Use the viocli update command to update the configuration of resources in your deployment. The configuration is loaded in the default text editor for you to modify.

The viocli update command uses the following syntax.

viocli update resource-type [resource-name] [--live-debug={true | false}] [--force] [-v]
Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description



Type of resource that you want to update. The following values are accepted:

  • aodh
  • barbican
  • ceilometer
  • ceilometeragent
  • cinder
  • deployment
  • designate
  • glance
  • gnocchi
  • heat
  • horizon
  • keystone
  • mariadb
  • memcached
  • neutron
  • nova
  • novacompute
  • panko
  • rabbitmq
  • swift
  • tenant-vdc



Name of the resource that you want to update.

If only one instance of the desired resource is running, this parameter is not required.

--live-debug={true | false}


Used mostly by R&D during development to enable live debug mode on the specified resource.

To allow for debugging, starts the resource pod with "sleep infinity" rather than starting the core process.

Note: Live debug causes a control plane outage of the services being debugged.

To return to normal operations, use viocli to disable live debug and wait for the pods to restart.

Customers are advised to use this feature only under the direction of VMware technical services.



Runs the command without confirmation.

-w or --watch


Watch service updates status in a synchronized way

-v or --verbose


Displays output in verbose mode.

The following additional parameter applies to the deployment resource.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description



Enables high availability (HA) mode on your deployment.

The following additional parameters apply to the tenant-vdc resource.

Parameter Mandatory or Optional Description

--compute compute-node


Compute node that contains the tenant VDC.

--id vdc-id


Identifier of the tenant VDC.

--cpu-reserve cpu-min


CPU cycles in megahertz to reserve for the VDC.

If you do not enter a value, 0 is used by default.

The provided value should be >=0 as value=0 indicates “no resource reserved”.

--cpu-limit cpu-max


Maximum limit for CPU usage on the VDC (in megahertz).

If you do not enter a value, CPU usage is not limited.

The provided value should >=0 or -1. -1 indicates no limit set on that resource.

--mem-reserve memory-min


Memory in megabytes to reserve for the VDC.

If you do not enter a value, 0 is used by default.

The provided value should be >=0 as value=0 indicates “no resource reserved”.

--mem-limit memory-max


Maximum limit for memory consumption on the VDC (in megabytes).

If you do not enter a value, memory consumption is not limited.

The provided value should >=0 or -1. -1 indicates no limit set on that resource.



The update name of the existing Tenant VDC.

You can also run viocli update -h or viocli update --help to display the parameters for the command.