When you use HTML Access in an Internet Explorer (IE), Microsoft Edge 44, or Safari browser, you must use the Copy & Paste window to copy and paste text.

This procedure describes how to use the Copy & Paste window to copy text on the local client system to an application in a remote desktop or to a published application, and how to copy text from an application in a remote desktop or published application to the client system.

If you are copying and pasting text between published applications, or between remote desktops, you can copy and paste as you normally do. You do not need to use the Copy & Paste window.

The text in the Copy & Paste window shows one of the following messages to indicate in which direction you can copy and paste content.

  • Use this panel to copy & paste content between your local client and remote desktop/application.
  • Use the panel to copy & paste content from your local client to remote desktop/application.
  • Use the panel to copy & paste content from your remote desktop/application to local client.


If you are using a Mac, verify that you have enabled the setting for mapping the Command key to the Windows Ctrl key when using the key combinations to select, copy, and paste text. Click the Open Settings Window toolbar button in the sidebar and turn on Enable Command-A, Command-C, Command-V, and Command-X. If you are using a Mac, this option appears only in the Settings window.


  • To copy text from the client system to an application in a remote desktop, or from the client system to a published application, perform these steps.
    1. Copy the text in the local client application.
    2. In HTML Access, open the sidebar and click the Clipboard icon at the top of the sidebar.
      The Copy & Paste window appears. If previously copied text already appears in the window, that text is replaced when you paste in the newly copied text.
    3. To paste the text into the Copy & Paste window, press Ctrl+V on a Windows system or Command-V on a Mac.
      The following message appears briefly: "Remote Clipboard Synced."
    4. Click in the application where you want to past the text and press Ctrl+V.
      The text is pasted into the application.
  • To copy text from an application in a remote desktop to the client system, or from a published application to the client system, perform these steps.
    1. Copy the text in the application.
    2. In HTML Access, open the sidebar and click the Clipboard icon at the top of the sidebar.
      The Copy & Paste window appears and shows the pasted text. The following message appears briefly: "Remote Clipboard Synced."
    3. To copy the text again, click in the Copy & Paste window and press Ctrl+C on a Windows system or Command-C on a Mac.
      The text is not selected when you do this action, and you cannot select the text. The following message appears briefly: "Copied from Clipboard Panel."
    4. On the client system, click where you want to paste the text and press Ctrl+V.
      The text is pasted into the application on the client system.