Installing vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in for Horizon is similar to installing other vRealize Orchestrator plug-ins. Configuring the plug-in involves running various configuration workflows to connect to VMware Horizon 8 components, and configuring roles and permissions.
Functional Prerequisites for vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in for Horizon vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in for Horizon acts as middleware between VMware Horizon 8 , vRealize Orchestrator , vRealize Automation , and App Volumes Server. To install and use vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in for Horizon , your system must meet certain functional prerequisites.
Install or Upgrade vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in for Horizon Installing or upgrading vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in for Horizon involves downloading the latest installer file and using the vRealize Orchestrator Configuration user interface to upload and install the plug-in.
Configure the Connection to a Pod in VMware Horizon 8 You run the Add View Pod workflow to provide the appropriate credentials for all workflow operations that the Connection Server instance performs.
Configure the App Volumes Server You can optionally run the App Volumes Configuration workflow to provide the appropriate credentials for all workflow operations that the VMware App Volumes™ Server instance performs.
Assigning Delegated Administrators to Desktop and Application Pools To delegate responsibilities to delegated administrators, the administrator runs a workflow. If your setup does not already contain a user group that has the permission to register and update vCenter Server extensions, and the permission to run workflows in vRealize Orchestrator , you must first create such a group.
Configuration Tasks for Self-Service Workflows and Unmanaged Machines To enable self-service features and management of virtual machines that have not yet been added to a pod, you must run certain configuration workflows.
Best Practices for Managing Workflow Permissions You can use vRealize Orchestrator to limit the personas that can view and interact with the workflows. Ideally, only the administrator interacts with workflows in vRealize Orchestrator . Delegated administrators and end users interact with the workflows through vSphere Web Client or vRealize Automation .
Set a Policy for De-Provisioning Desktop Virtual Machines With the Add Pool Policy Configuration workflow, administrators can set safeguards for delegated administrators and end users regarding de-provisioning, or recycling, desktops. Administrators can select whether to delete the virtual machine, and can determine how to manage any associated persistent disks.