To upgrade to VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0.1, you apply a patch.

This procedure uses the viocli to apply the patch on a VM. You can apply the patch to an existing VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 deployment or apply it to a freshly installed VIO 7.0 OVA. For a freshly installed VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 OVA, you apply the patch as follows:



  1. Log in to the Integrated OpenStack Manager in the VMware Integrated OpenStack environment.
    ssh root@mgmt-server-ip
  2. Update the viocli binary for the VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 virtual machine and change access permissions.
    tar -xvf viocli.tar.gz
    cp ./export/cli/viocli /usr/bin
    chmod -R a+x /usr/bin/viocli
  3. Add the patch to VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0.
    viocli patch add -l <VIO_7.0.1_patch_tar_path>

    Where VIO_7.0.1_patch_tar_path is patch-

  4. Verify that the patch has been added.
    viocli patch list
    If properly added, the state of the patch appears as: ADDED.
  5. Install the patch.
    viocli patch install -p <VIO_7.0.1_patch_name>

    Where VIO_7.0.1_patch_name is patch-

  6. Verify that the patch has been installed.
    viocli patch list
    • If properly installed on an existing VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 deployment, the state of the patch appears as: APPLIED.
    • If properly installed on a freshly installed VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 OVA, such as with an upgrade or new installation, the state of the patch appears as: APPLYING.
  7. (Optional) If you are applying the patch on an existing VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 deployment, check the patch deployment status.
    viocli get deployment
    If the deployment is stable, the state of the patch appears as: RUNNING, indicating that all OpenStack services have been patched.
    Note: If an error occurs or the deployment does not remain stable, retain the support bundle for tracking.

What to do next

If you applied the patch to a freshly installed VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 OVA, continue with the process for your new VMware Integrated OpenStack installation or upgrade: