Follow best practices when you assign ThinApp applications to machines and desktop pools.

  • To install a ThinApp application on a particular remote desktop, assign the application to the virtual machine that hosts the desktop. If you use a common naming convention for your machines, you can use machine assignments to quickly distribute applications to all of the machines that use that naming convention.
  • To install a ThinApp application on all of the machines in a desktop pool, assign the application to the desktop pool. If you organize your desktop pools by department or user type, you can use desktop pool assignments to quickly distribute applications to specific departments or users. For example, if you have a desktop pool for your accounting department users, you can distribute the same application to all of the users in your accounting department by assigning the application to the accounting pool.
  • To streamline the distribution of multiple ThinApp applications, include the applications in a ThinApp template. When you assign a ThinApp template to a machine or desktop pool, Horizon Administrator installs all of the applications currently in the template.
  • Do not assign a ThinApp template to a machine or desktop pool if the template contains a ThinApp application that is already assigned to that machine or desktop pool. Also, do not assign a ThinApp template to the same machine or desktop pool more than once with a different installation type. Horizon Administrator will return ThinApp assignment errors in both of these situations.