You can add storage and proxy nodes to scale out your Swift cluster.

Important: The nodes in a Swift cluster cannot be deleted. If you want to remove nodes from your cluster, you must delete the entire cluster and create it again.

After creating a cluster or adding a storage node, you must wait a specified time before adding another storage node. You set this time with the --swift-min-part-hours parameter when you created your cluster. The default value is 1 hour.

If you attempt to create a storage node before the specified time has passed, the operation will fail and the following error will be displayed in the Ansible log: No partitions could be reassigned. The time between rebalances must be at least min_part_hours.


Deploy a Swift cluster. See Add the Swift Component.


  1. Log in to the OpenStack Management Server as viouser.
  2. Add proxy nodes to your cluster.
    sudo viocli swift add-proxy [--proxy-node-count nodes]
    Option Description
    --proxy-node-count Number of proxy nodes to add. The default value is 1.
  3. Add storage nodes to your cluster.
    sudo viocli swift add-storage --datastores ds1[,ds2...] [--storage-node-count nodes] [--disk-size gb]
    Option Description
    --datastores One or more datastores that the new Swift storage nodes will use. Separate multiple entries with commas (,).
    --storage-node-count Number of storage nodes to add. The default value is 1.

    Size of each storage disk in gigabytes. The default value is 2048.

    The storage disk of each node created will be the specified size. To create storage nodes with differently sized disks, you must run the command once per desired disk size.

    Alternatively, you can prepare the desired specifications in JSON format and run sudo viocli swift add-storage -f spec-file.json to add storage nodes. For information about the required format, see viocli swift Command.