You can upgrade Horizon Agent on a Linux machine by installing the latest version of Horizon Agent.


  • Verify that the VMwareBlastServer process is not running.

    To stop this process, ensure that the user logs off the machine and no desktop session is active, or reboot the machine.


  1. Download the latest installer file for Horizon Agent for Linux from the VMware download site at
    Under Desktop & End-User Computing, select to download VMware Horizon 7, which includes the installer for Horizon Agent for Linux.

    The installer filename is VMware-viewagent-linux-x86_64-y.y.y-xxxxxxx.tar.gz for 64-bit Linux where y.y.y is the version number and xxxxxxx is the build number.

  2. Unpack the tarball for your Linux distribution on the guest operating system.
    For example:
    tar -xzvf <Horizon Agent tar ball>
  3. Navigate to the tar ball folder.
  4. To upgrade unmanaged virtual machines, run the script using one of the following deployment scenarios.
    Option Description
    Upgrade an unmanaged virtual machine deployment and retain the unmanaged virtual machine deployment
    sudo ./ -A yes -M no
    Note: To ensure the best possible performance, do not use an unmanaged virtual machine.
    Upgrade an unmanaged virtual machine deployment and change it to managed virtual machine deployment
    sudo ./ -A yes -M yes
    Note: In Horizon Console, delete the existing desktop pool for unmanaged virtual machine deployment and create a desktop pool for a managed virtual machine deployment. For more info, see Create a Manual Desktop Pool for Linux.
    Upgrade a managed virtual machine deployment
    sudo ./ -A yes -M yes
    Note: After upgrading, your existing desktop pool can be reused.