If you have multiple Desktop Managers registered to a Tenant within the same Data Center, the Image Sync option can automatically sync images across the desktop managers.

Image Sync is deactivated by default, and can be activated/deactivated for each Tenant by your VMware representative.

When enabled, Image Sync automatically does the following.

  • Duplicates new images across Desktop Managers, so you do not have to manually clone and import the images.
  • Syncs changes to images across Desktop Managers, so you do not have to make the changes on all copies.

Note the following:

  • Images that you created before Image Sync is enabled will not be automatically synced. You will have to take them offline and then republish them for the sync to occur.
  • If you have synced images and then have the feature deactivated, for each of the synced images an additional image will appear in the list with a name similar to the synced image.