When you install Horizon Client from the command line, you can specify certain installation properties.

The following table describes the Horizon Client installation properties.

Table 1. Horizon Client Installation Properties
Property Description Default
INSTALLDIR Path and folder in which Horizon Client is installed. For example:

INSTALLDIR=""D:\abc\my folder""

The sets of double quotes that enclose the path enable the installer to interpret the space as a valid part of the path.

%ProgramFiles%VMware\VMware Horizon View Client

IP (Internet Protocol) version that Horizon Client components use for communication. Valid values are as follows:

  • IPv4
  • IPv6
  • Dual

If you specify Dual, Horizon Client checks the current network and connects over IPv4 or IPv6 automatically.

VDM_FIPS_ENABLED Determines whether to install Horizon Client with FIPS-compliant cryptography.

A value of 1 installs Horizon Client with FIPS-compliant cryptography. A value of 0 installs Horizon Client without FIPs-compliant cryptography.

Note: Before you set this property to 1, you must enable FIPS mode in the Windows client operating system. See Enabling FIPS Mode in the Windows Client Operating System.
VDM_SERVER Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Connection Server instance to which Horizon Client users connect by default. For example:


If you configure this property, Horizon Client users do not need to supply this FQDN.

LOGINASCURRENTUSER_DISPLAY Determines whether Log in as current user appears in the Options menu on the Horizon Client menu bar. Valid values are 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled). 1
LOGINASCURRENTUSER_DEFAULT Determines whether Log in as current user is selected by default in the Options menu on the Horizon Client menu bar. Valid values are 1 (enabled) and 0 (disabled).

When log in as current user is the default login behavior, the identity and credential information that users provide when they log in to the client system is passed to the Connection Server instance and ultimately to the remote desktop. When log in as current user is not the default login behavior, users must provide identity and credential information multiple times before they can access a remote desktop or application.

Specifies the features to install. Valid values are as follows:
  • ALL - Installs all available features, except for URL Content Redirection.
  • TSSO - Installs the Log in as Current User feature.
  • USB - Installs the USB Redirection feature.

To specify individual features, enter a comma-separated list of feature names. Do not use spaces between names.

For example, to install Horizon Client with the USB Redirection feature, but without the Log in as Current User feature, type the following command:

VMware-Horizon-Client-y.y.y-xxxxxx.exe ADDLOCAL=USB

INSTALL_32BITRMKS On a 64-bit client machine, specifies whether to install the 32-bit Core Remote Experience component. A value of 1 installs the 32-bit Core Remote Experience component. A value of 0 installs the 64-bit Core Remote Experience component.

Install the 32-bit Core Remote Experience component if the 64-bit client machine does not have 64-bit plug-ins for the product.

This property is not valid on a 32-bit client machine.

INSTALL_SFB Determines whether the VMware Virtualization Pack for Skype for Business feature is installed. A value of 1 installs the feature. A value of 0 does not install the feature. 1
INSTALL_HTML5MMR Determines whether the Support for HTML5 Multimedia Redirection and Browser Redirection feature is installed. A value of 1 installs the feature. A value of 0 does not install the feature. 1
REMOVE Specifies the features not to install. Valid values are as follows:
  • ThinPrint - Does not install the Virtual Printing feature.
  • Scanner - Does not install the scanner redirection feature.
  • FolderRedirection - Does not install the folder redirection feature.
  • SerialPort - Does not install the serial port redirection feature.

To specify multiple features, enter a comma-separated list of feature names. Do not use spaces between names.

For example, the following command does not install the Virtual Printing and scanner redirection features:

VMware-Horizon-Client-y.y.y-xxxxxx.exe REMOVE=ThinPrint,Scanner

DESKTOP_SHORTCUT Determines whether to create a desktop shortcut for Horizon Client. A value of 0 does not create a desktop shortcut. A value of 1 creates a desktop shortcut. 1
STARTMENU_SHORTCUT Determines whether to create a Start menu shortcut for Horizon Client. A value of 0 does not create a Start menu shortcut. A value of 1 creates a Start menu shortcut. 1
URL_FILTERING_ENABLED Determines whether the URL Content Redirection feature is installed. A value of 1 installs the feature. A value of 0 does not install the feature.
When you set this property to 1 in an interactive installation, the URL Content Redirection check box appears under Additional features on the custom installation dialog box and is selected by default. The check box does not appear unless you set this property to 1.
Note: The ADDLOCAL=ALL property does not include the URL Content Redirection feature.
AUTO_UPDATE_ENABLED Determines whether the online update feature is enabled. A value of 1 enables the feature. A value of 0 disables the feature.

For more information, see Update Horizon Client Online.

INSTALL_TEAMS_REDIRECTION Determines whether the Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams feature is enabled. A value of 1 enables the feature. A value of 0 disables the feature.

For more information about this feature, see the Configuring Remote Desktop Features in Horizon 7 document.


This feature is not supported with the 32-bit Core Remote Experience component.