When you request technical support, you might be requested to provide log files. The following tables show you where the files are located and describes their purpose.

Table 1. OpenStack Management Server Logs
File Name Description

Logs access to the VMware Integrated OpenStack Manager.


Logs access errors for the VMware Integrated OpenStack Manager.


Logs Ansible service activity.


Logs Jarvis service activity.


Logs Pecan framework service activity.


Logs VMware Integrated OpenStack Manager service activity.


Logs VMware Integrated OpenStack plugin registration activity.


Logs exceptions to osvmw service.


Logs osvmw service activity.


Logs viocli (VMware Integrated OpenStack CLI) service activity.


Logs VMware Integrated OpenStack monitoring activity.


Logs upgrade and patching activity.


Logs booting activity.

Table 2. Controller Logs
File Name Description

Logs VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard access activity.


Logs Horizon (VMware Integrated OpenStack dashboard) general activity.


Atop is the OpenStack resource monitoring tool. Resource usage such as CPU, memory, and disk usage is sampled every 60 seconds and logs are stored in a directory with the date in YYYYMMDD format. Logs are rotated every 3 days by default.


Logs Cinder API service activity.


Logs Cinder Scheduler service activity.


Logs Cinder volume service activity.


Logs Glance API service activity.


Logs Glance registry service activity.


Logs Glance service general activity.


Logs Heat API service activity.


Logs Heat service general activity.


Logs Heat service general activity.


Logs Heat engine service activity.


Logs Keystone service general activity.


Logs Keystone manage service activity.


Logs Neutron server service activity.


Logs Nova API service activity.


Logs Nova conductor service activity.


Logs Nova consoleauth service activity.


Logs Nova manage service activity.


Logs Nova mksproxy service activity.


Logs Nova novncproxy service activity.


Logs Nova scheduler service activity.

Table 3. Database Logs
File Name Description
/var/log/rabbitmq/[email protected]

Logs general RabbitMQ database activity.


Logs RabbitMQ service shut-down activity.


Logs RabbitMQ service start-up activity.


General database logging including MySQL logging.

Table 4. Compute Logs
File Name Description

Logs Ceilometer agent activity.


Logs Nova compute service activity.


Logs Nova manager service activity.


Logs VMware Virtual Serial Port Concentrator (VSPC) activity.

Table 5. Load Balancer Logs
File Name Description

Logs HAProxy service activity.