The session user details appear on the Details tab when you click a user name in the Computer Name option on the Sessions tab. You can view details for Horizon Client, the virtual or published desktop, and CPU and memory details.

Horizon Client

Displays information that depends on the type of Horizon Client and includes details such as user name, version of Horizon Client, IP address of the client machine, and the operating system of the client machine.

Note: If you upgraded Horizon Agent, you must also upgrade Horizon Client to the latest version. Else, no version is displayed for Horizon Client. For more information about upgrading Horizon Client, see the Horizon 7 Upgrades document.


Displays information about virtual desktops or published desktops.

Table 1. VM Details
Option Description
Computer Name Name of the desktop or application session.
Agent Version Horizon Agent version.
Session State State of the desktop or application session.
State Duration The time the session remained in the same state.
Logon Time The logon time of the user who logged in to the session.
Logon Duration The time the user remained logged in to the session.
Session Duration The time the session remained connected to Connection Server.
Connection Server The Connection Server that the session connects to.
Unifted Access Gateway Name Name of the Unified Access Gateway appliance. This information might take 30 seconds to 60 seconds to display after connecting to the session.
Unified Access Gateway IP IP address of the Unified Access Gateway appliance. This information might take 30 seconds to 60 seconds to display after connecting to the session.
Pool Name of the desktop or application pool.
Farm The farm of RDS hosts for the published desktop or application session.
vCenter IP address of vCenter Server.

Show Blast Metrics

Displays performance details for a virtual or published desktop session that uses the VMware Blast display protocol. To view these performance details, click Show Blast Metrics.

Table 2. Blast Display Protocol Details
Option Description
Blast Session Counters
  • Estimated Bandwidth (Uplink). Estimated bandwidth for an uplink signal.
  • Packet Loss (Uplink). Percentage of packet loss for an uplink signal.
Blast Imaging Counters
  • Transmitted Bytes. Total number of bytes for imaging data that have been transmitted for a Blast session.
  • Received Bytes. Total number of bytes for imaging data that have been received for a Blast session.
Blast Audio Counters
  • Transmitted Bytes. Total number of bytes for audio data that have been transmitted for a Blast session.
  • Received Bytes. Total number of bytes for audio data that have been received for a Blast session.
Blast CDR Counters
  • Transmitted Bytes. Total number of bytes for Client Drive Redirection data that have been transmitted for a Blast session.
  • Received Bytes. Total number of bytes for Client Drive Redirection data that have been received for a Blast session.

CPU, Memory, and Latency

Displays charts for CPU and memory usage of the virtual or published desktop or application and the latency for the PCoIP or Blast display protocol.

Table 3. CPU, Memory, and Latency Details
Option Description
Session CPU CPU usage of the current session.
Host CPU CPU usage of the virtual machine to which the session is assigned.
Session Memory Memory usage of the current session.
Host Memory Memory usage of the virtual machine to which the session is assigned.
Session Latency Displays a chart for the latency for the PCoIP or Blast display protocol.

For the Blast display protocol, the latency time is the Round-Trip Time in milliseconds. The performance counter that tracks this latency time is VMware Blast Session Counters > RTT.

For the PCoIP display protocol, the latency time is the Round-Trip Latency time in milliseconds. The performance counter that tracks this latency time is PCoIP Session Network Statistics > Round Trip Latency.

Session Logon Segments

Displays the logon duration and usage segments that are created during logon.

Table 4. Session Logon Segments
Option Description
Logon duration The length of time calculated from the time the user clicks the desktop or application pool to the time when Windows Explorer starts.
Session Logon Time The length of time that the user was logged in to the session.
Logon Segments Displays the segments that are created during logon.
  • Brokering. Total time for Connection Server to process a session connect or reconnect. Calculated from the time the user clicks the desktop pool to the time when the tunnel connection is set up. Includes the times for Connection Server tasks such as user authentication, machine selection, and machine preparation for setting up the tunnel connection.
  • GPO load. Total time for Windows group policy processing. Displays 0 if there is no global policy configured.
  • Profile load. Total time for Windows user profile processing.
  • Interactive. Total time for Horizon Agent to process a session connect or reconnect. Calculated from the time when PCoIP or Blast Extreme uses the tunnel connection to the time when Windows Explorer starts.
  • Authentication. Total time for Connection Server to authenticate the session.
  • VM Start. Total time taken to start a VM. This time includes the time for booting the operating system, resuming a suspended machine, and the time it takes Horizon Agent to signal that it is ready for a connection.

Use the following guidelines when you use the information in logon segments for troubleshooting:

  • If the session is a new virtual desktop session, all the logon segments appear. The GPO Load logon segment time is 0 if no global policy is configured.
  • If the virtual desktop session is a reconnected session from a disconnected session, the Logon Duration, Interactive, and Brokering logon segments appear.
  • If the session is a published desktop session, the Logon Duration, GPO Load, or the Profile load logon segments appear. The GPO Load and Profile load logon segment should appear for new sessions. If these logon segments do not appear for new sessions, you must restart the RDS host.