduledTime in schedule object
  • Added style lint and add code lint to the pipeline
  • Fixed some UI issues
  • Response the sign status to UI for the public project
  • Support stop GC execution
  • Improved copy command component
  • Improved cron validator for replication rule
  • Enhanced the read-only API to avoid deleting operations during the job running
  • Making stale bot a bit more active
  • Remove os.Kill in signal handling
  • Return bad request if audit log retention hour > 240000 hour

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.6.0 release includes the following fixes:

  • Fixed permission issue of cosign signature in public project
  • Fixed update the jobservice hook retry concurrency
  • Skip to refresh execution status when unchanged
  • Added DB index on artifact repository name
  • Unify the process of jobservice execution/task retrieve and update
  • Fixed revise the process of policy update
  • Fixed the update of the retention policy
  • Bump trivy version to v0.29.2 and trivy adapter version to v0.30.0
  • Add URL raw query check middleware
  • Fixed update preheat API handler and DAO
  • Fixed scan log mismatch issue
  • Revert Skip to refresh execution status when unchanged
  • 2.5 migration jinja correction for upload_purging
  • Fixed repair execution status when it inconsistent


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.5 is a maintenance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.5
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.15.x, v1.14.x, v1.13.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.5.x, v2.4.x, v2.3.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.5.5 release resolves the following issues:

  • Fixed issue related to redhat registry proxy cache
  • Bump x/text to v0.6.0
  • Bump x/net to v0.5.0
  • Bump helm/v3 to v3.10.3


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.4 is a maintenance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.4
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.14.x, v1.13.x, v1.12.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.5.x, v2.4.x, v2.3.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.5.4 release resolves the following issues:

  • Fixed update robot regression
  • Fixed null pointer issue for creating replication rule
  • Upgraded beego to 1.12.11
  • Upgraded golang to v1.17.13
  • Added an error log for the create task
  • Support docker compose v2
  • Update portal-base and nginx-base Dockerfile


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.3 is a maintenance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.3
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.14.x, v1.13.x, v1.12.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.5.x, v2.4.x, v2.3.x

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.5.3 release resolves the following issues:

  • Fixed permission issue of cosign signature
  • Fixed update the jobservice hook retry concurrency
  • Skipped to refresh execution status when unchanged
  • Added DB index on artifact repository name
  • Unify the process of jobservice execution/task retrieve and update
  • Fixed revise the process of policy update
  • Fixed the update of the retention policy
  • Fixed bump trivy version to v0.29.2 and bump trivy adapter version to v0.30.0
  • Added URL raw query check middleware
  • Fixed update preheat API handler and DAO
  • Fixed scan log mismatch issue
  • Revert skip to refresh execution status when unchanged
  • 2.5 migration jinja correction for upload_purging
  • Fixed repair execution status when it inconsistent


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.1 is a maintenance release with enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.1
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.14.x, v1.13.x, v1.12.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.5.x, v2.4.x, v2.3.x


The Harbor Registry Tile v2.5.1 release includes the following enhancements:

  • Improve GC log message
  • Improve accessory component

Resolved Issues

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.5.1 release resolves the following issues:

  • Fix registry/redis.patch and registry/builder
  • Fix close response missing
  • Bump Trivy adapter from v0.26.0 to v0.28.0
  • Fix gc history update_time
  • Fix artifact count issue
  • Fix accessory count issue
  • Fix replication issue on signature

Other Changes

  • Beego has been updated to v1.12.9
  • OpenSSL has been updated to 3.0.3
  • OpenLDAP has been updated to 2.4
  • Postgresql has been updated to 13.7


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.0 is a GA release with several important new features and fixes. In addition, there are breaking changes to be aware of.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.5.0
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.14.x, v1.13.x, v1.12.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.4.x, v2.3.x

New Features

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.5.0 release includes the following new features:

  • Adds support for cosign artifact signing and verification.
  • Improves performance for concurrent pull requests.
  • Improves failure tolerance for garbage collection so that the system is able to continue deleting subsequent artifacts if an errors occurs trying to remove a current artifact.
  • Supports skipping artifacts in a proxy cache project during replication.
  • Activates distribution upload purging to remove orphaned files from the upload directories.
  • Updates the version of Go on which Harbor is built to Golang v1.17.7.
  • Updates the version of Distribution to v2.8.0 and Trivy to v0.24.2

Breaking Changes

Harbor v2.5+ supports PostgreSQL versions 10 and later for external databases. Before upgrading to Harbor v.2.5+, make sure any external databases used for your Harbor installation are using a supported version of PostgreSQL.

Resolved Issues

Refer to the full list of closed issues in Harbor v2.5.0 at the Harbor OSS site.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.4.3 is a maintenance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.4.3
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.14.x, v1.13.x, v1.12.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v2.12, v2.11, v2.10, v2.7 (LTS release) (refer to the TAS for VMs documentation)
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.4.x, v2.3.x, v2.2.x

New Features

Harbor tile v2.4.3 includes the following improvements:

  • N/A

Resolved Issues

Harbor tile v2.4.3 includes the following bug fixes:


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.4.2 is a maintenance release with improvements and bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.4.2
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.13.x, v1.12.x, v1.11.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v2.12, v2.11, v2.10, v2.7 (LTS release) (refer to the TAS for VMs documentation)
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.4.x, v2.3.x, v2.2.x

New Features

Harbor tile v2.4.2 includes the following improvements:

  • Add option for Trivy to “Disable identify dependencies online”

Resolved Issues

Harbor tile v2.4.2 includes the following bug fixes:

See also the full list of issues fixed in Harbor tile v2.4.2.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.4.1 is a maintenance release with improvements and bug fixes, including a fix to address the Log4j vulnerability. See also known issues.

