Barbican is a component of OpenStack that stores, provisions, and manages secret data. It acts as the key manager for VMware Integrated OpenStack.
Barbican is enabled and configured with the simple crypto plugin when you install or upgrade to VMware Integrated OpenStack 5.1. After deployment, you can modify the configuration to use Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP).
With Barbican, tenants must explicitly grant the barbican
user access to the certificates, keys, and TLS containers for their projects in your deployment. If you do not want tenants to configure the ACL, you can modify custom-playbook.yml to grant the barbican
user access to all objects stored in Barbican. Because tenants may store objects unrelated to LBaaS in Barbican, ensure that you understand and accept the security implications of this action before proceeding.
To grant the barbican
user access to all objects stored in Barbican, specify "rule:all_users"
as the value of secret:get and container:get in the /etc/barbican/policy.json file.
Barbican uses KMIP instead of simple crypto.
What to do next
Tenants can now configure LBaaS v2.0. For instructions, see Configuring LBaaS v2.0.