You can patch VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.0 by installing the OVA for the patch version and migrating your deployment to it.



  1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager in the existing VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.0 environment.
    ssh root@old-mgmt-server-ip
  2. Run the ovfenv command to determine the OVF configuration for your VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.0 environment.

    Record the output of this command for later use.

  3. Create a backup of your VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.0 environment.

    For instructions, see Back Up Your Deployment.

  4. Export the configuration for your VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.0 deployment.
    1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager web interface of your VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.0 deployment.
    2. Click OpenStack Deployment.
    3. Select your deployment and click Export Template.

    Save the exported template for later use.

  5. Install the patch OVA on your vCenter Server instance.
    • Ensure that all aspects of the OVF configuration are consistent with your existing VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.0 environment. To determine the correct configuration, refer to the output of the ovfenv command in Step 2.
    • Do not power on the newly installed VMware Integrated OpenStack virtual appliance at this time.

    For more information, see Install the VMware Integrated OpenStack Virtual Appliance.

  6. Stop the VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.0 deployment.
    1. In the vSphere Client, power off the Integrated OpenStack Manager virtual machine.
    2. Take a snapshot of the Integrated OpenStack Manager virtual machine.
    3. Power off all OpenStack controller virtual machines.
  7. Power on the new VMware Integrated OpenStack virtual appliance.
  8. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager in the new VMware Integrated OpenStack installation.
    ssh root@new-mgmt-server-ip
  9. Restore the backup that you created in Step 3 on the new VMware Integrated OpenStack installation.

    When restoring the backup, you must use the configuration file template for restoring VMware Integrated OpenStack on a new control plane. For instructions, see Restore Your Deployment from a Backup.

    To determine the correct values for the required parameters, refer to the exported template in Step 4.


Your existing environment is migrated to the patch version. When the status of your OpenStack deployment is displayed as Running, the upgrade process is finished. You can check the status of your deployment by running the viocli get deployments command.

After the new deployment is in the Running status, you can safely delete the manager and controller virtual machines for the old deployment.