Warning: VMware recommends that you take steps to mitigate the Apache Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 as soon as possible. For more information, refer to the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition Release Notes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.4.1
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.13.x, v1.12.x, v1.11.x, v1.10.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.3.x, v2.2.x

New Features

Harbor tile v2.4.1 includes the following improvements:

Resolved Issues

Harbor tile v2.4.1 includes the following bug fixes:

See also the full list of issues fixed in Harbor tile v2.4.1.

Known Issues

Harbor tile v2.4.1 has the following known issue:

  • Private projects become inaccessible after upgrading Harbor for TKGI to v2.4.x with LDAP feature enabled: After upgrading Harbor for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integration Edition(TKGI) to v2.4.x with the LDAP feature enabled, private projects on Harbor that were previously be accessed by LDAP users turn inaccessible. LDAP users can still login through the CLI or Harbor web UI, but can not pull, push, view, and manage images in those private projects. This is a known issue with OSS Harbor and Harbor for TKG v2.4.x. To work around the issue, follow these steps:
    1. Login to Harbor web UI with admin user.
    2. Navigate to Configuration - Authentication > LDAP Group Filter.
    3. For the AD server, set objectClass=group. For openLDAP, set objectClass=groupOfNames.
    4. Save the change. If the issue is not resolved with the above steps, open a support request with VMware and attach Harbor logs. Harbor Log can be download from the Tanzu Operations Manager UI.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.4.0 is a GA release with several important new features and fixes. In addition, there are feature deprecations to be aware of. See also known issues.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.4.0
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.12.x, v1.11.x, v1.10.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.3.x, v2.2.x

New Features

The Harbor Registry Tile v2.4.0 release includes the following new features:

  • Distributed tracing: Add tracing capabilities to Harbor for enhanced troubleshooting, identifying performance bottlenecks, etc.
  • Support Harbor instances replication with Robot Account. For more details, see the Harbor documentation.
  • Support Stop All and single scan job.
  • Support exclusions and rate limit to Replication Rules.
  • Enable OIDC auth based user deletion, which addresses #8424.
  • Schedule synchronize from DB to Redis.
  • Golang v1.17.2. Harbor is now built using Golang v1.17.2 as of this release.
  • Bump up Trivy 0.20 which adds support for go.sum scanning.


  • The legacy robot account is deprecated. It is suggested that you remove all legacy robots and use robot v2 instead.
  • Limit support on Chartmuseum.

Resolved Issues

Refer to the full list of closed issues in Harbor v2.4.0 at the Harbor OSS site.

Known Issues

Harbor tile v2.4.0 has the following known issue:

  • Private projects become inaccessible after upgrading Harbor for TKGI to v2.4.x with LDAP feature enabled: After upgrading Harbor for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integration Edition(TKGI) to v2.4.x with the LDAP feature enabled, private projects on Harbor that were previously be accessed by LDAP users turn inaccessible. LDAP users can still login through the CLI or Harbor web UI, but can not pull, push, view, and manage images in those private projects. This is a known issue with OSS Harbor and Harbor for TKG v2.4.x. To work around the issue, follow these steps:
    1. Login to Harbor web UI with admin user.
    2. Navigate to Configuration - Authentication > LDAP Group Filter.
    3. For the AD server, set objectClass=group. For openLDAP, set objectClass=groupOfNames.
    4. Save the change. If the issue is not resolved with the above steps, open a support request with VMware and attach Harbor logs. Harbor Log can be downloaded from the Tanzu Operations Manager UI.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.5 is a maintenance release with improvements and bug fixes, including a fix to address the Log4j vulnerability.

Warning: VMware recommends that you take steps to mitigate the Apache Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 as soon as possible. For more information, refer to the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition Release Notes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.5
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.13.x, v1.12.x, v1.11.x, v1.10.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.3.x, v2.2.x, v2.1.x

New Features

Harbor tile v2.3.5 includes the following improvements:

Resolved Issues

Harbor tile v2.3.5 includes the following bug fixes:


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.4 is a maintenance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.4
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.12.x, v1.11.x, v1.10.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.3.x, v2.2.x, v2.1.x

New Features

There are no new features in the Harbor v2.3.4 release.

Resolved Issues

Refer to the full list of fixed issues in Harbor v2.3.4.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.3 is a maintenance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.3
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.12.x, v1.11.x, v1.10.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.3.x, v2.2.x, v2.1.x

New Features

There are no new features in the Harbor v2.3.3 release.

Resolved Issues

Refer to the full list of fixed issues in Harbor v2.3.3.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.2 is a maintenance release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.2
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.11.x, v1.10.x, v1.9.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.3.x, v2.2.x, v2.1.x

New Features

There are no new features in the Harbor v2.3.2 release.

Resolved Issues

Refer to the full list of fixed issues in Harbor v2.3.2.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.1 is a GA release with several important new features and fixes. In addition, there are upgrade considerations, feature deprecations and breaking changes to be aware of.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.3.1
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.11.x, v1.10.x, v1.9.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.3.x, v2.2.x, v2.1.x

New Features

The Harbor v2.3.1 release includes the following new features:

  • Declarative Configuration: Enhanced the current configuration by adding environment variables to overwrite the Harbor configuration including auth, backing store, system permissions and more. This enables full audit capabilities and prevents configuration drift. This addresses #8076.
  • IPv6:Support running Harbor in Kubernetes with harbor-helm on IPv6-only infrastructure. (Tested on Kubernetes version 1.21.0 with Calico version 3.18.1.)
  • Several components are upgraded, including:
    • Upgrade all Harbor base images from Photon 2.0 to 4.0.
    • Postgresql upgrade to v13.3.
    • Redis upgrade to v6.0.13.
    • Trivy upgrade to v0.17.2
    • Golang upgrade to v1.15.12.
    • Docker upgrade to v20.10.7
  • Additional new features:
    • Performance enhancement for concurrent requests.
    • Observability Metrics Improvement: Support Jobservice metrics.
    • Swagger API Improvement: The APIs of project scanners and webhooks support both project id and name in their path.
    • Replication enhancement to support destination namespace flattening.
    • Move the legacy APIs to the new programming model.

