The Images page lists all images currently in the system. The actions you can perform on this page are described below.

There are two ways to perform actions on images.
  • Select the check box for an image in the list and use the buttons and menu selections at the top of the page as described below
  • Click on an image to view the image detail page and use the buttons and menu selections at the top of that page. Only some of the options below are available on the image detail page, and they appear in different order.

    The image detail page also has options to perform a rollback or delete a backup. See Backup Now below for more information.

You can perform the following actions using buttons at the top of the Images page.
Button Description
New Begin the image creation process. See Create an Image.
Rename Renames the selected image.
Duplicate Creates a duplicate of the selected image. The duplicate image will appear in Imported VMs when complete.
Update Agent Updates agent(s) for a selected image. See Update Agent Software for an Image.

You can perform the following actions by clicking the ". . ." button at the top of the Images page and making a selection from the drop-down menu.

Option Description
Backup Now [Traditional Clone images only] Creates a backup of the selected image.
  • After you create and name the backup, it appears under Backups on the image detail page.
  • Next to each backup shown on the image detail page there are options to roll back to that backup or to delete it from your system.
    Important: You must power off the image VM before attempting to roll back to a saved backup. If you attempt this operation with the VM powered on, the task fails with an error.
Note: If a backup that was previously listed on the image detail page does not appear, and you have not deleted it, contact your VMware representative to remedy this issue.
Delete Permanently deletes the selected image.
Publish Publishes the selected image.
Note: Graphics settings for Instant Clone images and VMs should be made before publishing the image. This includes number of displays, video RAM size, and enabling 3D support.
Convert to Desktop Converts the selected image to a desktop.
Assign Image [Instant Clone images only] Pushes updates to dedicated desktop and floating desktop assignments using the selected image. Select the assignment(s) from the list and click OK to push the updates.
Bulk Assign Image

Assigns the image to multiple assignments/farms of the immediate parent image (the image from which the selected image was duplicated/updated).

In the Bulk Assign Image dialog, select assignments/farms in the list and click Update.

Note: This option is only available for images created using the Duplicate operation and images updated to newer agent versions using the Update Agent operation.
Take Offline

Takes the selected image offline. The image cannot be used to make new assignments or to provision new desktops or servers for existing assignments. If you take an image offline, you must republish it to make it available for assignments.

Push Updates Pushes updates to assignments using the selected image.
  • Desktop images - Click Push Updates, select the assignment(s) from the list and click OK to push the updates.
    Note: Before you push updates to your existing assignments, it is recommended that you first create a test assignment and push updates to it in order to confirm that all features are working as expected.
  • RDS images
    • If you updated the image using the Update Agent Software function, click Push Updates, select the farm from the list and click OK to push the updates.
    • If you updated the image but did not use the Update Agent Software function, no action is needed. The updates are pushed automatically when you re-publish an updated image.
Reset Agent Pairing Repairs the agent pairing state when pairing failure has occurred. This option is enabled when the image is in an error or offline state.
Launch Console Launches a console for the VM associated with the selected image. This option is deactivated if the VM is powered off or if more than one image is selected.
Generate Logs This feature is currently inactive.
Download Bootstrap Downloads an encrypted bootstrap file for you to deploy to your image(s).

You will be prompted to enter a password of 8-20 ASCII characters containing at least one each of the following: lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number, and symbol (!@#$%^&*). Do not use non-ASCII characters in the password.

Refresh Password Creates a new default password to be used for bootstrapping images.

If you do this after having downloaded a bootstrap file but before applying the bootstrap file using keytool, then the resultant agents will not be able to pair. Therefore, it is recommended that you download the bootstrap file again after refreshing the password.