This workflow enables end users to allocate machines to themselves by selecting either Horizon View or vRealize Automation as the machine provider.


  1. Log in to vRealize Automation as an administrator.
  2. To select a new Service Blueprint, select Design > XaaS > XaaS Blueprints.
  3. Click the Add (+) icon.
  4. On the Add Blueprint - Workflow tab, navigate to Library > Horizon > Workflows > vCAC, select the workflow, and click Next.
  5. On the Details tab, select the Hide catalog request information page check box and click Next.
  6. (Optional) On the Blueprint Form tab, bind the Create Machine Catalog Item field to a specific machine blueprint.
    Performing this task means that the end user or delegated administrator cannot navigate through the catalog of blueprints to select a blueprint. As a security measure, you can configure the workflow so that the blueprint is already selected.
    1. On the Blueprint Form tab, click in the Create Machine Catalog Item text box and click the Edit (pencil) icon.
      The Edit Form Field - Create Machine Catalog Item dialog box appears.
    2. On the Constraints tab, from the Value drop-down list, select Constant and click Add.
    3. In the Select Values dialog box, navigate to the blueprint under Catalog, select the check box next to the name of the blueprint, and click Submit.
    4. Edit the field again, and on the Constraints tab, from the Visible drop-down list, select Constant, select No, and click Submit.
  7. On the Blueprint Form tab, click Next.
  8. On the Provisioned Resource tab, select desktop[ViewDesktop] and click Add.
    The blueprint appears on the Service Blueprints page and the Status column shows that the blueprint is in draft form.
  9. On the Service Blueprints page, select the blueprint and click the Publish button above the table.


The service blueprint for the workflow is published and appears in the Advanced Services > Service Blueprints table.

What to do next

Import other workflows.