Upgrade Considerations

  • You must back up your data before upgrading to v2.3.1 because, dring upgrade, Harbor will remove the old Postgres data and migrate it to a new destination compatible with a new version of Postgres.

Feature Deprecations

  • The ChartMuseum is scheduled to be deprecated in a future v2.4.0 release. The ChartMuseum is scheduled to be deprecated in a future v2.4.0 release. Helm charts can be managed in Harbor through the OCI image registry alongside your container images.

Breaking Changes

  • The API to GET artifact under public projects such as GET /v2/$public_project/$repo/manifests/$tag, will receive a 401 if the request does not carry “Authorization” header. For more details, see #14711 and #14768

Resolved Issues

Listed below are key issues fixed in the Harbor tile v2.3.1. Refer to the full list of closed issues in Harbor v2.3.0 at the Harbor OSS site.

  • Fixed the notary key not found issue after migration. To Fix #14932, v2.3.1 downgrades the Go version of Notary to v1.14. However, the fixing will cause another break change: If a key is created when signing the image in v2.2.0 ~ v2.2.2, a similar key decoding issue like #14932 will happen if you upgrade from v2.2.0 ~ v2.2.2 to v2.3.1. The workaround(https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/wiki/Harbor-FAQs#notary-key-not-found) can handle it.
  • Added retry for garbage collection when to remove blob and manifest.
  • Fixed OIDC access token issue.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.2.3 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.2.3
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.11.x, v1.10.x, v1.9.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.2.x, v2.1.x, and v2.0.x

Fixed Issues

Below is a summary of the main issues fixed in this release. See also the full list of closed issues in Harbor v2.2.3 at the Harbor OSS site.

  • Notary key not found after migration. To Fix #14932, v2.2.3 downgrades the Go version of Notary to v1.14. However, doing so can cause another breaking change: If a key is created when signing the image in v2.2.0, v2.2.1, or v2.2.2, a similar key decoding issue like #14932 can occur when you upgrade from v2.2.0, v2.2.1, or v2.2.2 to v2.2.3. In this case, refer to the workaround to address this issue.
  • Fix migration issue from v1.10
  • Proxy cache enhancement for upstream registry is not working


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.2.2 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.2.2
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.11.x, v1.10.x, v1.9.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.2.x, v2.1.x, and v2.0.x

Fixed Issues

Refer to the full list of closed issues in Harbor v2.2.2 at the Harbor OSS site.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.2.1 is a GA release with several important new features and fixes. In addition, there are upgrade considerations, feature deprecations and breaking changes to be aware of.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.2.1
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.11.x, v1.10.x, v1.9.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.1.x and v2.0.x

New Features

The Harbor v2.2.1 release includes the following new features:

  • System-level Robot Account
    • Introduce system-level robot accounts to enable them to access multiple projects.
    • Support for Aqua CSP Scanner
    • Selective API access for robot accounts
    • $sign removed from robot accounts names
  • Metrics and Observability: Enable Harbor to expose performance & system information indicators to provide observability.
  • OIDC Admin Group: Allows specifying a special privileged admin group for OIDC auth, achieving parity with LDAP auth
  • Additional Features
    • Migrate GC/Scan all/Tag Retention and Replication to task manager/scheduler.
    • Enhance the proxy cache to support Google Container Registry(GCR), Elastic Container Registry(ECR), Azure Container Registry(Azure), Quay.io.
    • Support Dell EMC ECS s3.
    • Bump up Trivy 0.14, support pluggable scanner spec v1.1.
    • Refine project manage & robot API to support both project ID & Name as indicator.
    • Golang v1.15.6. Harbor is now built using Golang v1.15.6 as of this release.

Upgrade Considerations

  • Clair deprecated: The built-in Clair image scanner is deprecated in favor of Trivy. If you have enabled the Clair scanner, see breaking changes before upgrading.
  • Certificate Impact: Since Harbor is compiled by Golang v1.15.6, the certificates may need to be updated. Go v1.15.0 introduced changes to SSL/TLS connection validation which requires certificates to include a SAN. This field was not included in older certificates are generated by Harbor prepare script. For more information, see Go GitHub issue golang/go#39568.

Feature Deprecations

  • Deprecate built-in Clair. Users still have the option to install Clair in out-of-tree fashion by pairing with Harbor through its interrogation services framework.
  • The ChartMuseum is scheduled to be deprecated in a future v2.4.0 release.

Breaking Changes

  • The built-in Clair container image scanner is deprecated in favor of Trivy. If you have enabled Clair, do one of the following before ugprading to Harbor tile v2.2.1:
    • In the Harbor tile, select the Trivy scanner as the default in “Interrogation Service” or
    • Install the Clair scanner outside the Harbor tile VM and configure the Clair scanner in “Interrogation Service” as the default scanner. Refer to the Clair documentation.
  • API: The /systeminfo API now displays less information when the request is triggered by an unauthenticated user. For details please refer to the following issue comment: #9149 (comment)
  • Scan Report: After upgrading to v2.2, all scan reports in the previous version have been deleted due to changes in the vulnerability database scheme. Please rescan the artifacts to obtain the reports.

Fixed Issues

Refer to the full list of closed issues in Harbor v2.2.0 at the Harbor OSS site.

Refer to the full list of closed issues in Harbor v2.1.0 at the Harbor OSS site.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.6 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.6
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.11.x, v1.10.x, v1.9.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.1.x, v2.0.x and v1.10.x
Supported Documentation versions This documentaton supports Harbor v2.1.x, v2.0.x and v1.10.x

Fixed Issues

  • Bump up clair to v2.1.7
  • Proxy cache enhancement for upstream registry is not working scenario
  • Fix installation failure by missing SAN section in the self generated certs

Refer to the full list of fixed issues in Harbor v2.1.6 at the Harbor OSS site.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.5 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.5
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.10.x, v1.9.x, v1.8.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.1.x, v2.0.x and v1.10.x
Supported Documentation versions This documentaton supports Harbor v2.1.x, v2.0.x and v1.10.x

Fixed Issues

Refer to the list of fixed issues in Harbor v2.1.5 at the Harbor OSS site.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.4 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.4
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.10.x, v1.9.x, v1.8.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.1.x, v2.0.x and v1.10.x
Supported Documentation versions This documentaton supports Harbor v2.1.x, v2.0.x and v1.10.x

Fixed Issues

Refer to the list of fixed issues in Harbor v2.1.4 at the Harbor OSS site.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.3 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.3
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.10.x, v1.9.x, v1.8.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.1.x, v2.0.x and v1.10.x
Supported Documentation versions This documentaton supports Harbor v2.1.x, v2.0.x and v1.10.x

Fixed Issues

Refer to the list of fixed issues in Harbor v2.1.3 at the Harbor OSS site.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.2 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.2
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.9.x, v1.8.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.1.x, v2.0.x and v1.10.x

Fixed Issues

The Harbor v2.1.2 release includes the following bug fixes:

  • Docker login with secret fails without user logging into Harbor UI then use cli secret from user profile
  • Changing Harbor Container Registry storage configuration after initial install is not supported but the option still available
  • Deleting the Harbor replication rule fails with Internal Server Error
  • Project Quota errors in Harbor registry after the version upgrade
  • Harbor fails to install when install with OpsManager 2.9.1 via Enterprise management conso

Refer to the full list of fixed issues in Harbor v2.1.2 at the Harbor OSS site.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.1 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.1
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.9.x, v1.8.x, v1.7.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.0.x and v1.10.x

Fixed Issues

Refer to the full list of fixed issues in Harbor v2.1.1 at the Harbor OSS site.


VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.0 is a GA release with several important new features and fixes. In addition, a vulnerability is addressed.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Container Registry for TKGI v2.1.0
Release Download Download
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.9.x, v1.8.x, v1.7.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.0.x and v1.10.x

New Features

The Harbor v2.1.0 release includes the following new features:

  • Non-blocking Garbage Collection. Run garbage collection uninterrupted so users can continue pushing, pulling, deleting artifacts.
  • Proxy Cache. Enable Harbor to act as pull through cache registries such as Dockerhub and Harbor.
  • P2P Preheat. Preheat images to the P2P engines such as Alibaba Dragonfly and Uber Kraken for better geographic distribution of artifacts.
  • Harbor for AI/ML. Harbor expands support for Machine Learning on Kubernetes datamodels such as Kubeflow datamodels.
  • Sysdig Image Scanner. Harbor expands list of compatible image scanners to Sysdig Secure (https://github.com/sysdiglabs/harbor-scanner-sysdig-secure).
  • Additional features include:
    • Simplified manual/cron job management with task manager/scheduler.
    • Improved parallel pushing/pulling performance.
    • Replication verification framework that facilitates rapid development of new replication adapter.
    • Project API reconstruction.

Fixed Issues

Refer to the full list of closed issues in Harbor v2.1.0 at the Harbor OSS site.

Vulnerability Patching

The CVE detailed in security advisory GHSA-q9p8-33wc-h432 is addressed in the Harbor v2.1.0 release.


Release Date: March 20, 2021

VMware Harbor Registry v2.0.6 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.0.6
Release Date March 20, 2021
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.9.x, v1.8.x, v1.7.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.0.x, v1.10.x and v1.9.x

New Features

There are no new features in this minor release.

Fixed Issues


Release Date: January 4, 2021

VMware Harbor Registry v2.0.5 is a minor release with a vulnerability fix.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.0.5
Release Date January 4, 2021
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.9.x, v1.8.x, v1.7.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.0.x, v1.10.x and v1.9.x

New Features

There are no new features in this minor release.

Fixed Issues

There are no fixed issues in this minor release.

Vulnerability Patching

The CVE detailed in security advisory GHSA-38r5-34mr-mvm7 is addressed in the Harbor v2.0.5 release.


Release Date: December 2, 2020

VMware Harbor Registry v2.0.4 is a minor release.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.0.4
Release Date December 2, 2020
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.9.x, v1.8.x, v1.7.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.0.x, v1.10.x and v1.9.x

New Features

There are no new features in this minor release.

Fixed Issues

Refer to the full list of closed issues in Harbor v2.1.0 at the Harbor OSS site.


Release Date: September 22, 2020

VMware Harbor Registry v2.0.3 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.0.3
Release Date September 22, 2020
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.10.x, v2.9.x, v2.8.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.9.x, v1.8.x, v1.7.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v.2.9.x, v2.8.x, v2.7.x, v2.6.x, v2.5.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v2.0.x, v1.10.x and v1.9.x

New Features

There are no new features in this minor release.

Fixed Issues

Docker pull fails but the record exists (docker pull <harbor-address>:/project/repo:1.4).

See also the following fixed issues at the at the Harbor OSS site:


Release Date: August 18, 2020

VMware Harbor Registry v2.0.2 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.0.2
Release Date August 18, 2020
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.7.x, v2.8.x, v.2.9.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.6.x, v1.7.x, v1.8.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v2.5.x, v2.6.x, v2.7.x, v2.8.x, v.2.9.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v1.10.x and v1.9.x

New Features

There are no new features in this minor release.

Fixed Issues

Refer to the following fixed issues at the at the Harbor OSS site:


Release Date: July 8, 2020

VMware Harbor Registry v2.0.1 is a GA release with several important new features and fixes.

Release Snapshot

The table provides version, compatibility, and upgrade information for this release of VMware Harbor Registry.

