Swift is a component of OpenStack that provides distributed object storage.

Important: In VMware Integrated OpenStack 5.1, Swift is provided as a technical preview only. Running production workloads is not currently supported.
Note: The nodes in a Swift cluster cannot be deleted. If you want to remove nodes from your cluster, you must delete the entire cluster and create it again.

For more information about Swift, see the OpenStack Swift documentation.



  1. In the vSphere Client, create a new cluster for Swift and add at least one host and datastore.
    Swift must be deployed in a dedicated cluster.
    • Ensure that the Swift cluster can communicate with the management cluster over the management network.
    • Ensure that all hosts in the Swift cluster use a local datastore.
  2. Log in to the OpenStack Management Server as viouser.
  3. Create the Swift cluster.
    sudo viocli swift create-cluster --cluster-moid swift-cluster --datastores swift-ds [--storage-node-count storage-nodes] [--proxy-node-count proxy-nodes] [--disk-size GB] [--swift-partition-power-count part-power] [--swift-replica-count replicas] [--swift-min-part-hours time]
    Option Description

    Enter the managed object identifier (MOID) of the vSphere cluster that you want to use for Swift.


    Specify one or more datastores that you want to use for Swift storage. Separate multiple entries with commas.

    Important: Swift does not support datastore clusters.

    (Optional) Enter the number of Swift storage nodes to create. The default value is 3.


    (Optional) Enter the number of Swift proxy nodes to create. The default value is 2.


    (Optional) Enter the disk size in gigabytes for Swift storage nodes. The default value is 2048.


    Specify the partition power of the Swift ring. The number of partitions managed by the ring is equal to 2 raised to the partition power. The default value is 10.


    Enter the number of replicas to create for objects stored in Swift. The default value is 3.

    Note: The number of replicas cannot exceed the number of storage nodes in the deployment.

    Specify the time in hours before a partition can be assigned to another storage node. The default value is 1.

    Alternatively, you can prepare the desired specifications in JSON format and run sudo viocli swift create-cluster -f spec-file.json to create the cluster. For information about the required format, see viocli swift Command.


The virtual machines required for your Swift cluster are created and the service is enabled.

What to do next

You can add storage and proxy nodes to your cluster to scale out your deployment. For more information, see Add Nodes to Your Swift Cluster.

By default, users with the admin or _member_ role can perform Swift operations. To add or change the roles, uncomment the swift_operator_roles parameter in custom.yml and modify the value of the parameter to include the roles that you want. Then run viocli deployment configure --tags add_proxy_node --limit swift_proxy,swift_storage to deploy the updated configuration.