You can perform several actions on the farms listed on the administrative console Farms page.

Actions You Can Perform on the Farms Page

To perform an action on a farm, you can select the check box next to an existing farm and click one of the action buttons.

Clicking this button launches a wizard in which you can change certain settings, such as the farm's power management settings, the minimum and maximum number of VMs the farm can have, and so on. The wizard is similar to the New Farm wizard, with read-only fields for those settings that cannot be changed for an existing farm. For detailed descriptions of the fields, see Create a Farm.

Alternatively, instead of using the Edit button, you can click the farm's name and update the settings from the farm's summary page.

Note: When you edit the farm and reduce the Sessions per VM value, any existing sessions in excess of the new lower value are not automatically logged off. You can either manually log off the excess sessions or wait until the system logs off the sessions according to the values for the farm's Timeout Handling settings ( Empty Session Timeout, Log Off Disconnected Sessions, Max Session Lifetime) and Session Timeout Interval. Because those existing sessions in excess of the new lower value are not automatically logged off, the console might display VM and farm utilization values higher than 100% until the excess active sessions are logged off.
Take Offline
Clicking this button opens a window in which you can select to take a farm offline for maintenance.
Bring Online
Clicking this button opens a window in which you can select to bring an offline farm back online.
You use this button to delete the selected farm. However, before you can delete a farm using this button, you must delete any assignments that are using the farm. You can view the assignments that are using the farm by navigating to the Assignments page and sorting on its Farms column.
Note: Deleting the farm deletes all the farm's underlying RDSH VMs. When a farm is deleted, all of that farm's logged activity is removed from the Activity page.

Actions You Can Perform Within a Farm's Detailed Pages

To display detailed pages for a farm, click a farm name on the Farms page. The first page displayed is the Summary page.

Summary page
The Summary page displays the farm's current settings. For each page section, you can click the pencil icon to change those settings that the system allows to be updated for an existing farm. Some settings cannot be changed on a farm after it is created, such as its pod.
Session Hosts page
The Session Hosts page displays the existing RDSH instances in the farm. The actions you can perform on a selected instance are power on or off (depending on the VM's current state), delete, and reset the agent pairing.
Sessions page
The Sessions page displays the farm's existing user sessions. When you select a session, you can disconnect it or log the user off the session. When you click Disconnect, you force the user's session to be disconnected. No message is sent to the user that the session is disconnecting. When you click Log Off, a message is displayed to the user with a grace period in which the user can save documents before the session ends.
System Activity page
The System Activity page displays activity in the farm due to system actions, such as expanding the farm.
You can cancel assignment-related tasks before they complete by selecting the task in the list and clicking Cancel Tasks.
  • Before attempting to select a task for cancellation, refresh the view to update the status for the tasks displayed.
  • If a task is in a state where the system allows you to cancel it, you can select the check box corresponding to that cancelable task.
The following table shows tasks that you can cancel.
Task Cancel When Task is in Queued State Cancel When Task is in Running State
Farm Expansion Supported
Note: When the system has automatically created an expansion task for an RDSH farm, the farm must be offline before you can cancel that task.
Note: When the system has automatically created an expansion task for an RDSH farm, the farm must be offline before you can cancel that task.
Assignment Expansion Supported
Note: You can perform this operation with both dedicated and floating desktop assignments.
Supported for Traditional Clone images only. Not supported for Instant Clone images.
Convert VM to Image Supported
Note: If you cancel this task and want to retry it, first confirm that the VM is in a state where it can be converted. If you are not sure, power off and then power on the VM.
Supported for Traditional Clone images only. Not supported for Instant Clone Images.
User Activity page
The User Activity page displays activity in the farm due to user actions, such as logging on and logging off sessions provided by the farm.