Element Details
Release Headline VMware Harbor Registry Tile v2.0.1
Release Date July 8, 2020
Compatible Ops Manager versions v2.7.x, v2.8.x, v.2.9.x (refer to the TKGI release notes for specific matching versions)
Compatible TKGI versions v1.6.x, v1.7.x, v1.8.x
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v2.5.x, v2.6.x, v2.7.x, v2.8.x, v.2.9.x
Supported BOSH stemcell versions Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 621.x
Supported Upgrade Paths From Harbor v1.10.x and v1.9.x

New Features

  • Harbor is now an OCI-compliant registry capable of hosting and managing any artifact adherent to the OCI image spec, including Docker Manifest Lists, CNABs, OPAs, Singularity and more
  • Support added for multi-arch Docker images
  • Support added for any structure leveraging OCI index
  • Support added for Helm Charts through OCI registry; removed reliance on Chartmuseum as the only way to host charts
  • Aqua Trivy replaces Clair as the default vulnerability scanner
  • Add internal TLS mode for all inter-component traffic for better security
  • Webhook enhancements including Slack integration, selective activation of webhook events, configuring multiple target endpoints, as well as new webhook events including artifact deletion, artifact replication, quotas exceeded etc.
  • Allow setting expiration time per robot account
  • Remove project quotas designated by artifact count
  • Refactor the error handling framework for better troubleshooting.
  • View untagged images in UI with ability to include / exclude these from Garbage Collection and tag retention jobs
  • Selectively add and delete tags from an image without deleting the image digest or other associated tags
  • Upgrade Docker, Wavefront/proxy and Telegraf
  • Support added for dark mode to Harbor web console

For additional details, refer to the OSS Harbor 2.0.0 new features.

Fixed Issues

Refer to the following fixed issues at the at the Harbor OSS site:


Release Date: June 15, 2020

VMware Harbor Registry v1.10.3 is a minor release with bug fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.10.x to Harbor v1.10.3
  • From Harbor v1.9.x to Harbor v1.10.3
  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.10.3

Fixed Issues

Also see the Harbor OSS release notes on Github.

Support Matrix

  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (formerly Enterprise PKS) v1.6.x, v1.7.x, v1.8.x
  • Ops Manager v2.6, v2.7, v2.8, v2.9 (refer to the VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition release notes for specific matching versions)
  • Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 456.x

v1.10.2 (withdrawn and replaced with v1.10.3)

Release Date: April 23, 2020

VMware Harbor Registry v1.10.2 is a minor release with new functionality and bug fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.10.x to Harbor v1.10.2
  • From Harbor v1.9.x to Harbor v1.10.2
  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.10.2

New Features

Adds support for Azure Storage as an optional backend for Harbor container registry storage.

Fixed Issues

  • Use unified tagname for Harbor docker image
  • Unable to complete oidc onboarding due to ‘_xsrf’ argument missing in the POST request

Also see the Harbor OSS release notes on Github.

Known Issue

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.5.x, v1.6.x, v1.7.x
  • Ops Manager v2.5, v2.6, v2.7, v2.8 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)
  • Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 456.x


Release Date: February 19, 2020

VMware Harbor Registry v1.10.1 is a minor release with various fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.10.0 to Harbor v1.10.1
  • From Harbor v1.9.x to Harbor v1.10.1
  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.10.1

New Features

Adds support for Operations Manager 2.8 and fixes issues.

Fixed Issues

For details and the full lists of known and fixed issues in this release, see the Harbor release notes on Github.

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x, v1.6.x
  • Ops Manager v2.5, v2.6, v2.7, v2.8 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)
  • Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 456.*


Release Date: December 19, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.10.0 is a GA release with new features.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.9.x to Harbor v1.10.0
  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.10.0

New Features

Pluggable Scanners

Worked with Aqua Security and Anchore to expand the list of supported 3rd party vulnerability scanners that the Harbor system administrator can configure. Project administrators can use any of the configured scanners in their projects. Read more.

Tag Immutability

Allow Harbor project administrator to configure immutability rules at the project level. Images with certain tags cannot be overwritten by pushing, retagging, deleting, or replicating images with matching tags. Read more.

Replication Enhancements

Adds Gitlab, Quay.io and Jfrog Artifactory to the list of supported replication targets. Read more.

OIDC Enhancements:

Support for OIDC groups. Adds user-defined CLI secrets. Read more.

Limited Guest Role.

This role has lower permissions than Guest, and has no visibility into logs or the other members of a project. Read more.

New Webhook

Project quota exceeded. Read more.

For more information, see the release notes on Github.

Fixed Issues

  • Harbor upgrade failed because of the no_proxy setting.
  • Harbor fails to install when FQDN is upper case.
  • Set default container network pool to to avoid conflicts.

For the full lists of known and fixed issues in this release, see the list of closed issues in Github.

Known Issues

Scan status freezes after migration from 1.8 to 1.10 #9963. For more information, see the release notes on Github

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x, v1.6.x
  • Ops Manager v2.5, v2.6, v2.7 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)
  • Stemcell Ubuntu Xenial 456.*


Release Date: January 08, 2020

VMware Harbor Registry v1.9.4 is a minor release with various fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.9.x to Harbor v1.9.4
  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.9.4
  • From Harbor v1.7.x to Harbor v1.9.4

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Fixed Issues

When upgrading Harbor from 1.8.x to 1.9.3, the upgrade fails if the Clair no_proxy values are not updated in the Harbor tile.

For details and the full lists of known and fixed issues in this release, see the Harbor release notes on Github.

