If you do not have a valid product license key, you cannot log in to Horizon Help Desk Tool. You can verify the product license key in Horizon Administrator and apply a valid license.


  • Obtain a valid product license key for the Horizon Enterprise edition license or the Horizon Apps Advanced edition license.


  1. In Horizon Administrator, select View Configuration > Product Licensing and Usage.
    The first and last five characters of the current license key are displayed in the Licensing panel.
  2. Verify the license status for the Help Desk license field.
    Option Description
    Disabled The product license key is not valid. You cannot log in to Horizon Help Desk Tool.
    Enabled The product license key is valid. You can log in to Horizon Help Desk Tool.
  3. (Optional) If the product license key is not valid, click Edit License and enter the valid license serial number and click OK and refresh the Horizon Administrator URL.
    The Product Licensing window shows the updated licensing information.

What to do next

Log in to Horizon Help Desk Tool.