You upgrade from VMware Integrated OpenStack 5.1 to 7.0.1 by installing the new version and migrating your existing deployment.


  • Verify that your current deployment is running VMware Integrated OpenStack 5.1. If you are running an older version, upgrade to version 5.1 first.
  • Verify that there is a user named admin in the local domain in the VMware Integrated OpenStack 5.x deployment. This user is needed if the default domain is configured as LDAP during the upgrade. If there is no user named admin, manually create a user with that name in the 5.x environment.
    Note: If the admin password has been updated from the OpenStack side, the admin password extracted by the upgrade script may differ from the actual password. If so, you need to edit data.admin_password of secret/managedpasswords in cluster.yml with the actual password.
  • If the VMware Integrated OpenStack 5.1 deployment includes multiple load balancers, disable the LDAP load balancer.
  • If a domain is configured with LDAP, ensure that the domain name is appended to the bind user.
  • Check the nova_api cell_mappings table for a row with a NULL name. If found, correct the name to ensure that schema migrations run correctly.
    1. From the OpenStack Management Server, log in to any database node on the VIO 5.1 control plane.
    2. Switch to the root user.
      sudo su -
    3. To start the MariaDB client, run the mysql command.
    4. To access the nova_api database, run the SQL command: use nova_api
    5. Run the SQL command: select id,name from cell_mappings;
    6. Examine the output. Look for any row with NULL in the name column. In the following example, NULL appears in the row with id=9.
      | id | name  |
      |  6 | cell0 |
      |  9 | NULL  |
    7. With the ID of the row that has NULL in the name column, run the SQL command to correct the name.
      update cell_mappings set name='cell1' where id=<ID_of_row_with_NULL>;
    8. Run the SQL command: select id,name from cell_mappings;
    9. Examine the output. In the following example, cell1 replaces NULL in the row with id=9.
      | id | name  |
      |  6 | cell0 |
      |  9 | cell1 |
  • Download the VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 OVA, the 7.0.1 patch, upgrade, and viocli packages from the VMware Integrated OpenStack download page. The files require approximately 6 GB of storage space.
  • Record any custom changes made to the OpenStack deployment outside of the custom.yml and custom-playbook.yml files. Customizations outside of these files must be reconfigured on the new deployment once the upgrade is complete.
  • If you have configured identity federation with VMware Identity Manager using the OIDC protocol, delete the configured identity provider before upgrading. You can add the identity provider again once the upgrade is complete.

    To delete the provider, run the openstack identity provider delete idp-name command.

  • If you have configured VMware Integrated OpenStack to use an NSX Manager cluster, remove this configuration before upgrading. To do so, change the value of the nsxv3_api_managers parameter to include only the IP address of the parent NSX Manager. You can add the other managers in your cluster once the upgrade is complete.
  • If you have deployed Swift, record your cluster configuration. Swift clusters cannot be upgraded to VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0, and the Swift configuration is not preserved. If you want to continue using Swift, you can recreate your cluster after the upgrade is complete.
  • Verify that no internal OpenStack management workloads are running.