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x, v1.6.x
  • Ops Manager v2.4, v2.5, v2.6, v2.7 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)


Release Date: November 18, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.9.3 is a GA release with new features.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.9.3
  • From Harbor v1.7.x to Harbor v1.9.3

New Features

Project Quotas

By using quota management, system administrators can set constraints that limit the number of artifacts or the amount of storage resources that a project can use. This helps system administrators to better manage and allocate resources across all projects. Read more

Tag Retention

A repository can rapidly accumulate a large number of image tags, many of which might not be required after a given time or once they have been superseded by a subsequent image build. These excess tags can obviously consume large quantities of storage capacity. As a system administrator, you can define rules that govern how many tags of a given repository to retain, or for how long to retain certain tags. Read more


Webhooks allow for the integration of Harbor with other tools to streamline continuous integration and development processes. Currently, webhooks can be configured for actions including container image push, container image pull, container image delete, helm chart push, helm chart pull, helm chart delete, image scanning completed, CVE discovered Read more

CVE Whitelists

As a system administrator, you can create exception policies of certain whitelisted CVEs to ignore during vulnerability policy checking. Read more

Replication Enhancements

This release includes the following improvements to replication:

  • Adds the ability to replicate resources between Harbor and Google Container Registry, Azure Container Registry, Amazon Elastic Container Registry, Alibaba Cloud Container Registry, Helm Hub.
  • Supports filtering by Harbor labels
  • Supports configuring proxies Read more

  • Additional Features

Harbor 1.9 adds numerous other capabilities for both administrators and end-users:

  • Groups privileges prioritization: when an administrator privilege is granted to a user’s group, but a guest privilege is also granted to the user, then the user has admin privileges.
  • Supports the configuration of an external syslog endpoint and database connection pools.
  • Security enhancement to make Harbor containers run as a non-root user.
  • Adds the ability to upload/fetch charts with robot accounts.
  • Bug Fixes and Improvements in job service: job retry, Redis pool run out, and the rapid growth in the amount of Redis data.
  • Adds support authenticated by PKS UAA with SAML Identity Provider
  • Adds VMWare vRealize Log Insight log integration
  • Allows you to specify HTTP/HTTPS proxy for all Harbor components

Fixed Issues

  • Addressed various security advisories. For details, see the Harbor release notes on Github.
  • Customize certificate with s3 compatible storage.
  • Unable to authenticate with PKS UAA because PKS Certificate not trusted.

For the full lists of known and fixed issues in this release, see the Harbor release notes on Github.

Known Issues

  • The network is reserved for Harbor. Using IP addresses in this network will lead to IP conflicts that prevent communication between Harbor and Harbor clients. This is fixed in version 1.10.0.
  • When upgrading Harbor from 1.8.x to 1.9.3, the upgrade fails if the Clair no_proxy values are not updated in the Harbor tile. To uprgrade Harbor, update the no_proxy values as described in the knowledge base article Harbor upgrade from 1.8.x to 1.9.3 fails with harbor job (76299).

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x, v1.6.x
  • Ops Manager v2.4, v2.5, v2.6, v2.7 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)


Release Date: November 22, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.8.6 is a minor release with various fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.8.6
  • From Harbor v1.7.x to Harbor v1.8.6
  • From Harbor v1.6.x to Harbor v1.8.6

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Fixed Issues

Addressed various security advisories. For details and the lists of known and fixed issues in this release, see the Harbor release notes on Github.

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x
  • Ops Manager v2.4, v2.5, v2.6 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)


Release Date: November 5, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.8.5 is a minor release with various fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.8.5
  • From Harbor v1.7.x to Harbor v1.8.5
  • From Harbor v1.6.x to Harbor v1.8.5

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Fixed Issues

For the lists of known and fixed issues in this release, see the Harbor release notes on Github.

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x
  • Ops Manager v2.4, v2.5, v2.6 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)


Release Date: October 15, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.8.4 is a minor release with various fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.8.4
  • From Harbor v1.7.x to Harbor v1.8.4
  • From Harbor v1.6.x to Harbor v1.8.4

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Fixed Issues

CVE-2019-16919: Enforcing project permissions and scope during robot account creation via the Harbor API.

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x
  • Ops Manager v2.4, v2.5, v2.6 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)


Release Date: September 24, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.8.3 is a minor release with various fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.8.3
  • From Harbor v1.7.x to Harbor v1.8.3
  • From Harbor v1.6.x to Harbor v1.8.3

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Fixed Issues

  • CVE-2019-16097: Disallow creating an administrative user during self-registration. Note: There is a workaround separate from the fix. If you are not able to upgrade immediately, you can disable self-registration.
  • For the full list of issues fixed in v1.8.3, see the closed issues at the Harbor repository.

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x
  • Ops Manager v2.4, v2.5, v2.6 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)


Release Date: August 30, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.8.2 is a minor release with several fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.8.x to Harbor v1.8.2
  • From Harbor v1.7.x to Harbor v1.8.2
  • From Harbor v1.6.x to Harbor v1.8.2

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Fixed Issues

For information about the issues fixed in this release, see the Harbor v1.8.2 release notes in the GoHarbor GitHub repository.

Known Issues

  • After upgrade from v1.6.x, the scheduled setting of “Scan All” is reset to “None” and the administrator will need to update the schedule again.
  • The label filter in replication policies will be lost after upgrade (#7762).
  • When the internal redis is down, the health check API may return a 502 Bad Gateway error (#7691).
  • The Harbor API does not support pulling or pushing the manifest list from Docker registry. When replicating the manifest list, the image whose architecture is amd64 and OS is linux (if found) or the first one will be replicated (#6522).

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x
  • Ops Manager v2.4, v2.5, v2.6 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)


Release Date: July 9, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.8.1 is a general availability release with several new features and fixes.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.7.x to Harbor v1.8.1
  • From Harbor v1.6.x to Harbor v1.8.1

New Features

  • Support for OpenID Connect
  • Robot accounts
  • Replication advancements
  • Health Check API
  • Support for defining cron-based scheduled tasks
  • API explorer integration
  • Introduce a new master role to project
  • Introduce harbor.yml as the replacement of harbor.cfg and refactor the prepare script
  • Enhancement of the Job Service engine to include webhook events
  • Docker Registry upgraded to v2.7.1
  • Remove adminserver container

For additional details, refer to the Harbor v1.8.0 release at the Harbor GitHub repository.

