This workflow enables a delegated administrator to allocate machines to an end user, selecting either Horizon View or vRealize Automation as the machine provider.
- Log in to vRealize Automation as an administrator.
- To select a new Service Blueprint, select .
- Click the Add (+) icon.
- On the Add Blueprint - Workflow tab, navigate to , select the workflow, and click Next.
- On the Details tab, select the Hide catalog request information page check box and click Next.
- (Optional) On the Blueprint Form tab, bind the Create Machine Catalog Item field to a specific machine blueprint.
Performing this task means that the end user or delegated administrator cannot navigate through the catalog of blueprints to select a blueprint. As a security measure, you can configure the workflow so that the blueprint is already selected.
- On the Blueprint Form tab, click in the Create Machine Catalog Item text box and click the Edit (pencil) icon.
The Edit Form Field - Create Machine Catalog Item dialog box appears.
- On the Constraints tab, from the Value drop-down list, select Constant and click Add.
- In the Select Values dialog box, navigate to the blueprint under Catalog, select the check box next to the name of the blueprint, and click Submit.
- Edit the field again, and on the Constraints tab, from the Visible drop-down list, select Constant, select No, and click Submit.
- On the Blueprint Form tab, click Next.
- On the Provisioned Resource tab, verify that no items are selected and click Add.
Note: Verify that
desktop[ViewDesktop] is not selected. That resource applies only to the self-service workflows and not to the Advanced Desktop Allocation workflow.
The blueprint appears on the
Service Blueprints page and the Status column shows that the blueprint is in draft form.
- On the Service Blueprints page, select the blueprint and click the Publish button above the table.
The service blueprint for the workflow is published and appears in the