You can optimize cursor event handling by configuring Windows registry settings located in \\HKLM\SOFTWARE\VMware Inc.\VMware Blast\Config on the agent system.

These Windows registry settings on the agent machine allow you to configure mouse cursor warping, coalescing mouse movement events allowed, and low-latency channel use.

To enable mouse cursor warping on Windows, in Settings > Mouse > Additional Mouse Settings > Pointer Options, activate the option to automatically move pointer to the default button in a dialog box. ThenVMware Horizon can detect Windows cursor warping if the CursorWarpingEnabled regkey is enabled.

Setting Type Description
CursorWarpingEnabled REG_SZ Enables or disables mouse cursor warping detection. Values are 1 or 0. The default value is 0 (disabled) because the method used for cursor warping detection has a slight performance penalty for the majority of users who do not need cursor warping. Set the value to 1 to enable cursor warping.
CursorWarpingMaxDelayMsec REG_SZ This setting tunes mouse cursor warping detection. It represents the longest delay since the user's latest mouse interaction that agent-side mouse movement will be tested for being a cursor warp. Higher values improve the accuracy of warp detection and prevent contention between the agent and client mouse movement. Lower values improve the speed of detection of mouse movement that does not originate from Horizon Client, such as mouse movement made by the remote user during screen sharing with Zoom or Microsoft Teams. The default value is 1000. Set it to any value >= 250.
CursorWarpingSimulateUserInput REG_SZ This setting works around limitations in applications that do not support cursor warping, such as Microsoft Teams' and Zoom's screen sharing feature. Values are 1 or 0. The default value is 0 (disabled). If set to 1 (enabled), when Horizon Agent detects mouse cursor warping, such as sudden mouse movement originating from Horizon Agent rather than Horizon Client, it will simulate this mouse motion as if coming from the Horizon Client. This is useful if a user is sharing their Horizon Agent desktop screen using Microsoft Teams or Zoom and wants cursor warping to be seen by users with whom they are sharing the screen.
MouseMoveEventsCoalescingEnabled REG_SZ Determines whether coalescing mouse movement events is enabled or not. Values are 1 or 0. The default value is 1 (true).
ReflectCursorPositionEnabled REG_SZ Determines whether the low-latency channel is used for cursor updates. Values are 1 or 0. The default value is 1 (true).

You can also configure cursor event handling on the client machine. The settings on both the client and agent must match for the feature to be enabled. For information on the client-side settings, see the Horizon Client for Windows Guide, Horizon Client for Mac Guide, and Horizon Client for Linux Guide.

You can also configure a group policy setting for cursor warping. See VMware Blast Policy Settings.