Fixed Issues

  • Cron job (template) will be lost after migrating to latest version 1.8.0 from other versions (1.6.x/1.7.x) area/job-services kind/bug target/1.8.1.
  • Pull based replication not support library/hipache in docker hub area/replication target/1.8.1.
  • Pull based replication not support library/redis:2.8 in docker hub area/replication target/1.8.1.
  • Swagger API version of 1.8.0 target/1.8.1.
  • http_auth always onboard configuration doesn’t work as expected target/1.8.1.

Known Issues

  • After upgrade from v1.6.x, the scheduled setting of “Scan All” is reset to “None” and the administrator will need to update the schedule again.
  • The label filter in replication policies will be lost after upgrade (#7762).
  • When the internal redis is down, the health check API may return a 502 Bad Gateway error (#7691).
  • The Harbor API does not support pulling or pushing the manifest list from Docker registry. When replicating the manifest list, the image whose architecture is amd64 and OS is linux (if found) or the first one will be replicated (#6522).
  • Harbor Tile UAA authentication does not support UAA with SAML backend.

Support Matrix

  • Enterprise PKS v1.4.x, v1.5.x
  • Ops Manager v2.4, v2.5, v2.6 (refer to the Enterprise PKS release notes for specific matching versions)


Release Date: September 24, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.7.6 is a minor release.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.7.x to Harbor v1.7.6
  • From Harbor v1.6.x to Harbor v1.7.6

Fixed Issues

  • Disable syslog DNS name resolution.
  • CVE-2019-16097: Disallow creating an administrative user during self-registration. Note: There is a workaround separate from the fix. If you are not able to upgrade immediately, you can disable self-registration.

Support Matrix

  • Supports PKS v1.3.x and 1.4.x
  • Supports Ops Manager v2.3, Ops Manager v2.4, and Ops Manager v2.5


Release Date: May 2, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.7.5 is a minor release.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.7.4 to Harbor v1.7.5
  • From Harbor v1.7.3 to Harbor v1.7.5
  • From Harbor v1.7.2 to Harbor v1.7.5
  • From Harbor v1.6 to Harbor v1.7.5
  • From Harbor v1.5 to Harbor v1.7.5

Fixed Issues

  • Harbor upgrade from 1.7.2 to 1.7.4 failed with error “Failed to update database, error: pq: must be owner of relation schema_migrations”
  • Bumped up Clair to v2.0.8
  • Fixed issues in supporting Windows images.
  • Removed user-agent check-in notification handler.
  • Fixed the issue global search not working if chartmusuem is not installed.

Known Issues

  • Cannot enter into the public projects in the global search result page without login (https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/issues/6435).
  • Image label filter should consistent with charts (https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/issues/6447).

Support Matrix

  • Supports PKS v1.3.x, 1.4.x
  • Supports Ops Manager v2.3, Ops Manager v2.4


Release Date: March 26, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.7.4 is a minor release.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.7.3 to Harbor v1.7.4
  • From Harbor v1.7.2 to Harbor v1.7.4
  • From Harbor v1.6 to Harbor v1.7.4
  • From Harbor v1.5 to Harbor v1.7.4

Fixed Issues

  • Not able to increase the disk size of the harbor VM.
  • notary-server and notary-signer cannot start after upgrading to 1.7.4
  • Other Harbor issues listed at the Harbor repository in GitHub.


Release Date: February 20, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.7.3 is a minor release.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.7.2 to Harbor v1.7.3
  • From Harbor v1.7.1 to Harbor v1.7.3
  • From Harbor v1.6 to Harbor v1.7.3
  • From Harbor v1.5 to Harbor v1.7.3

Fixed Issues


Release Date: February 5, 2019

VMware Harbor Registry v1.7.2 is a minor release.

Supported Upgrade Paths

  • From Harbor v1.6 to Harbor v1.7.2
  • From Harbor v1.5 to Harbor v1.7.2

Fixed Issues

  • The Harbor upgrade from 1.6.0 to 1.7.1 known issue.
  • Ctl start failed issue when NFS storage is configured.


Release Date: January 16, 2019

WARNING: We recommend that you skip the Harbor v1.7.1 release and install or upgrade to Harbor v1.7.2.

VMware Harbor Registry v1.7.1 is a general availability release with several new features and fixes.

New Features

Fixed Issues

  • You can now change the Harbor admin password using the Harbor web interface. You must enter the new password in the Admin Password to run smoke test field of the Credentials pane in the Harbor tile before reinstalling or upgrading the Harbor tile.
  • The parameter registry is added by default and does not have to be added manually to the no_proxy field for Clair proxy configuration.

Known Issues

When upgrading from Harbor v1.6.0 to v1.7.1, the upgrade procedure may fail with the following error message: 1 of 3 pre-start scripts failed. Failed Jobs: harbor. The workaround is to log in to the Harbor VM with BOSH and check the Docker images. If there are any Docker images found for vmware/harbor-log, remove the images before migration. After removing the images, click Apply Changes in Ops Manager and retry the upgrade. This issue is addressed in Harbor v1.7.2.

For guidance on logging in to the Harbor VM using BOSH, see Using BOSH Diagnostic Commands in TKGI.

See the following example commands to check for Docker images in vmare/harbor-log:

alias docker='/var/vcap/packages/docker/bin/docker -H unix:///var/vcap/sys/run/docker/dockerd.sock'
docker images | grep vmware/harbor-log

See the following example command to remove any Docker images found for vmware/harbor-log:



Release Date: December 21, 2018

The Harbor 1.6.3 tile is a maintenance release.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed issue with Clair’s inability to scan S3 storage if it does not have the proper CA certificate for the S3 storage URL.
  • Fixed issue with user being unable to sign images using Notary after upgrading to v1.6.


