View Agent Direct-Connection (VADC) Plug-In is packaged in a Windows Installer file that you can download from the VMware Web site and install.
- Verify that Horizon 7 Agent is installed. If your environment does not include Horizon 7 Connection Server, install Horizon 7 Agent from the command line and specify a parameter that tells Horizon 7 Agent not to register with Horizon 7 Connection Server. See Install Horizon 7 Agent for HTML Access.
- Enable the screen DMA setting for virtual machines on vSphere 6.0 and later. If screen DMA is disabled, users see a black screen when they connect to the remote desktop. For more information on how to set the screen DMA, see the VMware Knowledge Base (KB) article 2144475
- Download the VADC Plug-In installer file from the VMware download page at
The installer filename is VMware-viewagent-direct-connection-x86_64-y.y.y-xxxxxx.exe for 64-bit Windows or VMware-viewagent-direct-connection--y.y.y-xxxxxx.exe for 32-bit Windows, where y.y.y is the version number and xxxxxx is the build number.
- Double-click the installer file.
- (Optional) Change the TCP port number.
The default port number is 443.
- (Optional) Choose how to configure the Windows Firewall service.
By default,
Configure Windows Firewall automatically is selected and the installer configures Windows Firewall to allow the required network connections.
- (Optional) Choose whether to disable SSL 3.0.
By default,
Disable support for SSLv3 automatically (recommended) is selected and the installer disables SSL 3.0 at the operating system level. This option is not displayed and the installer performs no action if SSL 3.0 is already explicitly enabled or disabled in the registry. If this option is deselected, the installer also performs no action.
- Follow the prompts and finish the installation.