Release Date: Sept 27, 2018

For more information about new Harbor features, see the release notes for Harbor v1.6.0 in the Harbor GitHub repository.

New Features

  • Support for customizing Docker container network address pool in the Harbor tile configuration.
  • Disables Clair update by default in the Harbor tile.

Fixed Issues

  • Email/UAA Settings tab in the Harbor UI is reset to defaults after a resurrection event occurs in BOSH.
  • When using S3 storage in Harbor tile to point to an internal S3 object store, Harbor does not trust the issuer.

Known Issues

  • If you change the Harbor admin password using the Harbor web interface, subsequent attempts to use Apply Changesin Ops Manager to update the Harbor tile will fail. To avoid this issue, do not change the Harbor password using the Harbor web interface.


NOTE: This release is not supported as of 4/10/2019.

Release Date: July 23, 2018

Minor release to fix issues in v1.5.x.

Fixed Issues

  • Continuous traffic towards security-tracker.debian.org from Clair.
  • Harbor upgrade from v1.4.2 to v1.5.1 failing.
  • Email settings tab in Harbor UI is reset to defaults after a resurrection.


NOTE: This release is not supported as of 4/10/2019.

Release Date: June 28, 2018

General Availability release to be used with PKS v1.1.x and VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) v2.1.x.

New Features

  • Harbor Tile v1.5.1 includes the Harbor v1.5.1 GA release build.
  • Harbor Tile v1.5.1 is fully compatible with PKS v1.1.0 (but not PKS v1.0.x).


NOTE: This release is not supported as of 4/10/2019.

Release Date: May 21, 2018

General Availability release to be used with PKS v1.x and TAS for VMs v2.x.

New Features

  • Allow configuring the HTTP proxy for Clair in the Harbor Tile.
  • Allow configuring v4auth and secure for S3-compatible registry storage in the Harbor Tile.
  • Support GCS as the docker registry storage in the Harbor Tile.
  • Support upgrade from Harbor Tile v1.4.1 to v1.4.2.
  • Encryption: No changes to encryption with this release.

Fixed Issues

  • Harbor Tile status shows failure after Harbor VM is rebooted manually or by vSphere HA.
  • Harbor service sometimes cannot start after clicking Apply changes in Ops Manager.
  • Clair or Notary cannot be turned off in Harbor Tile.
  • PKS UAA user with admin rights does not have privilege.


NOTE: This release is not supported as of 4/10/2019.

Release Date: February 8, 2018

Fixed Issues

  • #4244 Harbor Tile deployment fails when the network name in BOSH Director contains upper-case characters.

Known Issues

  • #4214 Deleting multiple tags that point to the same image may return a 500 error.
  • #4217 When using UAA, cannot onboard users with the same email address. Email addresses must be unique.
  • Users may experience unexpected behavior with some versions of the Firefox browser when accessing the Harbor UI. Suggest use of Google Chrome for best results.
  • Harbor uses default internal networks (default Docker IPs) that may overlap with customer production networks and cause issues, such as preventing communication with the registry from outside of the VM. This applies to Harbor 1.4.1 and earlier.

    • Symptom: If you run the Docker pull and Docker push commands, they fail. Harbor also fails to start, and the Harbor Logs retrieved from the Tanzu Operations Manager shows the following errors and timeouts: harbor/ctl.stdout.log Error: Harbor Service failed to start in 180 seconds. bosh-dns/bosh_dns.stdout.log DEBUG - error recursing to “”: read udp> i/o timeout
    • Cause: The Harbor VM runs a number of Docker images that implement the Harbor services such as the Registry, Clair, and Notary. Each service runs on its own internal private network. There is a possibility that these internal networks conflict with external networks that prevent access to or from Harbor. This could be a client desktop’s trying to access the Harbor web interface, running docker push/pull commands, or Harbor trying to access external resources, such as it’s Registry when it’s stored on S3 Storage. This issue occurs if you are using IP networks with subnets within the range - in your environment. The Harbor installation uses the default configuration for the Docker0 bridge network and Docker internal networks with IP addresses in the range - This causes an overlap in IP ranges preventing communication between Harbor and Harbor clients.
    • Resolution: In order to see if you have this problem, check your network ranges that need access to and from Harbor. If any of these match the Harbor networks below then you have a conflict.


      When you encounter this situation, open a support case with your Harbor provider.


NOTE: This release is not supported as of 4/10/2019.

Release Date: February 7, 2018

New Features

  • User Account and Authentication (UAA) integration capability with TAS for VMs and PKS.
  • External S3 storage capability.
  • Replication policy rework to support wildcard, scheduled replication.
  • Support for repository-level description.
  • Batch operation on projects/repositories/users from UI.

Known Issues

  • #4214 Deleting multiple tags that point to the same image may return a 500 error.
  • #4217 When using UAA, cannot onboard users with the same email address. Email addresses must be unique.
  • Users may experience unexpected behaviour with some versions of the Firefox browser when accessing the Harbor UI. Suggest use of Google Chrome for best results.


NOTE: This release is not supported as of 4/10/2019.

Release Date: January 16, 2018

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed: #3942 PKS/Harbor: Harbor services cannot start after Harbor VM is rebooted.
  • Fixed: #3849 Failed to stop dockerd service when updating the Harbor tile.
  • Fixed: #3823 Harbor tile should support user-provided certificate signed with other than Ops Manager root CA.
  • Fixed: #3814 Add Verify LDAP Certificate option in Harbor Tile UI.


Release Date: December 21, 2017

New Features

  • Initial release of the VMware Harbor Registry.
  • Adds a Harbor tile to Ops Manager.
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